Quality Link Request

2005-03-29 Thread david
Hello,   I found your website http://www.debian.org on Google.   Your website has content related to ours at www.oneroam.co.uk. This is a quality website and will be well ranked on Google.   We are happy to upload a link onto this website in any way you request in exchange fo

Re: Small teams and other platform positions...

2005-03-29 Thread David Schmitt
On Sunday 27 March 2005 22:10, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote: > Yes there should be accessible documentation for what all the teams are > upto and electronic systems could automate a lot of that. But eventually > someone has to monitor the electronic systems and then we are right back > to square one. Onl

Bug#155998: Adelgace Si o Si !!!

2005-03-29 Thread Dieta Robermar.com.ar
Robertmar le entregara una guia de comida dieria por sesenta dias y sus puntos meridianos a travez de fotografias segun edad, sexo, peso y estructura fisica. PROMOCION EN ARGENTINA$ 20 otros paises u$ 20 Con este metodo bajara de peso asombrosamente en pocos dias, controlara su

Re: Small teams and other platform positions...

2005-03-29 Thread Vaidhyanathan Mayilrangam Gopalan
I believe Ean is not arguing about what is the most effective way. He runs his own s/w development company and he knows the value of face to face meetings. The point is, we as Debian team, should not depend on physical meetings as a way to conduct business. If we do, then we are essentially saying

Bug#155998: Adelgace Si o Si !!!

2005-03-29 Thread Dieta Robermar.com.ar
Robertmar le entregara una guia de comida dieria por sesenta dias y sus puntos meridianos a travez de fotografias segun edad, sexo, peso y estructura fisica. PROMOCION EN ARGENTINA$ 20 otros paises u$ 20 Con este metodo bajara de peso asombrosamente en pocos dias, controlara su

Re: Small teams and other platform positions...

2005-03-29 Thread Petter Reinholdtsen
[Vaidhyanathan Mayilrangam Gopalan] > If we do, then we are essentially saying that only those developers > who are rich enough (in terms of money, time , ability ) to travel > are only ones who are worthy of contributing. It has got nothing to > do with the amount of work they are putting into D

Re: Small teams and other platform positions...

2005-03-29 Thread Martin Schulze
Petter Reinholdtsen wrote: > > [Vaidhyanathan Mayilrangam Gopalan] > > If we do, then we are essentially saying that only those developers > > who are rich enough (in terms of money, time , ability ) to travel > > are only ones who are worthy of contributing. It has got nothing to > > do with the

Re: Small teams and other platform positions...

2005-03-29 Thread Petter Reinholdtsen
[Martin Schulze] > How to you fund the time people need to travel to and stay at the > meetings? Until now, we haven't. As I said, those already investing lots of time into Debian tend to get their travel and lodging expenses covered to join the meetings in questions. Experience have shown that