Mounting CDROM

2003-11-25 Thread Harvey Ussery
I've just installed DebianPPC3.0(Woody) on an 833Mhz iMac 17"LCD. I cannot mount cdrom drive. In /dev/cdrom the link to cdrom shows as: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root3 Nov 21 11:50 cdrom -> hdb and hdb shows as: brw-rw 1 root disk 3, 64 Mar 14 2002 hdb In /etc/fstab the lin

X config problem

2003-11-25 Thread Harvey Ussery
I've just installed DebianPPC3.0(Woody) on an 833Mhz iMac 17"LCD and am having trouble config'g XFree86--simply cannot startx. X -showconfig warning: process set to nice value 0 instead of -10 as requested Have consulted man nice & info nice, but do not understand how an adjustment of nice to

Mounting CD-ROM: Thanks!

2003-11-26 Thread Harvey Ussery
Thanks to John, Ricky, and others for their insights & suggestions about getting my CD-ROM drive to mount. As usual, it wasn't any one thing that was the magic bullet, but all together--plus of course much thrashing about thru the documentation--that finally put together a correct config. It's

Ext3 fs

2003-11-26 Thread Harvey Ussery
I recently installed (from official CD set) DebPPC3.0(Woody) on 800Mhz iMac 17" LCD. When it came time to install/format the filesystem I was only given the option of ext2, which surprised me, since ext3 has been available for some time. Did I miss something? (I know that you add a -j to the fo

Installing pkgs via apt-get

2003-11-30 Thread Harvey Ussery
I installed DebianPPC3.0(Woody) on an 800Mhz iMac 17"LCD. Have completed the basic install (though have not yet installed & config'd X). So far I've installed exclusively from the official 7-cd set. I want to start adding optional pkgs. Since emacs doesn't seem to be installed: #emacs su: ema

Configuring for Diskonkey

2003-11-30 Thread Harvey Ussery
I installed DebianPPC3.0(Woody) on an 800Mhz iMac 17"LCD. I'm having trouble getting Debian to recognize a Diskonkey (a small USB data storage device). When installing, I made sure to include the module for usb-storage support. I then did: #modprobe usb-storage #mkdir /mnt/diskonkey and added

Getting a cursor in console

2003-11-30 Thread Harvey Ussery
I installed DebianPPC3.0(Woody) on an 800Mhz iMac 17"LCD. When working in Debian in a console, either from the command line or within a text editor (nano), I don't have a cursor marking the point of input. This is a little disconcerting, especially in those contexts where the presence or absenc

Re: Configuring for Diskonkey

2003-12-01 Thread Harvey Ussery
Brito wrote: On Nov 30 2003, Harvey Ussery wrote: I installed DebianPPC3.0(Woody) on an 800Mhz iMac 17"LCD. I'm having trouble getting Debian to recognize a Diskonkey (a small USB data storage device). If you install hotplug, then you won't have to manually load the usb-s

Querying apt-get re: available packages

2003-12-01 Thread Harvey Ussery
I've installed DebianPPC3.0(Woody). How do I query apt-get about availability of a pkg I'm interested in installing? I've entered the index of all 7 of my Debian install cd's onto my system--how do I query that database regarding a particular pkg using an apt-get option? I'm imagining some sort

Re: "Apple Care Protection Plan": Is it worth its money?

2003-12-02 Thread Harvey Ussery
Hi Wolfgang, I bought my 800Mhz iMac 17" LCD a year ago, along with an 800Mhz iBook for my wife. Normally I do not add any sort of extended warranty/care option to >anything< I buy. However, I was totally new to the ppc platform, so I anticipated I might need help with various aspects of the s

Mapping F12 for "eject" function

2003-12-02 Thread Harvey Ussery
I bought an ergonomic keyboard from Kinesis because of prob's I was having w my wrists. Solved the prob instantaneously-->love< this keyboard! The main prob w the keyboard is that F12--clearly legended on the key with the "eject" symbol--will not eject a loaded cd. As I understand it, I have i

Re: About SPAM..

2003-12-02 Thread Harvey Ussery
Yes, Bart, this is giving me fits, too. But as I understand it, the prob is neither with the deb list nor with your own configurations. The problem is that folks who use the deb list & who alse use Microsoft Virus Assistance software have gotten infected; and as a result their systems are firin

Re: Regarding participation on this list

2003-12-02 Thread Harvey Ussery
ss one of those arm-flailing things like you see on Red Hat, PHP, or MySQL lists like "HELP! my l334 skillz lack!". I know that sort of thing is _way_ annoying. I would like to thank Harvey Ussery and point to one of his recent posts, "Re: About SPAM.." on December 2,

Re: debianppc list and sven virus

2003-12-03 Thread Harvey Ussery
I suppose you would only need to take these measures if you run Outlook or MS Messenger or Internet Explorer, n'est-ce pas? I don't run any of those, don't even have them on the system, use Moz for both browser & mail. So there's no way I can actually be infected, right? Just getting abused by

Re: Regarding GTKPBBUTTONSD and list participation

2003-12-03 Thread Harvey Ussery
Alejo, Thanks for the link--I'm going to check it out right now. If you haven't resolved the clock config problem, try this from the command line: #timeconfig (Yes, you do have to be root.) What pops up is a Timezones Configure dialog box you can use to set your time zone. There is also the

Re: Getting a cursor in console

2003-12-10 Thread Harvey Ussery
Joe Malik wrote: On Sun, Nov 30, 2003 at 11:45:02PM -0500, Harvey Ussery wrote: I installed DebianPPC3.0(Woody) on an 800Mhz iMac 17"LCD. When working in Debian in a console, either from the command line or within a text editor (nano), I don't have a cursor marking the poin

Re: No sound: Deb Sarge on G4 iMac

2005-01-10 Thread Harvey Ussery
Martin Habets wrote: What is the name of your cd player application? (it's more than likely that I'm not familiar with it). Maybe it uses the OSS emulation, so check it's setup if it has any. I've tried the cd players that come as a standard part of KDE (KsCD) and Gnome. Haven't been able to g

Re: Trouble installing debian on a 8500/120

2005-01-21 Thread Harvey Ussery
Clive Menzies wrote: Suggest you try the new sarge d-i rc2 - it's 'soon' to be the next stable distribution and works pretty well. It also has heaps more functionality than woody. Have fun! Clive I'll second that. I tried a Woody install on my G4 iMac

Re: Buy benh (or other) a minimac Re: Hi question about mac - mini

2005-01-25 Thread Harvey Ussery
Count me in. And yes, I have a PayPal acct. Keep us informed. --Harvey (Great idea!) Barry Hawkins wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Dean Hamstead wrote: | thats $150 | | Dean [...] I am willing to give $50 as well, but I am pretty sure we could reach the amount sooner with a wa

Re: g5 for ben

2005-01-29 Thread Harvey Ussery
Dean Hamstead wrote: So anyway. pledges come forward for g5. Any previous quasi-pledges (like, people who said, ill pledge if we get a g5), please confirm your pledges. Also be clear as to if you wish to withdraw your macmini pledge. This is not a new pledge--it is a clarification of my previous o

Re: bounty for fixing ALSA's powermac driver

2005-02-05 Thread Harvey Ussery
Dean Hamstead wrote: what other ppc dists are there? deb, ubuntu, crux? Dean Well of course, there's YellowDog, the RedHat of PPC. That was my distro the first 2 years I used PPC Linux. Man, I'm glad I switched to Debian. . . --Harvey -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject

Re: OT: Howto set Mozilla Firefox mailto links

2005-02-19 Thread Harvey Ussery
Tommy Trussell wrote: Here is the technique I just used to make mailto links point from Firefox to Thunderbird. This is for Firefox 1.0 (don't know about any others): 1) Launch Firefox and view the configuration strings using the URL about:config 2) using the field at the top, search for

Re: USB flash disk (Addendum)

2005-01-01 Thread Harvey Ussery
This is an addendum to previous post to correct an error. (More below) Harvey Ussery wrote: ls -l /dev | less crw-rw-r-- 1 root audio10, 135 Dec 30 13:35 rtc brw-rw 1 root disk 8, 0 Jan 1 10:29 sda brw-rw 1 root disk 8, 16 Jan 1 10:29 sdb brw-rw 1

Permission for 'dev/pmu'

2005-01-07 Thread Harvey Ussery
I recently reinstalled Sarge PPC on a G4 iMac. Each time I boot up now, I get an error warning: "Error: Wrong permission for 'dev/pmu' device" I've tracked thru the system & all the ref books on hand, also various linux sites online. Conclusion so far is that this permission problem on /dev

Re: Permission for 'dev/pmu'

2005-01-08 Thread Harvey Ussery
Matt Weber wrote: On Fri, 2005-01-07 at 20:04 -0500, Harvey Ussery wrote: I recently reinstalled Sarge PPC on a G4 iMac. Each time I boot up now, I get an error warning: "Error: Wrong permission for 'dev/pmu' device" I had this problem also. If I rememb

Re: Permission for 'dev/pmu'

2005-01-08 Thread Harvey Ussery
Brad Boyer wrote: Just for completeness, I'll note that the PMU has very little to do with sound or video as implied in previous posts. It's best for people not to get more confused than already happens. That's right, as I discovered when correcting the error message re /dev/pmu. O

No sound: Deb Sarge on G4 iMac

2005-01-08 Thread Harvey Ussery
Have just started with Debian--Sarge on a G4 iMac. Though I've been using Linux several years, have never dealt w sound config issues. However, based on all resources I have to read and a lot of googling, I'm pretty sure I have all the tools in place for sound--alsa & company. cat /etc/modul

Re: No sound: Deb Sarge on G4 iMac (Addendum)

2005-01-08 Thread Harvey Ussery
Harvey Ussery wrote: Have just started with Debian--Sarge on a G4 iMac. Though I've been using Linux several years, have never dealt w sound config issues. However, based on all resources I have to read and a lot of googling, I'm pretty sure I have all the tools in place for s

No sound: Deb Sarge on G4 iMac

2005-01-09 Thread Harvey Ussery
Martin Habets wrote: On Sat, Jan 08, 2005 at 11:50:33AM -0500, Harvey Ussery wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /dev/sndstat Sound Driver:3.8.1a-980706 (ALSA v1.0.4 emulation code) Kernel: Linux doob 2.6.8-powerpc #1 Sun Oct 3 13:22:21 CEST 2004 ppc Config options: 0 Installed drivers: Type

Re: No sound: Deb Sarge on G4 iMac

2005-01-10 Thread Harvey Ussery
Martin Habets wrote: What is the name of your cd player application? (it's more than likely that I'm not familiar with it). Maybe it uses the OSS emulation, so check it's setup if it has any. I've tried the cd players that come as a standard part of KDE (KsCD) and Gnome. Haven't been able

Re: Trouble installing debian on a 8500/120

2005-01-21 Thread Harvey Ussery
Clive Menzies wrote: Suggest you try the new sarge d-i rc2 - it's 'soon' to be the next stable distribution and works pretty well. It also has heaps more functionality than woody. Have fun! Clive I'll second that. I tried a Woody install on m

Re: Getting a cursor in console

2003-12-12 Thread Harvey Ussery
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If this helps take a look at the kernel documentation for details, the relevant part is "Software cursor for vga" (file VGA-softcursor.txt) I'm embarassed to say so, but I couldn't find doc specifcally for kernel. I looked in /usr/doc & /usr/share/doc No n

Source for deb packages?

2003-12-16 Thread Harvey Ussery
I installed DebPPC(Woody) last month; then learned I was not going to be able to run X with an nVidia card unless I had XFree86 4.3x (not available on the install CD's). But then came the problem with the Debian servers--so (if I understand the problem correctly) I cannot download the "official