On Tuesday, July 10, 2001, at 08:30 PM, Phil Frost wrote:
Does anyone have any experience with nubus?
Takashi Oe and friends have done wonders with nubus PowerMac.
go to the nubus homepage http://nubus-pmac.sourceforge.net/
I've got a 7100/66 running Debian 2.2r3 and it is very stable doing things
like Zope and icecast.
Not so stable with other stuff (G3 newertech works, Sonnet G3 cards don't)
. Join or research the linuxppc-nubus mailing list.
I'm waiting on some parts so I can start turning pmac7100 into an IRfilter.
(Human + IRremoteControl sends one code out, nubus-pmac receives and sends
out as many IR signals as necessary to set a pile of AV equipment to watch
the SatelliteFeed, or listen to radio, or ...)
Current performance suggests I should be able to turn it into an
MP3jukeboxAppliance as well.
My few performance problems are more likely my lack of knowledge rather
than lack of processor power.