Re: nubus + debian

2001-07-10 Thread userX
On Tuesday, July 10, 2001, at 08:30 PM, Phil Frost wrote: Does anyone have any experience with nubus? Takashi Oe and friends have done wonders with nubus PowerMac. go to the nubus homepage I've got a 7100/66 running Debian 2.2r3 and it is ve

Re: BootX & Booting without keyboard/monitor

2001-05-30 Thread userX
Power Macintosh: Setting up for Use Without a Monitor Mac video isn't just SVGA with a different plug. Apple DB15 video port uses pins 4, 7 and 10 as Sense Lines. At boot, Mac looks at these sense lines to see what kind of video/monitor is attached. Think of it as a very ancient predecessor to pl