A sad but positive outcome in Coaldale, Alberta Canada. Yes, the sad reality of the situation that 3 schools were locked down and that one teen is now dead. The positive part is that given the situation and steps taken by those involved, it could have been another Taber or Littleton tragedy. The school, administrators and other youth seem to have taken the steps required to curb such tragedy. If only the youth's own life could have been saved it would have been a perfect response. Many questions need to be asked and much close investigation should be done into the events that led this youth to such a violent and unnecessary death. Furthermore, why was he able to pry open a gun cabinet? A gun cabinet should be like a safe and not able to be pried into. Was he on medication that was not taken as directed? What were the other contributing factors? Many questions and few answers. The most important fact should be that although his untimely death alone is a tragedy, he did not take anyone else with him. So far this week I know of this event in addition to a senseless stabbing of a student in a Kelowna high school in BC. This youth made it to a classroom before he collapsed. The school spokesperson claims that it is only the second stabbing in an area school in 30 years so it should not be viewed as a concern for students and parents. I wish to say that anytime that there is a stabbing in a school; it needs to be taken seriously as a problem and not dismissed as a rare event. Regardless as to the frequency of such attacks, ONCE IS TOO OFTEN! This is the attitude that causes schools to have a continual perpetuation of violence when it is not taken seriously and dismissed as a "rare" event just as it is unacceptable when educators claim "it is a part of the life in this area and it is not my problem if they do not do it IN my classroom". Violence in Canadian and American schools is not going to go away on its own. Violence in the schools is not going to be reduced by ineffective responses to isolated events and violence will not be reduced in our schools as long as educators, administrators and politicians have their heads buried in the sand. We all including parents need to be held accountable, ESPECIALLY PARENTS. The best success for the correction of deviant or violence behavior is in early childhood and parents have to understand that dismissing such behavior as "just something my child will grow out of" is not acceptable. The public needs to deal with this at all times to prevent another Taber or Littleton, not ignore it until another mass tragedy takes place! For further information or interview availability, call James Miller, Founder & Director End Youth Violence 24 Hours at (604)374-0076