I just found a wonderful article on IBM developerworks about using
the gnu gcj (java compiler)that comes with gcc with SWT-gtk or
to build java gui style apps that can be compiled to complete native
I was wondering if anyone has used SWT or Eclipse (the Java IDE) under
We are pleased to announce that the release candidate of the next
version of the OpenOffice.org Office Suite - OpenOffice.org 1.1 - is now
available for download from:
For PPC Linux (Yellowdog 3 and other glibc-2.3.2 dist
Actually, I can make an OOo 1.1 RC5 ppc Linux available for Debian
users if someone wants one. I was hoping to wait until it becomes OOo
1.1 final and then release it to the YDL mirrors, but if someone has
some disk space I can sftp/ftp it to, I would be happy to post RC5 for
Debian ppc
Not on YellowDog Linux it is not. You really should not have problem
interfacing gcc 3.3.2 with gcc 3.2.2 with C++ code since others have
reproted success.
On Nov 10, 2003, at 7:22 AM, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
On 2003-11-10 07:11:50 -0500, Kevin B. Hendricks wrote:
Not if it is th
Let's see what the javaplugin is really dynamically linked with on your
cd j2sdk1.3.1/jre/plugin/ppc/mozilla/
ldd javaplugin_oji.so
On Nov 10, 2003, at 11:44 AM, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
On 2003-11-10 08:52:24 -0500, Kevin.Hendricks wrote:
Not on YellowDog Linux it i
Hi Alan,
Is there some pdf doc that describes all of the abi details (sort like
the old Sun/Motorola SysV abi for PPC) or even a summary that describes
how the linux ppc32 (almost sysv abi) and the linux ppc64 abi differ.
Also, something that describes any synchronization (sync, isync, vs
BTW: this patch is not even part of 2.4.23-pre5-ben0 that I grabbed
just a few days ago.
So unless you are using 2.4.23 FINAL you probably should look and see
if that patch is
present and if not add it to your tree.
On Dec 3, 2003, at 9:46 AM, Colin Leroy wrote:
I got t
Hi Michel,
Sorry, my fault. I was supposed to review the changes needed to get it
to build with mozilla 0.9.7 (and try to check it out with cvs 0.9.8) but
I have not had a moment to do that yet.
I will do my best to do that this weekend. Once that is done, we will
Sorry about th
Go to the IBM (developerWorks?) site and download a very nice JDK 1.4.1
for p-series Linux (32 or 64 bit) PPC JDK. It has a very fast JIT and
seems to work well for me.
You can then add some symlinks to make it look exactly like a Sun JDK
in internal layout which allows it to be used al
I took at look at kernel org and those patches are are quite OLD.
Ben if you are out there, could you please confirm we should in fact be
using Linus's trees or not?
I read on
"Patches between the PowerPC trees and Linus's tree can be found
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