Fix for non-working mail address in the live-manual

2019-04-06 Thread Roland Clobus
ion. With kind regards, Roland Clobus diff --git a/manual/en/about_project.ssi b/manual/en/about_project.ssi index 442a042a..4635a70d 100644 --- a/manual/en/about_project.ssi +++ b/manual/en/about_project.ssi @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ A system for configuring packages is provided using debconf allowing custom

Offer to help updating the manual

2019-04-06 Thread Roland Clobus
links. Are you interested in such patch? With kind regards, Roland Clobus DM for pioneers signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Offer to help updating the manual

2019-04-07 Thread Roland Clobus
reparing this mail, the merge request was already accepted. With kind regards, Roland Clobus signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Offer to help updating the manual

2019-04-12 Thread Roland Clobus
Hello list and Luca, On 08/04/2019 12:50, Luca Boccassi wrote: > On Sun, 2019-04-07 at 13:50 +0200, Roland Clobus wrote: >> On 06/04/2019 20:22, Luca Boccassi wrote: >> Encountered issues/Need for information: >> >> During the updating of the links I've seen th

Please activate the pipelines in

2019-05-09 Thread Roland Clobus (modify live-boot to match each of the git-repos) Can you activate the pipeline for live-boot? (For live-build it is running already) Should I create merge requests for the remaining git-repos? (The yml file does not need modification for the diffrerent repos) With

live-boot repository: ready for translators

2019-05-15 Thread Roland Clobus
/live-team/live-boot or you can directly download the files from: When the translations have been updated, a full release of the live-boot package can be prepared. With kind regards, Roland Clobus --- Translation s

Live build: courier-mta instead of exim4 (Was: error live build with "method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found")

2019-05-19 Thread Roland Clobus
ad of on mail-transport-agent? That would explain why exim4 will get pulled in as well. In order to be fully able to reproduce your case, I think we will need your config directory, because the command that you provided is not sufficient for reproducing the case. With kind regards, Roland Clob

Bug#929271: backports customizations are not enabled for live-build

2019-05-20 Thread Roland Clobus
ocumentation, which confirms my assumption. Instead of (re-)implementing these options, I would update the documentation instead. With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#929271: backports customizations are not enabled for live-build

2019-05-22 Thread Roland Clobus
or only a partial mirror, but you can always add an additional repository. > In addition, not all the countries have excelent internet providers and > the net service are expensive in some cases.. For that, you can use something like apt-cacher-ng during the construction of the live image. Summ

Re: No Issues on Salsa? Missing reference to mailing list?

2019-07-24 Thread Roland Clobus
quest against > > to > improve (hopefully) the live image web page: > , but I notice that the page "belongs" > to the debian-cd team. Is that accurate? Shouldn't it "belong" to the > debian-live team? With kind regards, Roland Clobus signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#953639: Remaining Alioth links

2020-03-12 Thread Roland Clobus
Hello jnqnfe, Some time ago I wrote to the mailing list about the Alioth links. I am working (but rather slowly) at fixing these last references. The procedure chapter needs a rewrite. I intend to write to write my proposal to the mailing list in about a week. With kind regards, Roland Clobus

Documenting the generation of the live images in Debian

2020-03-21 Thread Roland Clobus
buster/main/installer-amd64/current/images/cdrom/"; * The run-30live-wrapper mentions wheezy and jessie, so it is rather old I would like to add to the live-manual the steps to build an image from the current stable and testing versions of Debian. Do you have hints/ideas how I can proceed?

Re: Historical images

2020-03-21 Thread Roland Clobus
ted today images? how to generates for debian 9 > and debian 8 live? and cd/dvd 1 set? You are perhaps looking for the archive? With kind regards, Roland Clobus signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Patching apt-cacher-ng (Was: Documenting the generation of the live images in Debian)

2020-03-21 Thread Roland Clobus
as planing to release a new version of > ACNG in a couple of days anyway. Do you also need it in backports? If you still would like to include the patch, I think that the content listing of a directory should always be considered volatile. But, as said, I think that the bug should be reassigned to the live-wrapper package. With kind regards, Roland Clobus signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: live-manual update

2020-04-05 Thread Roland Clobus
hich I shortly wrote on 2020-03-21T17:27). Current Debian Stable images are built with live-wrapper, which uses vmdebootstrap under the hood. vmdebootstrap depends on Python 2, and will not be present in the next version of Debian. I am not aware of something that provides a 1-to-1 replacement that will work on Debian Testing (and therefore the next release of Debian). With kind regards, Roland Clobus signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Reproducible Debian live ISO image

2020-09-11 Thread Roland Clobus
changes to a MR, that publishes my work so far. With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2] signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Porting the standard image from live-wrapper to live-build

2020-11-11 Thread Roland Clobus
ke the image more similar to the live-wrapper image -> should not be merged to the git repository of live-build * The git repo [4] has 2 commits which start with 'HACK' ** Only needed to make the image more similar to the live-wrapper image -> should not be merged to the git rep

Re: Bug#979151: live-build: installer_debian-installer script needs to support xz compression

2021-01-03 Thread Roland Clobus
provide the command line to 'lb config' that you used to find this issue? That would help in reproducing this issue. With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#970689: live-build: fails when lilo can't be installed, even if unused

2021-02-06 Thread Roland Clobus
On 05/02/2021 18:36, Borden wrote: > Do you know if there's a workaround to this bug? Even if the devs won't fix > it, it would still be nice to be able to compile an iso. I have a patch in preparation. I'm reviewing it and will send a merge request soon. With kind r

Bug#970689: live-build: fails when lilo can't be installed, even if unused

2021-02-10 Thread Roland Clobus
On 09/02/2021 06:38, Borden wrote: > On Sat, 6 Feb 2021 10:34:19 +0100 Roland Clobus wrote: >> I have a patch in preparation. I'm reviewing it and will send a merge >> request soon. > > That's great. Is it in a repo where I can test it? I'm a bit impatient t

Progress on reproducible Debian Live images

2021-02-10 Thread Roland Clobus
for all other tool that might who need it. For mdadm I'm finalizing a patch. * Buster images have more non-reproducible packages, but many issues have been fixed for Bullseye already Long summary: Read the full Wiki page, which contains the command lines, etc. With kind regards, Roland Clobus

Re: Volume ID with mkfs.msdos

2021-02-15 Thread Roland Clobus
> important purpose? If not, could it please be dropped? The volume-id itself has no special importance. I've added volume-id parameter, because without it, the volume-id would have been chosen randomly, which makes the live image non-reproducible. I'll look into this to c

Re: Volume ID with mkfs.msdos

2021-02-16 Thread Roland Clobus
SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to hex (which is 32bit until 2038) [which I should have done when I introduced the -i command line argument. :-) ] See MR243 With kind regards, Roland Clobus

Bug#958647: Issue is known and intentional in util-linux

2021-02-17 Thread Roland Clobus
s that 'su -' is the recommended way to become root since 2018-08-03. With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] /usr/share/doc/util-linux/NEWS.Debian.gz OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: lb binary fails on line 72

2021-03-01 Thread Roland Clobus
g) that causes this issue? The folder 'binary' should have been created by one of the previous steps. With kind regards, Roland Clobus

Re: lb binary fails on line 72

2021-03-02 Thread Roland Clobus
x27; --uefi-secure-boot 'enable' --updates 'true' --win32-loader 'true' I could not reproduce this issue, neither on the released version, nor on the git upstream/master. The resulting image is 407896064 bytes. Do you have additional content in config or auto? Are there perhaps scripts or hooks that delete folders? With kind regards, Roland Clobus PS: You do not need to reply to me, I'm subscribed to the list OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Proposal: remove the file with the size of the image from the image

2021-03-10 Thread Roland Clobus
(at least for squashfs) is broken My proposal: Fixing is not so straightforward, I would rather recommend to delete this part of the code. If you agree, I'll prepare the merge request. With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] Ope

Re: "--debian-installer" of `lb config` not work in order.

2021-03-11 Thread Roland Clobus
at For the moment, you'll need the daily build of the installer: --parent-debian-installer-distribution daily With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#964914: Fixed

2021-03-11 Thread Roland Clobus
tags 964914 + pending thanks Hi, this issue has been fixed in merge request 247. With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Has anybody gotten the Bullseye installer to work? -> yes

2021-03-29 Thread Roland Clobus
2 sources for the installer. When you use --debian-installer-distribution 'daily', you will get the daily installer. With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Has anybody gotten the Bullseye installer to work? -> yes

2021-04-05 Thread Roland Clobus
the image (I also got a working installer with 'live') 2) --parent-debian-installer-distribution 'daily' -> to specify the daily build of the installer In your latest example '--debian-installer' is missing. Are you rebuilding from a pre-existing directory? In that case, you could run 'lb clean --purge' to ensure that no cached files are used to rebuild your image. With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Do MacBook support/need EFI secure boot (Was: Porting the standard image from live-wrapper to live-build)

2021-04-08 Thread Roland Clobus
Hello Jeroen and list, Now that I'm able to reproducibly build images with live-build, I'm looking at missing features in live-build. On 17/11/2020 11:03, Jeroen Diederen wrote: > On 17/11/2020 10:44 Luca Boccassi wrote: >> On 11/11/202 11:54 Roland Clobus wrote: >>>

Replacing live-wrapper for live images by live-build?

2021-04-14 Thread Roland Clobus
live-wrapper will be? * If no, would you consider using live-build again? With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2] [3] OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Some Debian Live testing

2021-04-21 Thread Roland Clobus
Hello Jonathan, On 21/04/2021 21:14, Jonathan Carter wrote: > I did a quick smoke-test of the live session for each amd64 isos. I'm curious, which ISO images did you use? The released buster 10.9 images [1], or some bullseye images? With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1]

Re: Has anybody gotten the Bullseye installer to work? -> final

2021-04-24 Thread Roland Clobus
Hello list and Borden, This mail is to inform you that the Debian-Installer got a new release at 2021-04-15 [1]. This means that you don't need to use the daily versions of the installer any more. With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1]

Bug#987508: debian-live: Automatic Suspend is enabled in the GNOME image

2021-04-24 Thread Roland Clobus
Perhaps I don't know kvm/qemu well enough, but I'm unable to wake my virtual machine when it was suspended. This means that the work in the live image has become inaccessible, and I need to do a hard power off. With kind regards, Roland Clobus

Re: Progress on reproducible Debian Live images

2021-05-13 Thread Roland Clobus
Hello Holger and lists, On 08/05/2021 01:18, Holger Levsen wrote: > On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 11:13:03PM +0100, Roland Clobus wrote: >> I've created a Wiki page that details my progress in creating >> reproducible live images, since I wrote to these lists on 2020-11-11. >&g

Re: Custom Buster live-build

2021-06-28 Thread Roland Clobus
m biased, I've worked in live-build in the last couple of years, I would recommend to use live-build. You can take a look at the Wiki [1] page that details some command line examples for e.g. building a GNOME live image, and the documentation [2]. With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] https:

Second status update about reproducible live-build ISO images in Jenkins

2021-07-25 Thread Roland Clobus
g release times * When live-build images are working fine, the work could be extended to other images, e.g. the live-wrapper images, the netinst images or perhaps even Docker images With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2] https://jenkins.

Re: Problem with lb clean

2021-07-31 Thread Roland Clobus
on. Otherwise you can update your configuration. Afterwards you can then run 'lb build'. With kind regards, Roland Clobus

Re: In Bullseye installed with calamares hundreds of unneeded localization pkgs/progs are still present

2021-08-23 Thread Roland Clobus
/msg6.html When you run the installer from the live image, you'll get a copy of the live image. Even though you might expect to run the full, configurable installer. With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: In Bullseye installed with calamares hundreds of unneeded localization pkgs/progs are still present

2021-08-25 Thread Roland Clobus
On 23/08/2021 20:01, Jonathan Carter wrote: > On 2021/08/23 19:50, Roland Clobus wrote: >> When you run the installer from the live image, you'll get a copy of the >> live image. Even though you might expect to run the full, configurable >> installer. > > Yeah I f

Third status update about reproducible live-build ISO images in Jenkins

2021-08-30 Thread Roland Clobus
image. ** OpenQA was presented on DebConf21, it already tests the current daily images [5] * Long term: When live-build images are working fine, the work could be extended to other images, e.g. the live-wrapper images, the netinst images or perhaps even Docker images With kind regards, Roland Clobus

Re: Recoding the configuration for live-build images (Was: Third status update about reproducible live-build ISO images in Jenkins)

2021-08-31 Thread Roland Clobus
ion for the lb commands could be embedded into the ISO image. Then you can, after obtaining a live image, use the config provided there to rebuild exactly the same image. With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Getting the proxy behaviour right

2021-09-08 Thread Roland Clobus
eparing the configuration files (which typically needs several retries before everything is right). Development notes: The host apt HTTP proxy setting will be determined by `apt-config dump`. Using `Debug::Acquire::http` apt will output more information With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: changing hostname from debian to something else in live installation

2021-09-08 Thread Roland Clobus
ean. The 'live installation setup', what is it? (Which program did you start, or which boot option did you use) With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Fourth status update about reproducible live-build ISO images in Jenkins

2021-09-25 Thread Roland Clobus
** I've already contacted Philip Hands for an introductore meeting * Long term: When live-build images are working fine, the work could be extended to other images, e.g. the live-wrapper images, the netinst images or perhaps even Docker images With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] htt

Re: Does Live-Build have a problem with large files?

2021-11-23 Thread Roland Clobus
bvirt automatically issues a chown command to the images, to change ownership. Can't you already set the ownership to the correct values before building the ISO image (i.e. in includes.chroot)? With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Does Live-Build have a problem with large files?

2021-11-24 Thread Roland Clobus
, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Does Live-Build have a problem with large files?

2021-11-26 Thread Roland Clobus
not run out of disk space when you start the VM. However, the virtual disk image itself (qcow2) can be shrunk to its current content, to save space within your live image (as you already wrote, with: qemu-img convert). With kind regards, Roland Clobus PS: Please send a copy to the list too when

Fifth status update about reproducible live-build ISO images in Jenkins

2021-11-27 Thread Roland Clobus
aps even Docker images * When it is ready, switch to With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2] [3] [4] https://bugs

Bug#1002628: Using build command fails in Debian WSL

2021-12-26 Thread Roland Clobus
ld is not working properly inside WSL2? The error message says that you need 'exec' and/or 'dev' rights for your mount point. I've not tried this on Windows under WSL yet, but under Linux, with /dev/shm, I use: 'sudo mount /dev/shm -odev,exec,remount' W

Re: Debian Reproducible Live images Wiki page

2021-12-29 Thread Roland Clobus
ript in live-build, instead of it being maintained on the Wiki page and duplicated in Jenkins? With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Live Debian Image Boots on Some Systems not Others

2022-01-02 Thread Roland Clobus
fference between the non-working and working images will show which package was actually required. With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Live Debian Image Boots on Some Systems not Others

2022-01-02 Thread Roland Clobus
t at least you will be able to get a bootable image. With kind regards, Roland Clobus PS: I'm wondering why the live image that you got earlier would be able to boot at all... OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Live Boot Menu with GRUB

2022-01-02 Thread Roland Clobus
quot; into menuentry "My distro"? No, it is hard coded at the moment. See scripts/build/binary_grub_cfg. At the best for 2022! With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Sixth status update about reproducible live-build ISO images in Jenkins

2022-01-24 Thread Roland Clobus
mages * When it is ready, switch to With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2] [3] [4]

Generate live images again?

2022-02-08 Thread Roland Clobus
a suitable moment to generate the live images again based on live-build? With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2] [3]

Re: Questions from a new Debian Live Build user

2022-02-11 Thread Roland Clobus
disk, and removed the live part afterwards. That's why there are so few questions asked. So depending on the installer part, you might end up with totally different Debian installations. With kind regards, Roland Clobus PS: Shamelessly plugging my work. Take a look at https://

Seventh status update about reproducible live-build ISO images in Jenkins

2022-02-22 Thread Roland Clobus
features of the (now disabled) live-wrapper live images to live-build With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2] [3] Pending merge for Jenkins

Bug#1007182: live-config: Add ability to use cloud-init for configuration

2022-03-12 Thread Roland Clobus
glance) not show _how_ the live media would support the cloud-init standard. Do you have a working example or a proof-of-concept that can be used for the integration if this feature? With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Actually the issue is with SiSU and Ruby3

2022-03-28 Thread Roland Clobus
y, there are some commits mentioning ruby 3.0, from mid 2021. Could you perhaps make a new release of SiSU? With kind regards, Roland Clobus --- Relevant snippet: sisu --configure ERROR class variable access from toplevel /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/sisu/se.rb:55:in `' /usr/lib/ruby

Eighth status update about reproducible live-build ISO images in Jenkins

2022-03-28 Thread Roland Clobus
be extended to other images, e.g. the netinst images or perhaps even Docker images * Transfer the special features of the (now disabled) live-wrapper live images to live-build * Start building official live-images again With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1]

Starting live CD generation again for Bookworm?

2022-03-31 Thread Roland Clobus
Hello Debian-live list, I've collected my thoughts and have published a summary about live CD generation for Bookworm (and sid). It is now about 2 years ago that I wrote about the live image generation, perhaps it will be in time to have support in Bookworm.

Re: Why is debian Live (11.2.0) advancing the time on my windows laptop +5 hours? ...

2022-04-01 Thread Roland Clobus
will be with the wrong hour, but I can set the timezone in 'Date & Time', which does only affect the displayed time, it will not set the hardware clock. Which choices have you made while booting the live image? With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Why is debian Live (11.2.0) advancing the time on my windows laptop +5 hours? ...

2022-04-02 Thread Roland Clobus
0 2) Start a terminal in the GNOME Live environment 3) 'date --iso-8601=seconds' -> shows 2022-03-15T11:02 4) 'sudo hwclock' -> shows 2008-01-01T00:00 Can you provide me with similar details? With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: which references (books, web pages, faqs, videos, ...) would you recommend to someone learning about the Linux boot process as thoroughly as possible?

2022-04-02 Thread Roland Clobus With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: live-manual is marked for autoremoval from testing

2022-04-04 Thread Roland Clobus
compatible version 3) Remove live-manual from the Debian repository and keep only the git-based most recent version I'm tempted to go for option 3. What's your opinion? With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Change request: Renumbering the default hooks

2022-04-13 Thread Roland Clobus
oks that you already implemented in your own live image building system and will (because they use softlinks) break your current 'config' directory. What's your opinion? With kind regards, Roland Clobus Working on reproducible live images OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Live CD for Debian Jr.

2022-04-23 Thread Roland Clobus
lly if you combine it with a fixed timestamp while developing your image. [2] Note that for using the proxy properly, you'll need the version of live-build from git. With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2] https

Ninth status update about reproducible live-build ISO images in Jenkins

2022-04-24 Thread Roland Clobus
extended to other images, e.g. the netinst images or perhaps even Docker images * Transfer the special features of the (now disabled) live-wrapper live images to live-build * Start building official live-images again [11] With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1]

Re: about versions of live-image sources in the repository

2022-06-27 Thread Roland Clobus
akes some time to re-start it. With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Tenth status update about reproducible live-build ISO images in Jenkins

2022-06-28 Thread Roland Clobus
.g. the netinst images or perhaps even Docker images * Transfer the special features of the (now disabled) live-wrapper live images to live-build * Start building official live-images again [11] With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [4] ht

Bug#863180: live-wrapper: Add keyboard shortcuts and revamp menus

2022-06-30 Thread Roland Clobus
Hello all, On 29/06/2022 23:53, Steve McIntyre wrote: On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 11:47:31PM +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote: Steve McIntyre, le mar. 25 juil. 2017 00:10:24 +0100, a ecrit: As discussed on it would be useful to have k

Re: about the hooks

2022-07-02 Thread Roland Clobus
'normal' and 'live' hooks will be applied for all cases. The only difference is for '.container' hooks, which was only recently added. I would recommend to use the 'normal' folder for your hooks. That's where most hooks are located. Use the nume

Bug#1015782: live-build: Replace a few more values in the splash SVG

2022-07-24 Thread Roland Clobus
r-live-build, which refers to buster, which is currently oldstable. Will you be aiming for bookworm? (You could use a single repository live-build-config, with several branches) The image for Grub (used for UEFI boot) is the default image. Is that intentional? With kind regards, Roland Clobus

Re: about versions of live-image sources in the repository

2022-07-24 Thread Roland Clobus
will switch back to live-build again. Most importantly, the automated testing of the live images will reduce the stress of the release team at release day. (See With kind regards, Roland Clobus PS: Adding the mailing list OpenPGP_signature

Re: Live System images and Pure Blends

2022-07-25 Thread Roland Clobus
rk on a README.html / pdf file as a first "Welcome" and guide new users where they can get more help. Links to pre-installed documentation, Debian Wiki pages, Debian Local Groups. I have created a small example of a Debian Desktop live system. The 'Welcome to Debian' is a separate topic. I'll respond later. With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Eleventh status update about reproducible live-build ISO images

2022-07-27 Thread Roland Clobus
ild * Start building official live-images again [6][12] With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2] [3] [4] https://salsa.debia

Re: live-manual: German translation

2022-08-10 Thread Roland Clobus
German translation. Should you find unclear wording or ambiguity in the English text, please write to this list. The original text can then be updated. With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Issue installing Debian Live on hardware that supports many other distros

2022-08-13 Thread Roland Clobus
k: In the boot menu, do you see 'BIOS mode' or 'UEFI installer menu' * Run the installer from the boot menu, instead of starting Calamares from the live environment * Remove USB * Reboot * Report back: Do you have the same issue or is it different? Thanks in advance, Roland C

Rescatux live-build improvements (Was: Re: Live System images and Pure Blends)

2022-08-13 Thread Roland Clobus
don't know where to look. With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Issue installing Debian Live on hardware that supports many other distros

2022-08-16 Thread Roland Clobus
her ideas that you want me to try, I’m happy to do so some morning this week Thanks again for taking so much time. Could you attach the output of the 'sudo efibootmgr -v ' command and also of 'lsusb'? With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug#1015782: live-build: Replace a few more values in the splash SVG -> pending

2022-08-22 Thread Roland Clobus
interface of 'lb' at a later moment. I have not added LB_ISO_VOLUME: the default value contains the magic sequence '@ISOVOLUME_TS@' which resolves to a timestamp. This would need additional handling. The timestamp is available in all its parts anyway. With kind regards, Rolan

Re: OS-Installer package

2022-08-28 Thread Roland Clobus
e d-i is for the technical audience). With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

12th status update about reproducible live-build ISO images

2022-08-28 Thread Roland Clobus
uilding official live-images again [6][8] With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2] [3] [4] https://salsa.

Monthly status update about reproducible live-build ISO images

2022-09-25 Thread Roland Clobus
ithout a short time frame, to capture more variations * Use disorderfs * Transfer the special features of the (now disabled) live-wrapper live images to live-build * Start building official live-images again [6][8] With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1]

Bug#1020940: debian-live: A large number of locales are created by default

2022-09-28 Thread Roland Clobus
is to be a feature :-) However, given that you are not the first to wonder about the amount of localisation packages, this bug report could be considered to become a feature request: have the installer(s) ask which locales you would like to keep. With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP

Re: Creating live build using package downloaded locally

2022-10-22 Thread Roland Clobus
n I'll change back to use instead of the snapshot server. Also take a look at the script '' in the test folder of the git repository ( With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenP

Re: Select boot method (Was: Debian Live Boot issue with Graphics Driver)

2022-10-22 Thread Roland Clobus
e pressing 'Finish'. Look at 'Overview', 'Hypervisor Details', 'Firmware': Select either 'BIOS' for legacy boot using isolinux, 'UEFI' for non-secure boot or '' for UEFI secure boot. Both UEFI modes use

Re: Debian Live Boot issue with Graphics Driver

2022-10-22 Thread Roland Clobus
the boot of the 'failsafe' option. Which version of live-build are you using? > I am using Ryzen 3 machine... Do you need all these 3 options for a normal live boot? With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: about live-boot with uuid

2022-10-22 Thread Roland Clobus
find a fix. With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Monthly status update about reproducible live-build ISO images

2022-10-30 Thread Roland Clobus
cial live-images again [6][8] With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2] [3] [4]

Re: [DEVEL] Enable support for Renesas platform (section: live images)

2022-11-21 Thread Roland Clobus
/index.en.html The scripts can be highly customised, e.g. to contain custom kernels (see 8.2.10) With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Monthly status update about reproducible live-build ISO images

2022-11-28 Thread Roland Clobus
a short time frame, to capture more variations * Use disorderfs * Transfer the special features of the (now disabled) live-wrapper live images to live-build With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2]

Re: live-setup | Reintroduce regular building of live-build images (!2)

2022-11-28 Thread Roland Clobus
e a runnable d-i, even if the kernel version was not updated yet in git. * I've used the snapshot service instead of also for long-term reproducibility reasons. live images can only be reproduced within the same DAK-sync (every 6 hours) With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: About applying non-free firmware on Debian Live images

2022-12-07 Thread Roland Clobus
te benefit), please state so, and I'll focus on other topics :-) With kind regards, Roland Clobus OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Starting the weekly live images for Bookworm building again

2023-01-16 Thread Roland Clobus
g off-line installation [A5] With kind regards, Roland Clobus [A1] [A2] [A3] [A4]

Monthly status update about reproducible live-build ISO images

2023-01-29 Thread Roland Clobus
removed from my next report With kind regards, Roland Clobus [1] [2] [3] [4] https://salsa.d

Bug#1030526: live-build: Fails to build bookworm, due to firmware-linux

2023-02-04 Thread Roland Clobus
ists', to determine which package is pulling in the firmware packages. With kind regards, Roland Clobus PS: the 'lb config' command does not need to be run as root. On 04/02/2023 15:13, Witold Baryluk wrote: Package: live-build Version: 1:20230131 Severity: important X-De

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