We are pleased to announce that the release candidate of the next
version of the OpenOffice.org Office Suite - OpenOffice.org 1.1 - is now
available for download from:


For PPC Linux (Yellowdog 3 and other ****glibc-2.3.2**** distributions) please see:

             and any of its mirrors

OpenOffice.org1.1 RC is expected to be feature complete with no more
features added before the final OpenOffice.org 1.1 release.

New features since OpenOffice.org 1.1 Beta 2 release include:
        * A "talkback" style crash reporter to collect stacktrace
          and error information
        * New command-line parameter -start to automatically
          start a presentation after the document is loaded
* Ability to update existing OpenOffice.org 1.0.x single-user installations
        * Support for drawing objects in headers and footers
        * An example XSLT filter for Office 2003 XML format
* Support for Microsoft(TM) Excel 95(TM) (and older) form controls
        * UNO python bridge - python is now a first class
          language for creating UNO components for OpenOffice.org
* Built-in spell checking dictionaries for English (UK) and Italian * Built-in hyphenation support for Danish, English (UK), German, and Russian
        * Integrated Bitstream Vera fonts
        * Improved spelling suggestions using n-gram scoring

The highlights of OpenOffice.org 1.1 are:

        * Many new import/export formats like DocBook, several
          PDA document file formats, flat XML and XHTML
        * Support for Portable Document Format (PDF) export
        * Support for Macromedia Flash export
        * Support for user provided XSLT based filters for both import
          and export of XML based formats, providing ability to easily
          support 3rd party XML file formats
        * Support for Complex Text Layout (CTL) and vertical writing
          languages such as Thai, Hindi, Arabic, Hebrew
        * Enhanced integration with Java
        * Support for accessibility
        * Enhanced support for add-on components
        * Improved on-line help
        * Support for many more new languages and locales compared to
          the OpenOffice.org 1.0.x versions

For a more complete list of features please see:


For people interested in getting started helping OpenOffice.org become
better, faster and above all more bug free, a page detailing how to best
file bugs, how to help the QA project deal with bug reports, how to
run OpenOffice.org with Valgrind and a number of ready made bug query
scripts, exists at:


Thanks for supporting the OpenOffice.org project.


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