Hello Borden,

On 02/03/2021 03:53, Borden wrote:
> I'm trying to build an image using live-build 20210216. It's getting towards 
> the end and fails suddenly with error message
> find: ‘binary’: No such file or directory
> E: An unexpected failure occurred, exiting...
> I think I've traced the offending code to line 72 of 
> /usr/lib/live/build/binary:
> # Apply SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to all modified and created files
> find binary -newermt "$(date -d@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" 
> -printf "%y %p\n" -exec touch '{}' -d@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} --no-dereference 
> ';' > binary.modified_timestamps
> Is this a known problem and, if so, what's the workaround?

I'm the author of that specific line.

Can you provide me with the configuration (lb config) that causes this
issue? The folder 'binary' should have been created by one of the
previous steps.

With kind regards,
Roland Clobus

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