
2002-10-06 Thread 徐嘉临
深圳市新联美术印刷有限公司 本公司成立十余年,承蒙社会各界人士的厚爱,发扬"以诚为本""团结拼搏""科技创新""不断进取"的企业精神,跨入深圳十强印刷企业。 本公司引进全新日本小森四色机,拥有世界最先进的西德进口电脑遥控罗兰四色彩印机,采用最先进电脑设计排版系统为客户提供设计、印刷、装订一条龙优质服务,以质量好,价格优,交货快,信誉佳,送货上门的服务宗旨赢得广大客户的信赖。 本公司业务范围:精美画册彩页书刊、产品说明书、宣传海报、手提纸袋、吊牌、酒标、不干胶贴、信笺信封、表格单据、挂历、台历、包装彩盒等。 本公司曾与TCL王牌、中兴通讯、华为集团、茂业百货、外国语学院、创维集团、中国电信

[no subject]

2002-10-06 Thread Clive Elliott
Regards Clive Elliott Barrister Shortland Chambers 70 Shortland Street Auckland Ph (09) 3091769 Fax (09) 366 1599 e mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] This e mail and any attachments is confidential and privileged


2002-10-06 Thread zhuanqian
1、想赚钱的看这边!!! 在网上混了这么多年,我从不相信网络能赚到一分钱的,我觉得这些说免费赚钱 都是骗我们这些网民的。但一个偶然的机会,有人介绍我到帝杰在线商城里看看, 我心里想"又是骗人的!"不过想想反正这么有空,就试试吧!这里有东西买,特别 是光盘,自己也是需要的,赚不了钱也没有关系,可以优惠买东西。付款后收到光 盘也收到了"SOHO成功手册"和入会账号 !我按照里面的方法进 行发邮件(抱着试试看的心理,只发了几万个邮件),呵呵!第一个月只得620元(房 租都省下来了)!从

Re: Linux On A Windows Partition

2002-10-06 Thread Martin Schulze
Toqota wrote: > Hi there,I was wandering if you had a distribution that would work on a > Windows partition. Any GNU/Linux distribution would work on a windows partition. However, only very few distributions still offer a similar option during the initial installation. And since you've asked, I

Re: LWN subscription for the Debian Project

2002-10-06 Thread Andreas Schuldei
* Henrique de Moraes Holschuh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [021006 05:19]: > On Sat, 05 Oct 2002, Branden Robinson wrote: > > Would you be interested in donating an LWN subscription to the Debian > > Project? > > Heck, I propose we acquire such a license, actually... (yes, I am currently > subscribed to L


2002-10-06 Thread James Miller
ANOTHER TRAGIC WEEK IN CANADIAN SCHOOLS MEDIA RELEASE FROM END YOUTH VIOLENCE - OCT. 05, 2002 A sad but positive outcome in Coaldale, Alberta Canada. Yes, the sad reality of the situation that 3 schools were locked down and that one teen is now dead. The positive part is that given the situation

Road Accident

2002-10-06 Thread Motor Safety Group
Sub : ROAD ACCIDENTS REDUCTION Dear Sir /Madam, We have devised a set of systems, which can reduce the damage caused to vehicles and deaths and injury caused to Passengers and Pedestrians in vehicular accidents by more than SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT We have already filed and are in process