gtkpbbuttons-gnome overlapping

2005-11-22 Thread Roberto D. M.
Hi ya all, Ciao a tutti, I'm writing to italian ML too, so i'm traslating all live-time. scusate la confusione, sto scrivendo contemporaneamente anche sulla ML inglese. Well how can I do to overlap the gtkpbbuttons-gnome with my own compiled? can I instruct him to use the -t switch (the default

Re: gtkpbbuttons-gnome overlapping

2005-11-23 Thread Roberto D. M.
Il giorno mer, 23/11/2005 alle 10.29 +0100, Paul TT ha scritto: On Tue, 22 Nov 2005 14:33:58 +0100 "Roberto D. M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi ya all, > Ciao a tutti, > I'm writing to italian ML too, so i'm traslating all live-time. >

Can't find out patches

2005-11-28 Thread Roberto D. M.
Thanx for considering this mail, I'm Rob from Italy and I'm trying to compile by myself j2sdk-1_4_2-src-scsl that I downloaded from as written in README.linux.src on tells to patch the sources with some diffs from the site that I can't find. Can you help me finding ou

Re: gtkpbbuttons-gnome overlapping

2005-12-05 Thread Roberto D. M.
Il giorno mer, 23/11/2005 alle 11.40 +0100, Paul TT ha scritto: On Wed, 23 Nov 2005 10:42:22 +0100 "Roberto D. M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Il giorno mer, 23/11/2005 alle 10.29 +0100, Paul TT ha scritto: ... > > > > (l'inglese lo capisc