Hi all, I followed some of the advice that I received here about moving the partition I was trying to boot with quik to in front of the macosX partition. This still failed.
I have now abandoned the idea of dual booting for the moment and am just trying to boot debian on this beast. I booted off of the woody disks, and at partition time, hit i and reinitialised the disk. This means that I now have only the apple partition map, an ext2 partition of 2000M and a swap partition of 128M. I went through the install process, made the system bootable and rebooted. I still get the white screen with the scrolling can't OPEN: can't OPEN: So now this is no longer a dual boot issue, but just a how do I boot debian :( Any advice on what else could be wrong would be much appreciated. -- - Wayne Pascoe | If you hurt her, I'll hunt you down [EMAIL PROTECTED] | and kill you with a shovel... A vague http://www.penguinpowered.org.uk | disclaimer is no-one's friend. |