On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 03:42:31PM +0000, Martyn Pearce wrote:
> Tim Haynes writes:
> | Not quite. It seems to ignore the filename on the end of the #! line, and 
> | you forgot my mod to make it do the right thing re: 'rest of line' :
> | 
> |     #!/usr/bin/perl -npi.bak
> | 
> |     s/^root:[^:]*:(.*)$/root:pants:\1/o
> That should be $1 in the replacement.  \1 works for now only for backwards
> compatibility, and not always even then.  Use $1.  But you shouldn't need
> the capture-replace at all:

Hmmm, it's been that way for a while ;)

>       /^root:[^:]*:/root:pants:/
> The /o doesn't get you anything here, since you're not interpolating any
> vars.

My first attempt was exactly that (well unless I've misunderstood something
about the lack of 's/'); it messes up the end of line, basically everything
beyond the bit the LHS matches. Hence the above amendment after some testing.
This might be a 5.005_03 problem, of course.

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| w--- O- M-- V-- PS PGP++ t--- X+(-) b D+ G e++(*) h++(*) r--- y-           
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