Laurent Bigonville:
> It would be nice to have spice-vdagent installed by default in the live
> cd.
Yes, please.
> That would allow the users using it in kvm to copy/paste from/to the
> host.
This + automatic screen resolution updates :)
FTR spice-vdagent is shipped in Tails and in the Fed
[adding Debian GNOME Maintainers in the loop, as it might be a bug in
GNOME Software / PackageKit that affects any Debian+GNOME first boot
experience, rather than something specific to how we build Debian Live
>* What led up to the situation?
> Launch GNOME Software in Debian Liv
Steve McIntyre:
> While the bugs are annoying, what worries me more is that they were
> only spotted in release builds. There had been testing versions of
> live images available for multiple weeks beforehand, presumably with
> the same bugs included. (Almost) none of them reported. This shows
this bug has already been reported here:
Control: tag -1 + confirmed
> The menu on the top right offers an option to log out (in the submenu "Debian
> Live user"), it does not work and crash the system.
I can reproduce something similar with
debian-live-9.1.0-amd64-gnome.iso in a libvirt/QEMU VM with QXL
graphics: the graphical ses
Processing control commands:
> tag -1 + confirmed
Bug #862562 [debian-live] debian-live: Log Out option don't work
Added tag(s) confirmed.
862562: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=862562
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact ow...@bugs.debian.org with problems