Re: DEP-16 Confidential votes

2021-04-19 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Timo" == Timo Röhling writes: Timo> * Stéphane Glondu [2021-04-16 17:12]: >> I would be glad to help :-) Timo> Great! >>> With all that being said and having made my case, I am open for >>> any reasonably secure solution (including Belenios) that we can >>> agree

Re: Debian python package bytecode compatibility

2021-09-28 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Manoj" == Manoj Singh writes: Manoj> Hi Team, For FIPS(federal information processing standards), Manoj> required all python code in bytecode format(.pyc) instead of Manoj> plain source .py. NIST publishes a lot of FIPS documents. Can you please point to the specific version o

Re: Debian python package bytecode compatibility

2021-09-29 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Paul" == Paul Wise writes: Paul> On Wed, Sep 29, 2021 at 8:25 AM Bastian Blank wrote: >> All Python source is compiled into bytecode during installation. Paul> Scripts in the bin/ directories are not compiled into Paul> bytecode, and there are a number of packages that do

Polling informally Debian Contributors

2022-02-16 Thread Sam Hartman
While discussing secret ballots over on debian-vote, we got a little off topic and started discussing the value of a mechanism to express agreement/disagreement with messages in a mailing list thread. > "Russ" == Russ Allbery writes: Russ> Philip Hands writes: >> The bit that was

Re: GR proposal: code of conduct

2014-02-13 Thread Sam Hartman
I'd be happy to sponsor a resolution that simply adopted the COC as a position statement of the day and asked the appropriate parties to take that as the project's current position. I think the DPL and listmasters can figure out where on the website to put it, and can figure out how to evolve it. I

Re: Who uses @packages.d.o mail?

2009-05-28 Thread Sam Hartman
The bts script uses the for reassign requests. In general, I've found that it is incredibly useful to have addresses that reach the maintainers of a package without having to look that up in a database when you're dealing with cross-package issues generated by humans. For ex

Re: Thousands of Libranets waddle into Italy.

2001-06-12 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Wichert" == Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Wichert> Previously Branden Robinson wrote: >> Hrm, when Progeny posted similar information about its own >> distribution, it was asked to pony up $1000. Wichert> The different is that this only stated that a Wich

Re: Debian review @ PC Magazine

2001-10-29 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Daniel" == Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Daniel> Two out of five points: Daniel>,2997,s%253D25068%2526a%253D16538,00.asp Daniel> For comparison, Caldera, Mandrake, and Turbo got 3, Suse Daniel> got 4, and RedHat got 4 and the

Re: Mailing list behaviour was: Candidate questions/musings

2004-03-26 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Anand" == Anand Kumria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Anand> I, personally, suspect that the unfriendliness of Debian is Anand> behind a lot of requests for smaller mailing lists seen by Anand> listmaster these days. A lot of people don't bother to use Anand> the main mailing l

Questions around Justice and Our Current CoC procedures

2022-02-20 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Felix" == Felix Lechner writes: In the interest of full disclosure, I no longer have any affiliation with DAM. Felix> With regard to disciplinary proceedings, however, Debian has Felix> a long way to go in implementing basic precepts of Felix> justice. For example, it would be

Re: Questions around Justice and Our Current CoC procedures

2022-02-20 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Felix" == Felix Lechner writes: Felix> Alas, I'll venture that the folks whose opinions you consider Felix> superior have never been punished. The word punished implies a framing of the problem I personally reject. But if for example you'd consider being banned from the BTS a puni

Re: Questions around Justice and Our Current CoC procedures

2022-02-20 Thread Sam Hartman
>>>>> "Russ" == Russ Allbery writes: Russ> Sam Hartman writes: Russ> I dunno, I realize I may be being too cavalier here, but see Russ> the point above about making more decisions, faster, and Russ> accepting a few mistakes. If we end up wi

Re: What does it mean to be inclusive

2022-02-21 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Gerardo" == Gerardo Ballabio writes: Gerardo> Debian is a community that strives to be open, fair and Gerardo> inclusive. That means that we have made a commitment to Gerardo> welcome everybody and not exclude anyone without good Gerardo> reasons. I agree that Debian has c

Re: Questions around Justice and Our Current CoC procedures

2022-02-21 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Scott" == Scott Kitterman writes: Scott> OTOH, I think a DAM warning for a single instance of someone Scott> losing their temper and calling someone an unfortunate name Scott> is like ringing a doorbell with a sledge hammer. I strongly agree. And I understand why it is that y

Re: History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes

2022-02-22 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Paul" == Paul Tagliamonte writes: Paul> Hello, Debianites, Allow me, if you will, to talk a bit about Paul> something that's been on my mind a bit over the last handful Paul> of years in Debian. It's something that's pretty widely Paul> circulated in particular circles, but

Re: Resignation from Trademark Team

2022-04-20 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Felix" == Felix Lechner writes: Felix> Dear Mr. Leader, Congratulations on your re-election as Felix> Project Leader. I wish you the best for your third term. Felix> Please accept herewith my resignation as your trademark Felix> delegate, effective immediately. Felix, tha

Re: Debian Updates

2022-06-08 Thread Sam Hartman
erested in understanding the problems/challenges you/they are facing. I'd like to see if there is anything I can do to help out. Sam Hartman Debian Developer signature.asc Description: PGP signature

How to Move an Issue Forward When there is no Energy

2022-09-16 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Chuck" == Chuck Zmudzinski writes: Chuck> Debian processes: AFAIK there is no process for a user to Chuck> resort to when an important bug has been ignored for over a Chuck> year except to make some noise on mailing lists like Chuck> debian-user and debian-project. What wou

Re: Multi-package projects

2022-10-07 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Luca" == Luca Boccassi writes: >> - After the merits and problems of the proposed new projects are >> discussed, the release team decides which projects are accepted >> for the next release. (I specifically do not mention what rules >> the release team should follow in dec

Re: Multi-package projects

2022-10-13 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Niels" == Niels Thykier writes: Niels> Indeed - I noted that. :) My answer to Sam's email was due Niels> how it went into details with why Sam saw the RT as a good Niels> candidate team for this role and I wanted to present a Niels> counterargument to Sam's email. I'd like

Re: Removing software because we disagree with its values

2022-11-20 Thread Sam Hartman
TL;DR: I think that we need to be significantly more permissive of ideas expressed in software in our archive, especially for software that exhibits creative speech, than we do conduct in our community. I do not think that the Code of Conduct is an appropriate tool for judging software in Debian.

Re: Removing software because we disagree with its values

2022-11-20 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Andrew" == Andrew M A Cater writes: Andrew> I'm not going to die in a ditch over this but I raised it as Andrew> a genuine query to the project in good faith and without any Andrew> agenda. I appreciate that. I hope my message was received in the spirit of an answer to the g

Re: Fortunes-off - do we need this as a package for Bookworm?

2022-11-20 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Steve" == Steve Langasek writes: Steve> This isn't Sodom and Gomorrah; the package shouldn't be Steve> spared from death because you found 5 good fortunes in it. Steve> This package is a fossilized collection of fortunes that some Steve> random people on Usenet found funny

Re: Fortunes-off - do we need this as a package for Bookworm?

2022-11-21 Thread Sam Hartman
> "G" == G Branden Robinson writes: G> By your metric, so is the Hebrew Bible. For all the slaughter, G> xenophobia, and ethno-religious supremacism in it, there's some G> good stuff as well. I find the exasperated jeremiads of some of G> the later prophets relatable and app

Re: Fortunes-off - do we need this as a package for Bookworm?

2022-11-21 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Dowland writes: Jonathan> Anyone who has a problem with what I did and believes I Jonathan> should be censured or subject to some other form of Jonathan> disciplinary process, please just go ahead and do it, Jonathan> don't beat about the bush. Hi. I

Re: SUMMARY [Was Re: Fortunes-off - do we need this as a package for Bookworm?]

2022-11-23 Thread Sam Hartman
rew> disagrees with what that should be. Andrew> Notably, Sam Hartman and Branden Robinson have pointed up Andrew> flaws with the existing categorisations and with a blanket Andrew> removal based on preference. It's also noticeable that this Andrew> largely comes d

Alternate Summary: Fortunes-off - do we need this as a package

2022-11-23 Thread Sam Hartman
I call out one area where I think additional discussion is valuable; see after the underscores. I'd like to thank Andrew for posting his summary of the discussion. As I have said over the years, I think such summaries are a critical part of driving discussions forward. I didn't ever get a chance

Re: ITA: fortunes-mod (was: SUMMARY [Was Re: Fortunes-off - do we need this as a package for Bookworm?])

2022-11-23 Thread Sam Hartman
n> "G" == G Branden Robinson writes: G> Neither you nor he, therefore, is well placed to present a G> (presumptively neutral) summary of the discussion. (Neither am G> I.) Branden, I'd like to push back on the idea that we want a summary from someone neutral. If we have that lu

Re: ITA: fortunes-mod (was: SUMMARY [Was Re: Fortunes-off - do we need this as a package for Bookworm?])

2022-11-23 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Andrew" == Andrew M A Cater writes: Andrew> On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 03:05:29PM -0600, G. Branden Robinson wrote: >> [I'm using the pseudonymous respondent's message to reply to >> Mr. Cater as well. Mind the angle brackets for quotation >> context.] >> >> At 2022-

Re: SUMMARY [Was Re: Fortunes-off - do we need this as a package for Bookworm?]

2022-11-23 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Ansgar" == Ansgar writes: Ansgar> I would very much prefer explicit sexual content over Nazi Ansgar> symbols. So let me make a suggestion: As would I. If anyone wants to work on the challenges of adult content feel free to reach out and I'd be happy to spend some of my time on t

Re: Brief update about software freedom and artificial intelligence

2023-02-24 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Russ" == Russ Allbery writes: Russ> To add to this, I'm fairly sure that the companies that are Russ> training AI models on, say, every piece of text they can find Russ> on the Internet, or all public GitHub repositories, are going Russ> to explicitly argue that doing so is

Re: Brief update about software freedom and artificial intelligence

2023-02-28 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Roberto" == Roberto A Foglietta writes: Roberto> On Mon, 27 Feb 2023 at 19:08, Russ Allbery wrote: >> >> No. It's entirely possible that using databases as training sets >> for an AI/ML engine is fair use under existing United States law >> and precedent as long as t

Re: Questionable Package Present in Debian: fortune-mod

2023-08-18 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Roberto" == Roberto C Sánchez writes: Roberto> sources." I mean, if you're going to wave the code of Roberto> conduct around (or Andy in the case of the initial report), Roberto> then perhaps we ought to distinguish between what the code Roberto> of conduct was very clearly

Re: Questionable Package Present in Debian - fortune-mod

2023-08-22 Thread Sam Hartman
I have a proposal. In writing the below, I realized that we may have reached the point of diminishing returns, and perhaps we should be done with this discussion. CONSENSUS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT HERE. In general, if someone wants to maintain something in Debian, and the ftp team does not object, a

Re: [RFC] Extending project standards to services linked through Vcs-*

2023-08-30 Thread Sam Hartman
I tend to generally agree with Russ. But I wonder if there are things we could do on a technical front Are there things we could do to remove barriers and get to a point where we can make salsa a valid contribution channel? Things like * Add a way to mirror issues from salsa to github for peopl

Re: CVE Cross references

2023-09-20 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Mouer," == Mouer, Steve writes: Mouer,> Mouer,> Can you please advise if this will be restored and is this Mouer,> the best place for us to automatically pull this Mouer,> information? I'm not involved in Debian security eff

Re: Community renewal and project obsolescence

2023-12-29 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Daniel" == Daniel Gröber writes: Daniel> Hi, Daniel> On Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 08:48:28AM -0800, Antonio Russo wrote: >> [...] my personal experience is that making contributions is like >> dropping a message in a bottle into the sea. It feels like a >> complete crap-sho

Re: Lack of replies

2024-01-02 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Scott" == Scott Kitterman writes: Scott> Alternatively, BTS users that are interested in others Scott> getting their emails might be better off posting from a Scott> domain that doesn't have a DMARC policy that's designed to be Scott> used for domains that send only transa

Re: A policy on use of AI-generated content in Debian

2024-05-02 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Ansgar" == Ansgar 🙀 writes: Ansgar> Hi, Ansgar> On Thu, 2024-05-02 at 14:01 -0400, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz wrote: >> I would like Debian to discuss and decide on the usage of AI- >> generated content within the project. Ansgar> It's just another tool that might or might n

Re: A policy on use of AI-generated content in Debian

2024-05-02 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Dominik" == Dominik George writes: Dominik> Generative AI tools **produce** derivatives of other people's copyrighted works. Dominik> That said, we already have the necessary policies in place: Russ pointed out this is a fairly complicated claim. It is absolutely true that gen

Re: A policy on use of AI-generated content in Debian

2024-05-03 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Tiago" == Tiago Bortoletto Vaz writes: Tiago> Hi Jose, Tiago> Thanks for you input, I have a few comments: Tiago> On Fri, May 03, 2024 at 11:02:47AM -0300, Jose-Luis Rivas wrote: >> On Thu May 2, 2024 at 9:21 PM -03, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz wrote: >> > Right, note that th

Re: A Different Take on AI

2025-02-07 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Sam" == Sam Johnston writes: Sam> On Fri, 7 Feb 2025 at 16:04, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote: >> I don't think we should focus our conversation on LLMs much, if >> at all. Sam> Just as the software vendor doesn't get to tell users what Sam> constitutes an improvement for

A Different Take on AI

2025-02-05 Thread Sam Hartman
TL;DR: I think it is important for Debian to consider AI models free even if those models are based on models that do not release their training data. In the terms of the DFSG, I think that a model itself is often a preferred form of modification for creating derived works. Put another way, I don'

Re: Debian sever ties with Google?

2025-01-31 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Roberto" == Roberto C Sánchez writes: Roberto> On Fri, Jan 31, 2025 at 02:25:19PM +1000, Andrew Pollock wrote: >> On Fri, 31 Jan 2025 at 13:08, Roberto C. Sánchez >> <[1]> >> wrote: >> >> Since we as a project have left Twitter/X (as recently anno

Poll: diversity and credibility

2020-01-05 Thread Not Sam Hartman (CIVS poll supervisor)
A Condorcet Internet Voting Service poll named diversity and credibility has been created. You have been designated as a voter by the poll supervisor, Not Sam Hartman ( Description of poll: Is it fair that individual volunteers are expected to be meticulous in their use of

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