Hi, Am Mon, 2003-02-17 um 07.56 schrieb Martin Schulze: > However, since you seem to be interested in what is going on > in the Debian project but are reluctant to read the lists we are > using, you should seriously consider subscribing to DWN[1] and read it > either via web or through mail.
I have no problem with reading debian-devel and other lists. I was asking for good overview of the main debian people, their tasks, skills, histeory, personality, orgigin etc. But, as Crhis Waters pointed out, debian is actually too "flat" to point out main people without negative side effects. Thx for your help anyway, Joachim -- Joachim Breitner e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Homepage: http://www.joachim-breitner.de JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C | ICQ#: 74513189 Geekcode: GCS/IT/S d-- s++:- a--- C++ UL+++ P+++ !E W+++ N-- !W O? M?>+ V? PS++ PE PGP++ t? 5? X- R+ tv- b++ DI+ D+ G e+>* h! z? Terrorists can take my life. Only the government can take my freedom.
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