Yes, Bart, this is giving me fits, too. But as I understand it, the prob
is neither with the deb list nor with your own configurations. The
problem is that folks who use the deb list & who alse use Microsoft
Virus Assistance software have gotten infected; and as a result their
systems are firing off these bogus email adviseries to everyone on their
mailing lists--i.e., us. It's frustrating that we Linux users are almost
virus free because of the OS we've chosen, but because of the way this
sven virus was designed, we're still getting abused because of
deficiencies in MS systems.
Like you, I keep putting filters in place to deal with individual
messages, but that's a losing battle. At some point I'm going to have to
do something about the prob at a deeper level. Clive Menzies posted a
solution that seems promising: See his post of 11/26/03 "Re: debianppc
list and sven virus" in the archives for more details.
Good luck! --Harvey
Bart Koppe wrote:
Since i joined the debian-powerpc-lis i get at least 10-15 spam
messages a day :(
All microsoft-sjit or e-mails with only one attachement.
Pretty annoying because i menaged to be almost spam-free for 6 years
by now..
Anybody have this problems to?
Can we do something against it (besides on my own machine of course)?
Don't get me wrong, i joy to be on the list, but this spam is less
nice :(