6500 won't boot from floppy

2000-07-12 Thread Kevin M. Myer
that don't rely on MacOS work? I am assuming that once the kernel is resident in memory after being loaded from BootX that its fine to scrap the entire parition that MacOS was on, since Linux wouldn't be access it for anything right? Thanks for any help. Kevin -- Kevin M. Myer System

Re: XF4 on Mach64 and 2.2 kernel?

2000-12-04 Thread Kevin M. Myer
x27;m using fbdev and waiting patiently for the fixes that people are working on to come down the pipeline. Kevin -- Kevin M. Myer Systems Administrator Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 (717)-560-6140

Re: XF4 on Mach64 and 2.2 kernel?

2000-12-04 Thread Kevin M. Myer
On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Kevin M. Myer wrote: > > I'll add my $0.02 worth of experience. I have a PowerMac 8600 with an ATI > 3d Rage II - it shows up as a Mach64 GT. It has 2Mb of memory. s/8600/6500/ its a PowerMac 6500/250 - 8600 was my old machine. -- Kevin M. Myer Systems

Re: is ati 64 supported in woody XF4 ?

2000-12-07 Thread Kevin M. Myer
to using fbdev, which works ok, albeit unaccelarated. I tried to do some debugging of it this morning but the crashes kept wiping out the debugging output on reboot so I just switched back to fbdev. Kevin -- Kevin M. Myer Systems Administrator Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 (717)-560-6140