On Sat, Feb 05, 2000 at 04:55:19AM -0600, Jefferson Provost wrote: > > Well, after a long night of lather, rinse, reboot, I tracked down the > "missing disks" problem to BootX 1.1.3. Presumably it's incompatible with > MacOS 9? Anyway, with music playing I couldn't hear that the disk was > spinning down just before booting the kernel and never spinning back up > again. I got BootX 1.2b3 and it spun the disk back up during boot and that > much worked fine. > > It didn't fix the "architecture not supported" problem w/ the debian boot > image though. So how much harder or easier is it to "bootstrap" the > install with linuxppc and then convert to debian?
assuming the linuxppc ramdisk has tar and gzip all you would really have to do is boot it, switch to VC two to get a shell and use mke2fs on all your partitions then mount them into place (say /tmp/root /tmp/root/usr etc) and then cd into /tmp/root and untar the base system, once you do that you manually configure a few things, such as creating the timezone links, writing a network script and maybe one or two others.. that should do it. don't instlal a whole linuxppc install and try to dump debian on top, you will just end up with a huge mess of linuxppc cruft.. am i the only one who thinks `archetecture not supported' should come with a `I don't care' button? (yeah yeah one of these days i'll start mucking with the boot floppies in CVS..) -- Ethan Benson