On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, Daniele wrote:

> hello,
> i'm about to buy the airport card. is it fully compatible with debian?
> does anybody have tried to compile tools such wavemon, kismet or airtraf
> on debian ppc?

yep it works. I used airsnort with it. u have to patch the drive to
enable monitormode, if it isn t  already patched in be now.

> are there any dedicated tools?

not that I know of, except the regular wirelees-tools

> can i attach an
> omnidirectional antenna to it? (i mean, instead of the built in antenna i
> screw on a different one) what is the range of the built in antenna?

sure but u would have to atach the end of the antenna cable inside the
computer. means the cable would come out maybe through the pcmcia slot,
unless you gonne drill a wholle some place :)

I didn t messure the range with the buildin antenna but it is pretty good
an better as a normal wirless card.

> no more questions!
> thanks
> Daniele
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