On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 04:05:50PM -0600, Drew Scott Daniels wrote:
> How about for validation of PGP messages. Is the version on the solaris
> system good enough for validation? [...]

Yes, probably.

> I've also found useful information at pgpi.org since my last post. It
> seems that the IDEA algorithm is not in 2.6.x, but is in 5.0i and some
> other versions. I also found pointers to the non-free "free" pgp 8 for
> windows (yes, most of "my" single user machines are stuck with windows).
> It's license is DFSG non-free to the point at which I'm questioning it's
> value over GnuPG. I don't know whether IDEA adds much value yet.

None at all.  Idea is available for GnuPG, we're just not allowed to
distribute it.  I haven't needed it in several years, anyway.

If you must have it, Google: "gnupg idea plugin"

                                                - chad

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Description: PGP signature

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