>>>>> "G" == G Branden Robinson <g.branden.robin...@gmail.com> writes:

    G> By your metric, so is the Hebrew Bible.  For all the slaughter,
    G> xenophobia, and ethno-religious supremacism in it, there's some
    G> good stuff as well.  I find the exasperated jeremiads of some of
    G> the later prophets relatable and applicable to modern life,
    G> though I acknowledge that my interpretive frame would alarm many
    G> practitioners of faiths that hold that work as sacred.

I appreciated your first messages in this thread.
I think perhaps you have continued in the same style without fully
considering the implications of doing so.
Pointing out that something  has value once is constructive.
Trying to create a reduction like you did above particularly on a topic
like religion or like the worth of someone else's sacred text is going
to (as another person pointed out) start a culture war.
Your point will be lost in the strength of others reactions.
I think it has crossed into the realm of not so constructive.

I do think there are constructive things you could do:

* Maintain the package with filtering if you believe that's best.

* Maintain the package without filtering if you believe that's best;
  take the position of being a maintainer and force those who disagree
  with you to fight the uphill battle of overriding a maintainer.

* State your support to be counted in any determination of consensus and
  leave it at that.

B ut please don't fan the flames.



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