Kame Backport for Benh's kernel

2003-11-28 Thread Joerg Fabian Lesch
Hi list does any1 know where I could find this backport ? many Thanks Jörg o,,,(o o) 8(o o)(_)Ooo ooO--(_)---Ooo--

Re: wireless questions

2003-06-29 Thread Joerg Fabian Lesch
On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, Daniele wrote: > hello, > i'm about to buy the airport card. is it fully compatible with debian? > does anybody have tried to compile tools such wavemon, kismet or airtraf > on debian ppc? yep it works. I used airsnort with it. u have to patch the drive to enable monitormode

re: dist-uprgrade

2003-06-08 Thread Joerg Fabian Lesch
>I just finished installing debian woody following branden's without any >media install and proceeded to do edit /apt/sources.list edited to >unstable and did apt-get update then dist-upgrade but i get this >following >message.. I know you guys probbably ecountered it and sorry for my >newbieness.