Mike Hommey:
> Hi,
> Why has nspr been a valid candidate for testing migration for several
> weeks or months without it happening?
> Mike
Hi Mike,
Britney believes migrating nspr will break libnspr4-0d in testing.
Which is technically true as libsnpr4-0d has a strictly equal dependency
Why has nspr been a valid candidate for testing migration for several
weeks or months without it happening?
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828245 828479 829452 828463 828317 828316 828616 828252
> 828503 828372 828244 828401 828518 828619 828530 828237 828482 828230 828595
> 828488 828302 844254 828283 828436 843988 828509 828233 828583 828618 828490
> 828552 828
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828239 828345 828366 828501 828593 835799 828589 828524
> 828364 828432
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828577 828443 828613 828594 828406 828487 828465 828573
828568 828246 828304 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828398 828362 828492 828391 828288 828258 828480 828310
> 828322 828543
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828608 828243 828285 828533 828306 828335 828289 828580
828481 828422 828303 84
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828537 828287 828592 828342 828461 828341 828598 828591
> 828336 828371
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828560 828365 828327 828434 828582 828257 843988 828509
828319 828357 828423 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828568 828127 828457 828383 828574 828320 828602 828276
> 828360 828523
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828610 828326 828538 828413 822380 828496 828433 828332
828517 828274 828500 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828502 828470 828604 828577 828454 828573 828516 828478
> 828295 828511
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828280 828259 828332 828538 844271 828367 828274 828329
828371 828619 828297 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828452 828620 828512 828321 828508 828468 828304 828396
> 828483 828235
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828311 828400 828603 835785 828455 828265 828544 828411
828557 828312 828465 83
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828617 828414 828556 828410 828437 828296 828561 828407
> 828546 828270
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828375 812166 828421 828263 828612 836419 828378 828553
828255 828354 828489 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828240 828329 828579 841635 828609 828485 828315 828536
> 828279 828337
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 822380 828510 828429 828468 828393 828257 828499 828278
828304 828445 828243 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828344 828587 828406 828439 828267 828392 828261 843532
> 828231 828427
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828611 828351 835549 828252 828489 828388 828374 828453
828373 828286 828528 80
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828253 828367 828586 828309 828307 828513 812166 828412
> 828298 828277
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828555 828359 828618 827076 828422 828459 828532 828330
828535 828313 828324 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 808669 828514 828486
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828550 828467 828525 828490 828259 828572 828619 828489
828405 828599 828557 828518 828433 828425 828397 828301 828265 844347 82828
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828522 828489 828473 828581 828284 828387 828469 828525
> 828301 828572
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828363 828549 837960 828500 828294 844311 828355 828394
829452 828441 828472 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828377 828526 828356 828286 828333 828448 828251 828384
> 835789 828455
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828450 828525 828376 828324 828268 828403 828420 828387
828538 844271 828588 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828139 828471 828476 828534 835794 835786 828444 828263
> 828596 828600
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828586 837960 828245 828495 828264 828416 828358 828449
828584 828368 828555 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828446 828289 828495 828605 828477 828262 828458 828232
> 828324 828567
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828450 829452 828354 835797 828349 828272 828369 828293
828466 828430 828491 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828419 828274 828308 828594 828559 828272 828369 828462
> 828423 828400
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828280 828426 828237 828493 828386 822380 828259 828533
828370 828413 828314 83
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828330 828517 828397 828293 828368 828425 828548 828464
> 828415 828386
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 835811 828580 828294 828507 828285 828562 828357 828510
828436 828260 809271 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828351 828578 828394 828350 828390 809271 828504 828404
> 828571 835790
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828348 829452 828257 828413 828381 828420 828311 828349
828528 828544 828588 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828242 828306 828575 828590 828340 828395 828449 828266
> 828328 828515
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828281 828584 828565 828529 828434 828303 828487 828413
828237 828488 828564 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828433 828614 828327 828234 828496 828542 837960 828285
> 828374 828440
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828365 822380 828422 828350 828530 828311 828503 828506
828395 828569 828554 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828297 828265 828445 828275 828082 828424 828599 835793
> 828441 828365
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828241 828507 844347 828451 828442 828616 828409 835804
828434 844271 828509 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 835798 828527 835585 828584 828560 828292 828601 828453
> 828447 828484
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828302 828569 828353 828585 828583 828280 828230 828619
828355 828442 828238 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 827068 828611 828545 828319 828248 828083 828323 828613
> 828343 828326
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828460 828318 828506 828399 828142 828428 828530 828583
828518 828363 828597 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828539 828549 828264 828615 828554 828588 828459 828499
> 828564 828278
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828245 828558 844347 828357 828388 828082 828487 844311
828450 828528 828429 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828311 835796 828498 828550 828528 835797 828405 828257
> 828389 828544
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 822380 828339 828294 828303 828271 828583 828355 828467
828493 828314 828260 83
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828467 828520 828422 828585 828532 828411 828413 828450
> 828555 828380
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828580 828482 835811 844345 828142 828332 828359 828535
828271 828376 814600 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828557 828282 828538 828335 828474 828249 828438 828313
> 828553 828357
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828334 828417 828555 828565 828535 835804 828399 828533
828382 828388 828380 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828612 828359 829465 828332 814600 828531 828358 835804
> 828535 828318
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828244 828375 828580 828472 828456 828436 828260 843988
828318 828426 844254 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828361 828349 828435 828603 828305 828491 828347 828379
> 828409 828606
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828244 828375 828580 828472 828456 828436 828260 843988
828318 828426 844254 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828533 828346 828331 828314 828420 828565 835811 828339
> 828393 828255
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828244 828375 828580 828472 828456 828436 828260 843988
828318 828426 844254 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828580 828325 828505 828608 828268 828260 828430 828540
> 828529 828352
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828291 828259 828510 828582 828399 828494 828273 828466
> 828576 828456
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828381 828243 828353 828417 835549 828426 828563 828460
> 828607 828547
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828566 828281 828472 828348 828429 828378 828551 828570
> 828228 828481
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828443 828354 828418 828388 828521 828334 828402 828597
> 822380 828355
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828558 828451 828290 828256 828442 828363 828431 828403
> 828370 835800
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828500 828507 828519 828434 828375 828385 828246 828569
> 828487 828294
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828376 828280 828421 828312 828250 828373 828303 828416
> 828269 827076
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828244 828401 828518 828619 828530 828237 828482 828230
> 828595 828488
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828271 828497 828300 828238 828541 828254 828428 828382
> 835785 828465
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828302 844254 828283 828436 843988 828509 828233 828583
> 828618 828490
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828552 828506 828562 836419 828493 828610 828241 828142
> 828338 828229
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 with 828245 828479 829452 828463 828317 828316 828616 828252
> 828503 828372
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 828612 827076 828510 828570 828466 828418 828375 844347
828582 828317 828244 82
Control: tags -1 confirmed
On 14/11/16 21:54, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> Please retry the osmium-tool builds that FTBFS with libosmium 2.10.0,
> I've reverted libosmium back to 2.9.0 until upstream has fixed the IdSet
> issues introduced in 2.10.0.
> dw osmium-tool_1.4.0-2 . amd64 arm64 mi
Processing control commands:
> tags -1 confirmed
Bug #843051 [release.debian.org] transition: boost1.62
Added tag(s) confirmed.
843051: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=843051
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact ow...@bugs.debian.org with problems
Please retry the osmium-tool builds that FTBFS with libosmium 2.10.0,
I've reverted libosmium back to 2.9.0 until upstream has fixed the IdSet
issues introduced in 2.10.0.
dw osmium-tool_1.4.0-2 . amd64 arm64 mips64el ppc64el . -m
'libosmium2-dev (>= 2.10.0really2.9.0)'
I think the sfcgal builds
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> block 827061 by 844271
Bug #827061 [release.debian.org] transition: openssl
827061 was not blocked by any bugs.
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 827061: 844271, 844345, 844347, and 844311
> thanks
Stopping processing here
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> retitle 844345 dovecot: unknown protocol SSLv2
Bug #844345 {Done: Apollon Oikonomopoulos } [src:dovecot]
dovecot: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Changed Bug title to 'dovecot: unknown protocol SSLv2' from 'dovecot: FTBFS
with openssl 1.1.0'.
> reassig
Processing commands for cont...@bugs.debian.org:
> clone 828286 -1
Bug #828286 {Done: Apollon Oikonomopoulos } [src:dovecot]
dovecot: FTBFS with openssl 1.1.0
Bug 828286 cloned as bug 844345
827061 was blocked by: 828342 828618 828270 828549 828413 828255 828323 828275
828616 828294 828600 82857
Package: release.debian.org
Severity: normal
User: release.debian@packages.debian.org
Usertags: binnmu
the recent upload of libgtest-dev broke catkin resulting in broken packages.
ros-rospack build, but contains wrong files, the rest FTBFS.
nmu ros-rospack_2.3.1-1+b1 . a
2016-11-10 16:20 GMT+01:00 Adam D. Barratt :
> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> On Wed, 2016-11-02 at 13:39 +0100, Bálint Réczey wrote:
>> The Security Team suggested fixing the CVE-2016-9011 [1] security
>> issue through a point release.
>> The issue is a memory allocation failure in wmf_ma
¡Hola Moritz!
El 2016-11-13 a las 17:24 +0100, Moritz Mühlenhoff escribió:
Let's fix this via security.debian.org, it reaches people's systems quicker
and the (legit) mysql change was introduced via a security after all.
Agreed, thanks.
+akonadi (1.13.0-2+deb8u2) stable-proposed-updates; urg
On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 08:44:35AM +0100, Ondřej Surý wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2016, at 08:21, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 05:03:45AM +0100, Ondřej Surý wrote:
> > > > Looking at mod_ssl_openssl.h and the comment in #828330,
> > > > I'd suggest the change below to add a dependenc
56 matches
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