> > Hmm, given your warning, maybe I'll stick to fbdev for now.  It's fast 
> > enough for
> > everything- except hashing the screen during a GNOME logout, but I don't do 
> > that
> > too often. :-)
> Not sure if here is the right place for this, but i noticed that supplying the
> clipping pseudo accel will improve this a lot. Is there any chance that this
> accel could be supported by the fbdev driver ?
> It would need support from the fbdev, isn't it ?

I'll add my $0.02 worth of experience.  I have a PowerMac 8600 with an ATI
3d Rage II - it shows up as a Mach64 GT.  It has 2Mb of memory.

Here are my findings with the latest XF4 packages installed (using kernel

fbdev driver works (shadow buffer off)
fbdev driver with shadow buffer on works (but terribly slow for some
actions, like drawing GNOME logout screen at mentioned above).
ati driver does not work (first detects only 1kb of video memory,
secondly, wrongly detects chipset as Mach128, not Mach64)
Ani Joshi's old ati_drv.o works in accelerated mode - but crashes hard and
locks the machine periodically.

So, for the time being, I'm using fbdev and waiting patiently for the
fixes that people are working on to come down the pipeline.


Kevin M. Myer
Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13

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