Re: DEP-10: AppStream and Component Metadata for Debian

2011-10-13 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, Am Donnerstag, den 13.10.2011, 12:49 +0800 schrieb Paul Wise: > I would like to point out this project: > > > > And strongly suggest that you make your proposal much more general and > as such able to handle arbitrary upstream metadata, either manually

Re: Security guidelines for Debian people

2011-11-08 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, Am Sonntag, den 30.10.2011, 17:33 + schrieb Lars Wirzenius: > * Store your master PGP keys on at least two USB thumb drives. > - use full-disk encryption on the drives > - don't use them for anything else given that PGP already protects keys with passphrases, what is the benefit of ad

Virtual images of historic Linux releases

2013-06-20 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, I was wondering, and Google did not help me: Is there a curated collection of virtual machines with historic Linux installations somewhere? I’d imagine that it would be very interesting to boot a Debian woody again and use Gnome1 and GIMP1 for a while, or see how modern websites look in Netsc

Re: decided to go fishing

2013-08-04 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, Am Dienstag, den 09.07.2013, 18:30 +0200 schrieb Martin Zobel-Helas: > On Sat Jul 06, 2013 at 17:35:31 +0200, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote: > > In the mean time there is already work in progress in setting up a new > > VM at our hosting at Bytemark that will host the above mentioned > > services.

Utnubu Team Founded - Merging Ubuntu changes to Debian

2005-07-16 Thread Joachim Breitner
n universe, but not in Debian, is assembled on Those who are at DebConf and are interested: You are welcome to see me and discuss matters in person. Thanks for your attention, and looking forward to working with you, Joachim Breitner -- Joachim "no

Re: Utnubu Team Founded - Merging Ubuntu changes to Debian

2005-08-02 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi Markus, Am Dienstag, den 19.07.2005, 17:30 + schrieb Markus: > PS: I'm not so good at packaging, is there something else to do? :o) If you happen to have both a Debian and an Ubuntu Installation around, have a look at the things Ubuntu does different on the small scale, like other defaults

Re: [Utnubu-discuss] Re: Ubuntu/Debian cooperation [was: Complaint about #debian operator]

2005-12-15 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, (I just got the mails to utnubu-discuss, so bear with me) Am Donnerstag, den 15.12.2005, 15:39 +0100 schrieb Sven Luther: > The process was to be manually though, the idea is to scan incoming mails to > the BTS, which would notice an URL to an ubuntu patch, and auto-attach it (and > complain

Re: [Utnubu-discuss] Re: Ubuntu/Debian cooperation [was: Complaint about #debian operator]

2005-12-15 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, Am Donnerstag, den 15.12.2005, 16:13 -0500 schrieb Joey Hess: > Joachim Breitner wrote: > > I don't think there is much gain - an attached patch is not much better > > than a link, and might annoy people with limited bandwidth. > > It's SOP in Debian to attach

Re: Debian GNU/Linux license violation

2007-09-04 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, Am Dienstag, den 04.09.2007, 13:13 -0500 schrieb Gunnar Wolf: > Gomi No Sensei dijo [Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 08:35:26AM -0700]: > > The following email is self-explanatory. The device sold at > > www.photovu.comis based on a modified Debian, but the company will not > > disclose the source. > >

Re: installing gNewsomething instead of Debian

2010-04-20 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, Am Sonntag, den 11.04.2010, 12:59 +0300 schrieb Teemu Likonen: > The download link for the Windows installer points to site > > > > which advertises gNewSense. I guess the guys just didn't > notice the change (adding a Cc). I think we really s

Re: installing gNewsomething instead of Debian

2010-04-21 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, Am Dienstag, den 20.04.2010, 23:41 +0200 schrieb Hans-Georg Bork: > On Tue, 2010-04-20 at 23:06 +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote: > > Am Sonntag, den 11.04.2010, 12:59 +0300 schrieb Teemu Likonen: > > > The download link for the Windows installer points to site > > >

Re: Debian keyring analysis

2003-02-04 Thread Joachim Breitner
ned. Joachim (Before you wonder why my key is not in the debian keyring: I'm sill in the nm process) -- Joachim Breitner e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Homepage: JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C | ICQ#: 74513189 Geekcode: GCS/IT/S d-- s++:- a

A Debian Who is Who

2003-02-15 Thread Joachim Breitner
someone with authority, and could be put somewhere near "About Debian" on What do you think? Joachim PS: I thought this is the best list, since d-devel is about technical stuff (in theory). Correct me if I'm wrong. -- Joachim Breitner e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

Re: A Debian Who is Who

2003-02-16 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, Am Son, 2003-02-16 um 01.32 schrieb Alexander Kotelnikov: > >>>>> On 16 Feb 2003 01:00:34 +0100 > >>>>> "JB" == Joachim Breitner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > JB> > JB> The thing is: The debian structure is not very transpar

Re: A Debian Who is Who

2003-02-16 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, Am Son, 2003-02-16 um 16.37 schrieb Josip Rodin: > On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 03:58:30PM +0100, Joachim Breitner wrote: > > > Check out > > Ah, didn't know about this page. (Which is probably because there is no > > link

Re: A Debian Who is Who

2003-02-17 Thread Joachim Breitner
ive side effects. Thx for your help anyway, Joachim -- Joachim Breitner e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Homepage: JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C | ICQ#: 74513189 Geekcode: GCS/IT/S d-- s++:- a--- C++ UL+++ P+++ !E W+++ N-- !W O? M?>+ V?

Re: [OT] Re: Bug#221709: ITP: at76c503a-source -- at76c503a driver source

2003-11-20 Thread Joachim Breitner
Am Do, den 20.11.2003 schrieb Branden Robinson um 07:19: > On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 10:23:21PM +0100, Joachim Breitner wrote: > > It looks as if everytime we can get rid of a good reason for > > non-free (e.g. viable acroread alternatives), new reasons (firmware for > > drivers) a

Re: unauthorized upload of xfree86 4.3.0-1 to unstable

2004-01-28 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hello, I have not yet made my mind up on this, but one thing is clear to me: Am Mi, den 28.01.2004 schrieb Branden Robinson um 19:04: > whether any sort of sanction should > take place as a result of these actions, and what standards of procedure > and courtesy we should have in team-maintained

Re: unauthorized upload of xfree86 4.3.0-1 to unstable

2004-01-29 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, Am Do, den 29.01.2004 schrieb Andrew Suffield um 13:01: > > That's a different matter whatsoever. We are talking about package > > maintenance here, which is what being in Debian is all about. Violating > > the DMUP is something completely different than doing something WRT > > package managem

Re: Do we need a debian-infrastructure list?

2004-03-28 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi, Am So, den 28.03.2004 schrieb Michael Banck um 16:41: > On Sun, Mar 28, 2004 at 04:06:21PM +0200, Andreas Barth wrote: > I dunno. We *want* -devel-announce to be read be every DD, even the ones > which are almost-MIA, in the hope that they'd react to urgent stuff. If > there'll be a lot more o

Re: experimental Request Tracker site for Debian infrastrcture available

2004-04-06 Thread Joachim Breitner
Hi Branden, Am Di, den 06.04.2004 schrieb Branden Robinson um 10:59: > The site is: > > while I think the Idea is great, I wonder if this RT software is the right thing for us. If I got you right, you want all interested developers to use it. But after a