Dual booting OSX and Debian on G3 beige

2001-12-05 Thread Wayne Pascoe
'] boot catch 1000 ms cr again boot) produces: 0> can't OPEN: ok 0> If anyone can help I would _much_ appreciate it. I can't help but feel I'm close. I have both OS's on the machine, I just can't boot debian :( If anyone knows of somewhere else I could ask this qu

Re: Dual booting OSX and Debian on G3 beige

2001-12-06 Thread Wayne Pascoe
to Linux. It already runs on OSX. > If you don't delete partition 6, you'll always get that warning. But > if it works that way, you might not care. What if I installed MacOSX behind Linux ? Would that help at all ? -- - Wayne Pascoe

Continued problems booting Debian on oldworld G3

2001-12-08 Thread Wayne Pascoe
with the scrolling can't OPEN: can't OPEN: So now this is no longer a dual boot issue, but just a how do I boot debian :( Any advice on what else could be wrong would be much appreciated. -- - Wayne Pascoe | If you hurt her, I'll hunt you down [

Re: Continued problems booting Debian on oldworld G3

2001-12-09 Thread Wayne Pascoe
the classic environment in OSX ? Thanks, -- - Wayne Pascoe | Everything to excess. To enjoy the [EMAIL PROTECTED] | flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation http://www.penguinpowered.org.uk | is for monks. - Robert Heinlein |

Using system disk

2001-12-09 Thread Wayne Pascoe
hat I need Disk Copy 6.3.3 or later to write the image to a floppy. The problem I have here is that OSX doesn't seem to support my floppy drive. It sure doesn't see disks when I insert them. Is there any other way to write this image so that I can sort out the firmware and boot Linu

Re: Using system disk

2001-12-09 Thread Wayne Pascoe
ll bootable partitions have to be within the first 8 gig on this old beast :( This has certainly turned into more of a learning curve than I hoped it would :( -- - Wayne Pascoe | The time for action is passed. [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Now is the time for senseless http://www.penguinpowered.org.uk | bickering. |

Re: Continued problems booting Debian on oldworld G3

2001-12-11 Thread Wayne Pascoe
artition being bootable. I'm getting very desparate here :( Any further advice (up to and including give it up - its never going to work) would be greatly appreciated here. -- - Wayne Pascoe | Be nice to your daemons. [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.penguinpowered.org.uk |

IGNORE PREVIOUSRe: Continued problems booting Debian on oldworld G3

2001-12-11 Thread Wayne Pascoe
Sorry to toppost, but please ignore my previous message, the beginnings of which are described here. I have made (some) progress by setenv boot-device ide/@0:0 I will post new problem in a separate thread. Wayne Pascoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Chris Tillman <[EMAIL PROTEC

Booting Debian on oldworld G3

2001-12-11 Thread Wayne Pascoe
label=Linux read-only The partition=6 bit in this is important. This should probably match whatever partition you have (eg 6 for hda6, 3 for hda3) - chroot /mnt as follows : chroot /mnt /bin/bash - run quik I hope that this finds its way into the archives and helps someone. Thanks again to

Re: Booting Debian on oldworld G3

2001-12-12 Thread Wayne Pascoe
that all partitions that you wish to boot from are within > > the first 8gig on beige G3's > > Was this one of your problems? Or did you find a pointer somewhere > that this is an issue? This is an issue with the old beige g3's. It wasn't one of my problems

Booting OSX after installing Debian and other buttons in X

2001-12-24 Thread Wayne Pascoe
. Is there any way that I can boot OSX now ? Secondly, I only seem able to use 1 mouse button. I've tried ctrl-button, apple-button and option-button. What do I need to simulate second and third buttons in X ? Thanks, -- - Wayne Pascoe | Mary had a crypt

Re: Booting OSX after installing Debian and other buttons in X

2001-12-26 Thread Wayne Pascoe
s for OSX linux and > OS9. Using a more current yaboot seemed to help a bunch. Having an oldworld g3 means that I have to use quik. :( -- - Wayne Pascoe | What we need is either less corruption, [EMAIL PROTECTED] | or more chance to participate in it. http://www.penguinpowered.org.uk |

Re: Booting OSX after installing Debian and other buttons in X

2001-12-26 Thread Wayne Pascoe
Chris Tillman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Option, not o. Stupidest question of the year... Is option the one to the left of the apple key ? The one I hold down with apple, o and f to get the openfirmware prompt ? I got my mac VERY second hand and don't have a manual for it :

Re: PowerBook G4

2002-01-03 Thread Wayne Pascoe
d ? I'd like something that will work with OSX as well. Ta, :) -- - Wayne Pascoe | You know, it's simply not true that [EMAIL PROTECTED] | wars never settle anything - James Burnham http://www.penguinpowered.org.uk |

Re: PowerBook G4

2002-01-03 Thread Wayne Pascoe
So things like the microsoft Infra red mice should work then ? -- - Wayne Pascoe | Wageslaves - Who do you want to make [EMAIL PROTECTED] | rich today? http://www.penguinpowered.org.uk |