Processing commands for

> block 827061 with 828311 835796 828498 828550 828528 835797 828405 828257 
> 828389 828544
Bug #827061 [] transition: openssl
827061 was blocked by: 822380 828339 828294 828303 828271 828583 828355 828467 
828493 828314 828260 835796 835804 828259 828250 828370 828380 828426 828506 
828520 828334 829452 828323 828413 828442 828619 828359 828230 814600 828438 
828346 828290 828557 828417 828529 828313 828458 828510 843988 828576 828465 
828456 828254 844254 828558 828500 828243 828429 828563 828331 828302 828597 
828316 828490 828375 828237 828613 827068 828361 828376 828282 828420 828283 
828305 828518 828317 828238 828347 844345 828353 844311 828349 827076 836419 
828252 828418 828530 828505 828348 843532 828608 828244 828343 828595 828269 
828411 828606 828487 828300 828431 828472 828280 828443 828402 828555 828533 
828228 828474 828491 828545 828332 828450 828393 828246 828399 828422 828401 
828570 828373 828245 828430 828610 828268 829465 828358 828352 828318 828494 
828497 828255 828481 835811 828585 828538 828329 828372 828488 828531 828421 
828618 828434 828451 828312 828249 828503 828326 828378 828541 828553 828552 
828281 828325 828291 828229 828233 828509 844347 828569 828612 828241 828379 
828248 828463 828580 828357 828338 828551 828273 828565 828083 835785 828416 
828482 828403 828532 828409 828388 828354 835800 828607 828562 828535 828611 
828436 828428 828256 828582 828616 828460 828363 828479 828466 828547 828319 
835549 828381 828603 828385 828566 844271 828382 828507 828142 828519 828335 
828540 828521 828435
827061 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 827061: 828311, 828550, 828544, 828528, 828257, 
828389, 828405, 835797, and 828498
Failed to set blocking bugs of 827061: can't find location for 828311.

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
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