new redirects for www.d.o/security and www.d.o/lts/security

2024-01-04 Thread Thomas Lange
Hi all, we now redirect all DSA/DLA URLs under security and lts/security with or without having the year in the path and with or without a version to their announcement mail: Examples: /security/dsa-5576 /security/2023/dsa-5576-2 lts/security/2023/dla-3686-1 lts/security/dla-3686 All URLs like ds

Re: about older security advisories

2019-10-28 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 17:31:22 +, krishna said: > i am going through older security advisories at webpage [z]. i have found some links are dead, etc.. some security advisory does not contain "More information" and "Security database references". example : 1&2. Hi leela, this is th