Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Peter Cordes
On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 04:26:59PM +, Tim Haynes wrote: > My first attempt was exactly that (well unless I've misunderstood something > about the lack of 's/'); it messes up the end of line, basically everything > beyond the bit the LHS matches. Hence the above amendment after some testing. > T

Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Tim Haynes
On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 03:42:31PM +, Martyn Pearce wrote: > > Tim Haynes writes: > | Not quite. It seems to ignore the filename on the end of the #! line, and > | you forgot my mod to make it do the right thing re: 'rest of line' : > | > | #!/usr/bin/perl -npi.bak > | > | s/^root:[

Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Martyn Pearce
Tim Haynes writes: | Not quite. It seems to ignore the filename on the end of the #! line, and you | forgot my mod to make it do the right thing re: 'rest of line' : | | #!/usr/bin/perl -npi.bak | | s/^root:[^:]*:(.*)$/root:pants:\1/o That should be $1 in the replacement. \1 works

Re: New info on how to install your laptop

2000-03-23 Thread Tim Haynes
On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 04:03:55PM +0100, Sven LUTHER wrote: > > Because it is actually "netstat -anp" that will (also) list the > > services. The reason for using nmap is that it is a popular tool > > for ... mapping other's people machines. As such, you may want to > > know about its existen

Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Tim Haynes
On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 10:38:54AM -0400, Peter Cordes wrote: [me] > > OTOH it's only going to take a wee fraction of a second to happen and it's > > not as though everyone logs every process that happens... > > They might well do so if they knew the root password was getting changed by > a cron

Re: New info on how to install your laptop

2000-03-23 Thread Sven LUTHER
On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 02:36:20PM +, Sergio Brandano wrote: > > > My thought of the day: why nmap localhost, rather than netstat -a > > or -an ? > > Because it is actually "netstat -anp" that will (also) list the > services. The reason for using nmap is that it is a popular tool > for ...

Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Neil D. Roberts
Hi, it´s nice to know that my subject is still an issue :) Anyway, let's see, sorry for the intrusion here, the thanks can go to Tim Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> since he helped me out on this issue :) Cheers Tim. Anyway, what I found out was that perl -npi.bak -e 's/^root:[^:]*:/root:pants/

Re: New info on how to install your laptop

2000-03-23 Thread Nathan Paul Simons
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On Thu, 23 Mar 2000, Sergio Brandano wrote: > > > My thought of the day: why nmap localhost, rather than netstat -a > > or -an ? > > Because it is actually "netstat -anp" that will (also) list the > services. The reason for using nmap is that it is a popular

Re: GNOME security.

2000-03-23 Thread Peter Cordes
On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 01:00:55PM +0100, Tollef Fog Heen wrote: > * Sergio Brandano > > | I am using gdm. Let see how I can do that. Anyway, will this affect > | ssh? > > Yes, but you can run Xev (X-in-a-window) and ssh from there. This > is safer as well if you are really paranoid, sinc

Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Peter Cordes
On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 11:04:17AM +, Tim Haynes wrote: > OTOH it's only going to take a wee fraction of a second to happen and it's not > as though everyone logs every process that happens... They might well do so if they knew the root password was getting changed by a cron job! They would

Re: New info on how to install your laptop

2000-03-23 Thread Sergio Brandano
> My thought of the day: why nmap localhost, rather than netstat -a > or -an ? Because it is actually "netstat -anp" that will (also) list the services. The reason for using nmap is that it is a popular tool for ... mapping other's people machines. As such, you may want to know about its exis

Re: New info on how to install your laptop

2000-03-23 Thread Tim Haynes
On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 02:01:26PM +, Gareth Bowker wrote: > It's quite a useful document, certainly. I've only got one comment on it, > which is to explain what the changes are that are being made: i.e. > disabling tcp listening for X means that you can't run remote X sessions > from the mach

Re: New info on how to install your laptop

2000-03-23 Thread Sergio Brandano
Thank you Gareth. I certainly will improve that article as time allows. Please feel free to actively contribute to it. If explicit text is sent to me, I will include it in the new version, and your name will appear in the list of contributors. Thank's again. All the best, Sergio

Re: New info on how to install your laptop

2000-03-23 Thread Gareth Bowker
It's quite a useful document, certainly. I've only got one comment on it, which is to explain what the changes are that are being made: i.e. disabling tcp listening for X means that you can't run remote X sessions from the machine blah blah, but that crackers can't blah blah. It just makes it cl

New info on how to install your laptop

2000-03-23 Thread Sergio Brandano Feedback and improvements are very welcome. Thank you for your past contributions. Sergio

Re: GNOME security.

2000-03-23 Thread Giacomo Mulas
On 23 Mar 2000, Tollef Fog Heen wrote: > Yes, but you can run Xev (X-in-a-window) and ssh from there. This > is safer as well if you are really paranoid, since then you trust > the remote sshd less. Is Xev packaged for debian? If yes, what is the package, if no, where can I find out more a

Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
* "Neil D. Roberts" | What I mean basically is so that when the root password gets changed | accidentally, this process sets it back to what it was. We had this happen in our school, and after that we added a second user with uid = 0. Also, we could have used sudo, so that a semi-priviled

Re: GNOME security.

2000-03-23 Thread Sergio Brandano
> Yes, but you can run Xev (X-in-a-window) and ssh from there. This > is safer as well if you are really paranoid, since then you trust > the remote sshd less. There does not seem to be a package for it. Does it come with Debian? Sergio

Re: GNOME security.

2000-03-23 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
* Sergio Brandano | I am using gdm. Let see how I can do that. Anyway, will this affect | ssh? Yes, but you can run Xev (X-in-a-window) and ssh from there. This is safer as well if you are really paranoid, since then you trust the remote sshd less. -- Tollef Fog Heen Unix _IS_ user f

Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Tim Haynes
On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 08:04:28PM +1100, Herbert Xu wrote: > Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> "Tim" == Tim Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > Tim>perl -npi.bak -e 's/^root:[^:]*:/root:pants/o' \ > > Tim> /etc/shadow > > > Just a nitpick for the very security paran

Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Sebastian Stark
On 23 Mar 2000, Brian May wrote: > Tim> perl -npi.bak -e 's/^root:[^:]*:/root:pants/o' > Tim> /etc/shadow > Just a nitpick for the very security paranoid (ie myself!): > The encrypted password will show up in the ps listing... > Out of curiosity: Is there anyway to avoid this? put th


2000-03-23 Thread daniel

Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Herbert Xu
Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> "Tim" == Tim Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Tim> perl -npi.bak -e 's/^root:[^:]*:/root:pants/o' > Tim> /etc/shadow > Just a nitpick for the very security paranoid (ie myself!): > The encrypted password will show up in the ps listing.

Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Brian May
> "Tim" == Tim Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Tim>perl -npi.bak -e 's/^root:[^:]*:/root:pants/o' Tim> /etc/shadow Just a nitpick for the very security paranoid (ie myself!): The encrypted password will show up in the ps listing... Out of curiosity: Is there anyway to avo

Re: GNOME security.

2000-03-23 Thread Nathan Paul Simons
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Alexander Hvostov wrote: > Brian (and everyone, for that matter), > > I configured ORBit to use Unix sockets as you said to do. A pleasant side > effect of this is that GNOME seems to be faster. > > An unpleasant side effect is that ORBit

Re: GNOME security.

2000-03-23 Thread Brian Kimball
Alexander Hvostov wrote: > That sounds like it should be filed in a bug report, wouldn't you agree? Good thinking. It looks like a similar bug has been open for a while; I'll go tell Chris to to fix it. -- Brian Kimball

Re: GNOME security.

2000-03-23 Thread Alexander Hvostov
Brian, That sounds like it should be filed in a bug report, wouldn't you agree? Regards, Alex. -BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK- Version: 3.12 GCM d- s:+ a--- C UL P L+++ E W++ N o-- K- w O--- M- V- PS+ PE- Y PGP t+ 5 X- R tv+ b DI--- D+ G e-- h++ r--- y --END GEEK CODE BLOCK-- O

Re: GNOME security.

2000-03-23 Thread Alexander Hvostov
Brian (and everyone, for that matter), I configured ORBit to use Unix sockets as you said to do. A pleasant side effect of this is that GNOME seems to be faster. An unpleasant side effect is that ORBit is now placing sockets in /tmp, which looks like it may be vulnerable to a symlink attack. Anyo

Re: GNOME security.

2000-03-23 Thread Alexander Hvostov
Brian, Check /etc/esound/esd.conf. Change auto_spawn=1 to 0. Also, esd has an option for using Unix sockets, but it says that they're disabled for "security reasons". Anyone have any idea why? Regards, Alex. -BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK- Version: 3.12 GCM d- s:+ a--- C UL P L+++ E W+

Re: GNOME security.

2000-03-23 Thread J. Currey
And to stop xdm's port add "-udpPort 0" to /etc/init.d/xdm something like: start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pid $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON -- -udpPort 0 || echo -n " already running" or prefered in /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config add DisplayManager.requestPort: 0 J.Currey On Wed, Mar 22, 2

Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Peter Cordes
On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 11:33:04AM +0100, Neil D. Roberts wrote: > Thanks Tim ! :) > > So this line changes the root password ? Ok, the password has a nice > length, > with upper and lower case, numbers and a couple simbols. Pretty solid ? > Anyway, so > what does "perl -npi.bak -e 's/^root:

Re: GNOME security.

2000-03-23 Thread Brian Kimball
One more thing: you can also add these lines to /etc/orbitrc to make them system-wide defaults. This file doesn't seem to be included in Debian, I guess it's another undocumented feature. Brian Kimball wrote: > $ cat ~/.orbitrc > ORBIIOPUSock=1 > ORBIIOPIPv4=0 > ORBIIOPIPv6=0 > $ -- Brian Kim

Re: Automatic password changing

2000-03-23 Thread Robert Davidson Security
With all this automatic password changing stuff, and people making little perl progs and stuff to do it and all, wouldn't it be easier to just use "usermod" to change the password (it can do that, you supply the password on the command line in encrypted form). usermod -p encryptedpasswd root You