For my "Debian on PowerBook", I'd like my / partition to be placed in
an LVM volume. But it seems that yaboot is not able to load the
kernel from an LVM volume, so it seems I'll have to have a separate
/boot partition.
This /boot would most naturally use ext2/ext3, but a more appealing
> As I remember it, the biggest issue was that if you mark it as a type
> of Apple_HFS so that you can mount it from macos it will become
> unbootable after it gets mounted by the macos.
Right, this is well documented, but unrelated: I'm talking about
mounting the Apple_bootstrap partition as /boo
On my G4, I notice that the in-kernel cpufreq governors refuse to work
supposedly because the G4 takes too much time switching frequency.
So what else should I use?
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> "Logan" == Logan Airth writes:
> Good morning. I recently acquired a PowerBook G4 12" and I was thinking
I finally installed Debian (testing) on my PB 12" G4 a few weeks ago.
I followed the directions at
for how to install without going through
I notice that my Debian testing install includes pbbuttonsd and starst
it at boot. But looking at the home page of that project, it seems that
what it offers is already provided by other parts of the system nowadays.
So is it still useful, and if so for what?
PS: Running on a P
>> - backlight dimming is handled by gnome
>> - "function" keys are very well handled by xorg & gnome
>> - suspend to ram is handled by gnome-power-manager
>> What else do you need ?
> Not everyone's using Gnome.
I'm not arguing for/against pbbuttonsd. I just see that a lot of what
it provides is
I'm glad you're happy with pbbuttonsd. My questions have nothing to do
with whether pbbuttonsd is good or bad.
>>>>> "Børge" == Børge Holen writes:
> On 31. jan.. 2009, at 22.20, Stefan Monnier
> wrote:
>>>> E.g. is
> n° 1 32,3 kB Apple
> 134,2 mega Espace libre or free space
> n° 3 42,7 giga hfs+ Apple_HFS_Un
> 134,2 mega Espace libre or free space
> n° 5 42,7 giga hfs+ Apple_HFS_Un
> 134,2 mega Espace libre or free space
> n° 7 42,8 giga hfs+ Apple_HFS_Un
> 31,5 giga Espace libre or free space
Any of tho
> A /boot partition is not needed (nor used) and is a waste of space for
> new world apple ppc machines, you only need 800k for an HFS Apple
> Bootstrap partition and that's it. I suggest (again) reading:
A /boot partition is needed for PPC in the same cases where it's needed
for x86: e.g. when yo
> I don't think, that Linux shows better perfomance than Mac OS X on an
> G4, but I didn't measure any benchmarks and who knows ...
It's mostly true, except that GNU/Linux gives you more choice in terms
of applications and desktop environment, some of which are much more
lightweight and adapted to
> After (unsucessfully) trying to configure wlan and x-windows, I decided that
> for my purposes OS X might be the easier to use system (ok, I admit that
> I was probably a bit lazy looking for solutions here ;p )
This is a Debian list, so I'd rather help you get WLAN and X11 running
in Debian tha
> drive, then execute "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/hda" in a shell. You'll have
> to (i) wait a really freaking long time, and (ii) set up a new partition
You'll be bette off with "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda", BTW since you
can then check the progress via "kill -USR1", so the freaking-long-time
> Can i get to the console from yaboot?
Normally, you can do that by specifying the runlevel from the
yaboot prompt. Basically if you normally type "linux" to boot your
kernel, try "linux 1" or "linux single".
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> Now, i must to view flash websites. Gnash (please forgive) is horrible.
> You have a suggestion?
Help the Gnash developers make it better?
Lobby Adobe to Free their Flash player?
Lobby the relevant webmasters so they use something else than Flash?
View other sites (it's not like there's a shorta
> i have /etc/X11/xorg.conf empty.
> someone said to copy it from
I'd recommend not to do that at first. Rather keep your xorg.conf empty
to start with, and look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what went wrong on
the previous attempt to launch X. There you'll
> You're right! Anyway, i'm a graphic designer. For my job I need
> a rule, a pencil, a sheet of paper, and unfortunely the Adobe
> tools. :) i MUST to view flash website because -as you known- Adobe
> fix some standards for the web market.
I understand you may feel like you don't have a choice, g
> I have a PowerBook G4. Is there any way to get it to boot from USB drive.
IIUC it depends on your "PowerBook G4". E.g. my PowerBook 12" G4 was
not able to boot from USB last time I tried. But admittedly, I only
tried using the "boot menu" rather than via OF commands.
> I have a Debian system running on my trusty TiBook but would like to
> move to a dual 450Mhz Mystic.
> I have an external disk mounted on the TiBook... which is cloned from the
> internal disk.
> I have tried to mount (as system/boot disk) the external disk on the
> Mystic.. but get a
> I really need access to Skype on it.
SIP applications like Ekiga, Linphone, and friends should work just fine
on it. And SIP being open, you get a lot more competition and hence
lower rates if you want to call land-lines.
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