More on Powerbook G3 install

2000-02-05 Thread Jefferson Provost
Hi, I'm still trying to get an install on my Powerbook G3 (lombard). After the debian installer failed with "architecture not supported," I tried doing a linuxppc install, hoping to get a bootable system that I could then wrangle into a debian system. Here's the tale... First, the kernel that

Re: Sound Recording on a Beige G3?

2000-02-05 Thread Brad Midgley
fyi, i was looking over dmasound.c in 2.3.42 and it has code that looks like it provides audio in on powermac. it's not clear who the author is. this kernel won't compile. i came across this because i've been participating in openh323 devel discussion and wasted a lot of time with an endian bug in

Re: More on Powerbook G3 install

2000-02-05 Thread Jefferson Provost
Well, after a long night of lather, rinse, reboot, I tracked down the "missing disks" problem to BootX 1.1.3. Presumably it's incompatible with MacOS 9? Anyway, with music playing I couldn't hear that the disk was spinning down just before booting the kernel and never spinning back up again. I

Re: More on Powerbook G3 install

2000-02-05 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 04:55:19AM -0600, Jefferson Provost wrote: > > Well, after a long night of lather, rinse, reboot, I tracked down the > "missing disks" problem to BootX 1.1.3. Presumably it's incompatible with > MacOS 9? Anyway, with music playing I couldn't hear that the disk was > spinn

Re: More on Powerbook G3 install

2000-02-05 Thread Rob Browning
Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > assuming the linuxppc ramdisk has tar and gzip all you would really > have to do is boot it, switch to VC two to get a shell and use > mke2fs on all your partitions then mount them into place (say > /tmp/root /tmp/root/usr etc) and then cd into /tmp/root