Hello, For Airport, you have to wait for Ubuntu Dapper Drake (considering Debian). You can't use it with Breezy. I've spent hours and hours to realize it.
I don't know anything about video with Debian, as I never tried to use it. Why Debian on a PB ? Well, just for the fun of it: time to waste as for whatever you want to do, you have to dig deep into the engine. jjb 2006/5/11, Benoit Chesneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi all, I'v an alubook (powerbook5,6 1.67) with ati RV360M11 and I'm tempted to pass it under linux. I would like to know if now Airport extrem works well and if I can video/dvi out under linux and especially debianppc. Btw does someone use this laptop fulltime under linux ? For what reason? I'm very interrested by your feedback. Regards. Benoît