Hello there,
My name is Stefanos Harhalakis and I'm a sysadmin at TEI of Thessaloniki,
Greece. I'm looking for a sponsor for a program of mine (I've also created
the debian package). This is a new package:
Name: vbackup
License: GPLv2. May be changed to GPLv3.
Version: 0.1.4
Dear mentors,
I am looking for a sponsor for my package "vbackup".
* Package name: vbackup
Version : 0.1.6pre1-1
Upstream Author : Stefanos Harhalakis (me)
* URL : http://www.it.teithe.gr/~v13/
* License : GPLv3
Section : admin
It builds
On Monday 28 July 2008, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Stefanos Harhalakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.07.26.1559 +0200]:
> > a) Can be extended by other packages just by adding files in a predefined
> > location, just like logcheck does.
> > b) Can backup filessy
On Monday 28 July 2008, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Stefanos Harhalakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.07.28.0018 +0200]:
> > As a conclusion, I don't know if it will offer something different
> > than backupninja. I'm going to keep developing it and create
On Tuesday 29 July 2008, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Stefanos Harhalakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.07.28.1250 +0200]:
> > http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/v/vbackup/vbackup_0.1.6pre1-1.
> >dsc
> debian/control:
> Build-Depends-Indep: autotool
On Wednesday 30 July 2008, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Stefanos Harhalakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.07.30.1345 +0200]:
> > Include a comparison of vbackup with other software in the package
> > description? Somehow I don't find this right. I believe that it i
> OoO En ce début d'après-midi ensoleillé du samedi 26 juillet 2008, vers
> 15:59, Stefanos Harhalakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait :
> > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "vbackup".
> >
> > * Package name: vbackup
> >
Hello Vincent,
On Thursday 04 September 2008, Vincent Bernat wrote:
> OoO Lors de la soirée naissante du dimanche 31 août 2008, vers 18:40,
> Stefanos Harhalakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait :
> >> You should also correct those lintian warnings:
> >> I: vback
Hello Vincent,
Just found your reply in google groups. (Please please please please CC me
too :-) (please?))
> > I also have a question. Should I change anything else in debian/rules to
> >
> > indicate that this is not an architecture dependend package? I don't
> > like seeing the file: vback
On Saturday 08 November 2008, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> In my opinion, you should just invoke the configure script with the
> paths of all programs as they are found in Debian, eg.:
> % ./configure --with-tar=/bin/tar --with-postgresql=/foo
After accepting the parameters it verifies their validit
Dear mentors,
I've come up to a situation that I'm not sure how to handle. A package that
I created and packaged, named 'vbackup', is included in debian unstable [1]
under the sponsoring of Vincent Bernat (hi Vincent). After getting it from
the unstable repository I realised that it doesn't w
On Saturday 08 November 2008, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> Dear mentors,
> I've come up to a situation that I'm not sure how to handle. A package
Sorry for replying to self. I forgot something important:
Please CC me in replies!
that I'm maintaining) but I believe that I've packaged this according to
debian policy and the new maintainer's guide.
I would be glad if someone checked this package for errors (it seems as
lintian error/warning free) and uploaded it for me.
Kind regards,
Stefanos Harhalakis
> On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 10:09 AM, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> > The upload would fix these bugs: 507655, 510275
> Firstly, there was no need to file 510275, instead you should have
> just retitled the RFP 507655 to ITP and marked yourself as the owner.
> Please
Hello again and have/make a happy new year with an early Lenny release.
On Wednesday 31 December 2008, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> > At least
> > mention somewhere that one have to be subscribed to debian-mentors to get
> > a reply.
> It's on http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/ which should
Dear mentors,
Can someone please upload the new version of libnet to unstable?
It is usually uploaded by Nelson A. de Oliveira but he's experiencing some
technical difficulties right now so I'm asking here instead.
In short the changes are:
* Packaging of new upstream release (1.1.6)
* Compile
Dear mentors,
Can someone please upload the new version of libnet to unstable?
It is usually uploaded by Nelson A. de Oliveira but he's experiencing some
technical difficulties so I'm asking here instead.
In short the changes are:
* Packaging of new upstream release (1.1.6)
* Compile with -Werr
On Friday 20 Jul 2012 20:44:28 Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:44:15AM +0100, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> > Can someone please upload the new version of libnet to unstable?
> This package appears to exist in wheezy already. For such packages,
> u
FYI: Re-uploaded without -Werror.
On Sunday 22 July 2012, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> On Friday 20 Jul 2012 20:44:28 Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:44:15AM +0100, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> > > Can someone please upload the new version of
Hi and sorry for the late reply,
On Wednesday 25 July 2012, Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho wrote:
> In the absence of a preclearance from the release team (which I'm fairly
> certain this package update won't get), there's no way I can even consider
> uploading a package update to unstable during the free
Dear mentors,
I am looking for a sponsor for my package "fsprotect".
* Package name: fsprotect
Version : 1.0.0
Upstream Author : Stefanos Harhalakis (me)
* URL : http://www.v13.gr/ (not available yet)
* License : GPL
Section : admin
It bu
Thanks for the review Matthew. Look inline.
On Sunday 22 March 2009, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 07:21:22PM +0200, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> > * Package name: fsprotect
> > Version : 1.0.0
> > Upstream Author : Stefanos Harha
I'm replying using a copy of the message from google groups, so it is expected
to break threading. Please CC me in your replies.
On Monday 23 March 2009, v13 wrote:
> -- Forwarded message --
> Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> > I'll add it when it is av
Dear mentors,
I am looking for guidance and a sponsor for my package "fsprotect".
* Package name: fsprotect
Version : 1.0.1
Upstream Author : Stefanos Harhalakis (me)
* URL : not available yet
* License : GPL
Section : admin
It builds th
On Friday 27 March 2009, David Paleino wrote:
> retitle 516222 O: libnet -- library for the construction and handling of
> network packets thanks
> Hello,
> libnet has been in RFA (Request for Adoption) for more than a month now,
> and I'm hereby orphaning it.
> Someone please pick it u
On Friday 27 March 2009, David Paleino wrote:
> F/up set, please respect it
> (I forgot setting it in my first mail, sorry.)
Being a user of kmail I don't really know if it is possible to easily handle
it. Also, I'm not suer I completely understand what you mean. You want to
only send replies to
On Friday 27 March 2009, Jan Christoph Nordholz wrote:
> Hi Stefanos,
> if you need help, I could lend a hand now and then. I don't have the
> time to maintain the package on my own, but I have a faible for old
> and/or undocumented C code and some experience in delving through
> networki
I've just found this reply that was post in debian-devel using google. Please
CC me or keep the discussion in debian-mentors or CC debian-mentors. I'm not
subscribed to debian-devel.
> On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 06:17:45PM +0200, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> > fsprote
Dear mentors,
About 2 weeks ago I sent an RFS for a debian-native package/program called
fsprotect (available in mentors). I just show that KDE 4.2 is entering
Can someone please consider sponsoring fsprotect? I re-send this mail as an
urgent request. Using fsprotect all of us (well
n unstable main
contrib non-free
- dget
I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.
Kind regards
Stefanos Harhalakis
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-mentors-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of &q
On Friday 17 April 2009, Sune Vuorela wrote:
> On 2009-04-17, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> > Dear mentors,
> >
> > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "katimon".
> >
> > * Package name: katimon
> > Version
Dear mentors,
A month ago I sent the following RFS without anyone offering to sponsor it.
I'm resending it as a reminder.
I am looking for guidance and a sponsor for my package "fsprotect".
* Package name: fsprotect
Version : 1.0.1
Upstream Author : Stefanos
On Tuesday 21 April 2009, LI Daobing wrote:
> 2009/4/21 Stefanos Harhalakis :
> > I am looking for guidance and a sponsor for my package "fsprotect".
> 1. why this package is a native package? i think a normal package
> should be better
It was also mentioned on
On Tuesday 21 April 2009, Paul Wise wrote:
> 2009/4/21 Stefanos Harhalakis :
> > fsprotect needs a directory under the root filesystem to preexist. Most
> > probably it won't be used by normal users, so this won't be common. In
> > IRC it was mentioned that it could
On Tuesday 21 April 2009, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
> Excerpts from Stefanos Harhalakis's message of mar abr 21 12:12:02 -0300
> > fsprotect is 100% tied to a distribution. It cannot be an independent
> Anyway, it shouldn't be a native package, native packages need a new
> release t
On Wednesday 22 April 2009, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
> Excerpts from Neil Williams's message of mar abr 21 14:53:13 -0300 2009:
> > I'm not particularly interested in fsprotect per-se, but I don't see
> > that it cannot be deemed native by those who know more about the kinds
> > of things i
Dear mentors,
I am looking for a sponsor for my package "fsprotect". In this message there
is also a summary of everything that was discussed in this list.
* Package name: fsprotect
Version : 1.0.2
Upstream Author : Stefanos Harhalakis (me)
* URL : http://
URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/l/libnet
- Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable main
contrib non-free
- dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/l/libnet/libnet_1.1.3-2.dsc
I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.
Kind regards
- dget
I would be glad if someone reviewd anduploaded this package for me.
Kind regards
Stefanos Harhalakis
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-mentors-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe&q
Hello and thank you for the review,
On Friday 22 May 2009, Paul Wise wrote:
> 2009/5/22 Stefanos Harhalakis :
> > iguanair - IguanaWorks IR daemon/driver
> > iguanair-python - IguanaWorks IR python bindings
> Should be python-iguanair.
> > iguanair
- Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable main
contrib non-free
- dget
I would be glad if someone reviewd and uploaded this package for me.
Kind regards
Stefanos Harh
On Monday 08 June 2009, Jack Kelly wrote:
> 2009/6/8 Stefanos Harhalakis :
> > The package appears to be lintian clean except from an the override of:
> >
> > iguanair source: configure-generated-file-in-source config.status
> >
> > I believe that the overrid
b-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable main
contrib non-free
- dget
I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.
Kind regards
Stefanos Harhalakis
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-me
URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/l/libnet
- Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable main
contrib non-free
- dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/l/libnet/libnet_1.1.3-2.dsc
I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.
Kind regard
ays ago was
for v1.1.3.
Kind regards
Stefanos Harhalakis
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-mentors-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
On Tuesday 16 June 2009, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 00:53, Serafeim Zanikolas wrote:
> > There's a tradeoff: encouraging potential new contributors (in the hope
> > that
> and do you think you're in position to take this tradeoff? I don't think
> so.
> > they'll eventually rea
On Wednesday 17 June 2009, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
> On Ter, 16 Jun 2009, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> > [snip]
> > Of course you need to look at the C spec to
> > claim that you understand C in depth (you did... didn't you?) and in
> > order to understa
On Wednesday 17 June 2009, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> In <200906171751.13989@v13.gr>, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> >int n=1; int main() { int n=n; printf("%d", n); }
> >
> >Hope this clears things.
> Yeah, and I don't think you *have*
On Wednesday 17 June 2009, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> In <200906171857.57749@v13.gr>, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> >Same thing for the trigraphs.
> puts("What??!"); /* ;) */
I meant that they are not very popular and that they are not covered in most
On Wednesday 17 June 2009, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> In <200906171954.59429@v13.gr>, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
> >On Wednesday 17 June 2009, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> >> In <200906171857.57749@v13.gr>, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
There is a bug report for libnet1 which I maintain (bug #536202). The bug
report is for the stable version while the version in testing already fixes
this bug. What is the proper handling for this bug report? Should I just close
the bug as already fixed in testing?
On Wednesday 08 July 2009, Paul Wise wrote:
> 2009/7/8 Stefanos Harhalakis :
> > There is a bug report for libnet1 which I maintain (bug #536202). The bug
> > report is for the stable version while the version in testing already
> > fixes this bug. What is the proper handlin
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal
Dear mentors,
I am looking for a sponsor for the 1.0.1-1 release of "vbackup".
This is normally handled by Vincent Bernat but he's currently away.
* Package name: vbackup
Version : 1.0.1-1
Upstream Author : me
* URL :
Hi Mattia,
Thanks for the review.
On 23/02/16 17:45, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
On Sun, Feb 07, 2016 at 02:06:39PM +, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
Dear mentors,
I am looking for a sponsor for the 1.0.1-1 release of "vbackup".
This is normally handled by Vincent Bernat but he's
On 28/02/16 12:17, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 01:58:14AM +, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
On 23/02/16 17:45, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
On Sun, Feb 07, 2016 at 02:06:39PM +, Stefanos Harhalakis wrote:
* please meld the 2 changelog entries, the 1 minute, 14 seconds older
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