debian modem powerpc

2006-03-02 Thread Jean-Jacques Bonvin
Hello, Is it possible to "mount" the internal modem of a PowerBook G4 1,5 running Mac OS X 4.5 on Debian/Ubuntu (newest distro)? /dev doesn't show any "modem" and the ttySn don't help. I've been trying to get an answer for three weeks now: didn't get anything. Thank you. jjb

Re: powerbook5,6 questions

2006-05-11 Thread Jean-Jacques Bonvin
Hello, For Airport, you have to wait for Ubuntu Dapper Drake (considering Debian). You can't use it with Breezy. I've spent hours and hours to realize it. I don't know anything about video with Debian, as I never tried to use it. Why Debian on a PB ? Well, just for the fun of it: time to waste