xppc/ (as RPMs and SRPMS).
- chad
Source: pmud
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Standards-Version: 3.0.1
Package: pmud
Architecture: powerpc
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Provides: apmd
Recommends: hdparm
Anyone here develop gnupg upstream?
- chad
Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://web.chad.org/
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced".
First corollary to Clarke's Third Law (Jargon File, v4.2.0, 'magic')
ueued, tho.
- chad
Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://web.chad.org/ (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced".
First corollary to Clarke's Third Law (Jargon File, v4.2.0, 'magic')
Description: PGP signature
bian-devel . (No one seemed to notice.)
- chad
Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://web.chad.org/ (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced".
First corollary to Clarke's Third Law (Jargon File, v4.2.0, 'magic')
esn't come into
it. hth.
- chad (An NM, not mentor.)
Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://web.chad.org/ (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced".
First corollary to Clarke's Third Law (Jargon File, v4.2.0, 'magic')
nd a
'MFT: UserWithNoMailDomain' . I'm not confident enough to file a bug
report on it, tho.
- chad
Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://web.chad.org/ (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insuff
Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://web.chad.org/ (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced".
First corollary to Clarke's Third Law (Jargon File, v4.2.0, 'magic')
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Received: from
ueued, tho.
- chad
Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://web.chad.org/ (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced".
First corollary to Clarke's Third Law (Jargon File, v4.2.0, 'magic')
PGP signature
bian-devel . (No one seemed to notice.)
- chad
Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://web.chad.org/ (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced".
First corollary to Clarke's Third La
esn't come into
it. hth.
- chad (An NM, not mentor.)
Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://web.chad.org/ (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced".
First corollary to Clarke's
nd a
'MFT: UserWithNoMailDomain' . I'm not confident enough to file a bug
report on it, tho.
- chad
Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://web.chad.org/ (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insuff
Chad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> URL: http://web.chad.org/ (GPG)
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced".
First corollary to Clarke's Third Law (Jargon File, v4.2.0, 'magic')
Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
g --compare-versions' to decide what to do.
Btw, I'm not addressing whether this is "legal", just that it's possible.
``Having a smoking section in a restaurant is
like having a peeing sec
a sponsor, so
> is anyone interested in sponsoring me for this package?
I'm interested in having clisp actively maintained. I'm pretty new to it,
but I can sponsor you.
> BTW - I do realise that this package appears to be a portability PITA but I
> think I can cope with tha
g in general. I'd even try really hard to avoid it, using
1.2.0 this time, instead of prepending an epoch. Epochs are ugly.
I usually use 1.2+MMDD for snapshots and 1.1+1.2preN for "prereleases".
I did adopt a package (openjade) that has such a problem, though.
could have
you vouch for the identity of myself as "Bubba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>".
Now, there's usually no good way to match the email address with the
person, but as long as the name-part of the ID is okay, you might be
comfortable signing those you're reasonably sure are
On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 11:22:50AM -0400, christophe barb? wrote:
> IDs are easily forged. I am sure of that since I have see how it works
To misquote Old Man Murray, it's better than relying on scent.
IDs are the best thing we have for identifying the person's real name,
and real names are _req
On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 09:12:21AM +0100, Szilveszter Farkas wrote:
> i would like to create a package which needs a system user and a group
> to be added. which uid/gid shall i use? leave it over 1000 (default),
> or should i set it under 1000?
There's policy already set up for this, and "adduser
Hi, Thomas. I'm not directing this to you only. I'm giving general
advice to all readers here who are thinking of joining Debian.
On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 10:54:14PM +0100, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
> - - Getting my GPG-Key signed,
> - - Finding a sponsor,
> - - Applying as new maintainer, and
On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 08:38:10PM +0100, Daniel Bonniot wrote:
> The original tar file is huge (22MB) because it contains the (big)
> binaries for three architectures (i386, powerpc and hppa).
But, the tarball comes with source, too, right? [Sorry -- too lazy and
on too low-bandwidth to look.]
On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 03:37:59PM -0500, Matej Cepl wrote:
> Well, I really do not care about sexyness of my work. I have just
> participated in the development of the program (actually, it is
> just a script for vim), which seems to be very interesting for
> me (so I hoped it may be interesting f
Hi, Thomas.
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 08:55:32AM +0100, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
> Taking your answer literally, the conclusion is that you think that debian
> has enough package maintainers and the others should bother about the crums
> that fall from the table that existing DDs are not interested in
On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 07:00:15PM -0500, Greg Leffler wrote:
> [...] The main concern I have with the OS is that there is an awful lot of
> documentation missing or that could be made better, just from my run-ins
> with stuff. [...]
> [...] but want I want to begin with is by helping update or
On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 02:57:26PM -0600, Drew Scott Daniels wrote:
> I would like to setup a key to eventually be used for Debian related
> activities (the kind nm's need). I would like to use an existing version
> of pgp on a set of solaris systems I have access to, the problem is they
> have PGP
On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 04:05:50PM -0600, Drew Scott Daniels wrote:
> How about for validation of PGP messages. Is the version on the solaris
> system good enough for validation? [...]
Yes, probably.
> I've also found useful information at pgpi.org since my last post. It
> seems that the IDEA alg
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 05:12:32PM -0800, deFreese, Barry wrote:
> For example. I see a lot of questions on debian-user about configuring IP
> addresses, so I thought, hey I'll write a quick Python app to configure
> /etc/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf. Of course doing an apt search
> produces e
re-versions' to decide what to do.
Btw, I'm not addressing whether this is "legal", just that it's possible.
``Having a smoking section in a restaurant is
like having a peeing section in a pool.''
a sponsor, so
> is anyone interested in sponsoring me for this package?
I'm interested in having clisp actively maintained. I'm pretty new to it,
but I can sponsor you.
> BTW - I do realise that this package appears to be a portability PITA but I
> think I can cope with tha
g in general. I'd even try really hard to avoid it, using
1.2.0 this time, instead of prepending an epoch. Epochs are ugly.
I usually use 1.2+MMDD for snapshots and 1.1+1.2preN for "prereleases".
I did adopt a package (openjade) that has such a problem, though.
could have
you vouch for the identity of myself as "Bubba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>".
Now, there's usually no good way to match the email address with the
person, but as long as the name-part of the ID is okay, you might be
comfortable signing those you're reasonably sure are
On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 11:22:50AM -0400, christophe barb? wrote:
> IDs are easily forged. I am sure of that since I have see how it works
To misquote Old Man Murray, it's better than relying on scent.
IDs are the best thing we have for identifying the person's real name,
and real names are _requ
On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 09:12:21AM +0100, Szilveszter Farkas wrote:
> i would like to create a package which needs a system user and a group
> to be added. which uid/gid shall i use? leave it over 1000 (default),
> or should i set it under 1000?
There's policy already set up for this, and "adduser
Hi, Thomas. I'm not directing this to you only. I'm giving general
advice to all readers here who are thinking of joining Debian.
On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 10:54:14PM +0100, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
> - - Getting my GPG-Key signed,
> - - Finding a sponsor,
> - - Applying as new maintainer, and
On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 08:38:10PM +0100, Daniel Bonniot wrote:
> The original tar file is huge (22MB) because it contains the (big)
> binaries for three architectures (i386, powerpc and hppa).
But, the tarball comes with source, too, right? [Sorry -- too lazy and
on too low-bandwidth to look.]
On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 03:37:59PM -0500, Matej Cepl wrote:
> Well, I really do not care about sexyness of my work. I have just
> participated in the development of the program (actually, it is
> just a script for vim), which seems to be very interesting for
> me (so I hoped it may be interesting f
Hi, Thomas.
On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 08:55:32AM +0100, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
> Taking your answer literally, the conclusion is that you think that debian
> has enough package maintainers and the others should bother about the crums
> that fall from the table that existing DDs are not interested in
On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 07:00:15PM -0500, Greg Leffler wrote:
> [...] The main concern I have with the OS is that there is an awful lot of
> documentation missing or that could be made better, just from my run-ins
> with stuff. [...]
> [...] but want I want to begin with is by helping update or
On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 02:57:26PM -0600, Drew Scott Daniels wrote:
> I would like to setup a key to eventually be used for Debian related
> activities (the kind nm's need). I would like to use an existing version
> of pgp on a set of solaris systems I have access to, the problem is they
> have PGP
On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 04:05:50PM -0600, Drew Scott Daniels wrote:
> How about for validation of PGP messages. Is the version on the solaris
> system good enough for validation? [...]
Yes, probably.
> I've also found useful information at pgpi.org since my last post. It
> seems that the IDEA alg
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 05:12:32PM -0800, deFreese, Barry wrote:
> For example. I see a lot of questions on debian-user about configuring IP
> addresses, so I thought, hey I'll write a quick Python app to configure
> /etc/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf. Of course doing an apt search
> produces e
40 matches
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