Hi all, we now redirect all DSA/DLA URLs under security and lts/security with or without having the year in the path and with or without a version to their announcement mail: Examples: /security/dsa-5576 /security/2023/dsa-5576-2 lts/security/2023/dla-3686-1 lts/security/dla-3686
All URLs like dsa-5576-2 or dla-3686-1 are redirected to the specified versions of the DSA. A URL containing only a DSA/DLA number but no version currently redirect to version -1. In the future it may redirect to the most recent version. All redirects are not case sensitive. @security-tracker admins: A page like https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/DSA-5576 redirects to https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/DSA-5576-2 On this page you have a link to the "Source Debian" which is a link to https://www.debian.org/security/2023/dsa-5576. Currently this is a wrong link to dsa-5576-1. The easiest way would be to make the "Source Debian" links always redirect to the announcement number including the version, but without the year. So for https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/DSA-5576-2 change this link to https://www.debian.org/security/DSA-5576-2 similar for the DLAs and so on. -- regards Thomas