rd somewhere, there those are scanned and when
they are a printout of the request-formular, the CD is burned, copied
the address field on an envelope and sends it out. Would I still be the
one copying in your understanding of the situation? what if the form
says: "might be processed with
m the question of allowing or disallowing
> software failing some of these criteria.
Sorry, I cannot find any sense in this sentence.
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
; before a notary; however, this voidness goes away if I really receive
> the sandwich.)
Is this only one contract, or are there also several involved?
(I'd guess at least two as both "Eigentum" and "Besitz" of the sandwich
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
ed to emulators, as e.g. ispell depends
on a ispell-dictionary.
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
ne will dare to tell that this is nothing for main.
If noone ever made such a thing, and noone is willing to do so, then
I think the argument that it used that way is somehow weak.
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
bution. (For example I never use saytime in normal
operation, but install it regulary, only because it is an very
easy method to test whether configuring sound worked).
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
d have rotten
away years ago), are you then allowed to take a toy for free, because
the requested task is clearly impossible?
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
thing, in the other
not. This was discussed to death already sometimes. When you cannot do
it in the Desert Island test, it cannot be free.
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
* Matthew Garrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040715 21:40]:
> Really? Wow. That's insane.
As insane as it would to allow anyone to modify my hand-typed,
elaborated pieces of software without even paying me. That's not
freedom, that is stupidity.
Mit freuntlichen Grüßen,
Bernhard R. Link
of course they are getting absurd when used outside
of the context we are talking about, that noone is limited in his
freedoms by disallowing him artifically to use the software on his
Bernhard R. Link
[1] here (and later in this text) not used in the sense of
hat about the group of people that is in countries that
impose an embargo or export restrictions on countries the "initial
developer" is in.
Consider something like a ssl-library was under this licence in the
times where those were more strictly handled and the "initial developer&
e more use of my Irish
> citizenship.
We may ignore the countries, but are we allowed to ignore the users
within it?
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
urity measures of the plant and make the licence thus "free"
without changing who if effectively allowed to use it and who not?
Bernhard R. Link
[1] Just to name the obvious. We have a context here, which has
to be observed before trying to direct it into absu
you live and work that easily.
Bernhard R. Link
eople suprised about some meaning, up to a level of "This was meant
litaral? I thought that was a joke."
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
happen with their code due to problems
in the licence is still dangerous style.
Yes, this situation sucks. I really wished it would vanish soon
by common usage of gnutls. I hope the change to LGPL was not too
late to finaly see some solution in the future.
Bernhard R. Link
e onerous, that is normaly a sign that this a justified
request. (i.e. something were people need it)
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
or refering to "original" author,
thus changing the effects for different people though different people
have the same "licence text" to obey.)
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
erwise it is always discrimination, as it always implicitly says:
"and full rights to every author for the part of the code he wrote".
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
that you wouldn't have this requirement. But I've not seen
> you offer any reason to believe that the terms of section 9 are not a
> part of the terms of "this license".
Nobody speaks against section 9 beeing part of the GPL. The "any later
version" is not part of the GPL.
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
when comming, but looking as the GFDL disaster, I also
always think twice before putting code under this terms...
Bernhard R. Link
2. (And one could have made it available under
other licences by placing a "or any later version" to it)
Bernhard R. Link
* Glenn Maynard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040826 23:59]:
> If Raul's interpretation of the GPL is correct
> (the second alternative above), then [...]
Then 0 is 1 and black is white and humanity dies when
trying to pass a street.
Sorry, could not resist,
Bernhard R. Link
use this under GPLv2 or [blub], if
you allow under GPLv2 *and* [blub]" is contradictionary both when you
insert BSD or GPLv3 for [blub].
Bernhard R. Link
what it is
currently worth before the ban can take effect and make it impossible
for him to allow others to use it. Anyone knows some reading if there is
any other possibility and if this possibilty is even applicaple to
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
ot to this specific
code. You still have rights to use any other GPLed code, even from the
same author.
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
ders of nuclear bombs,
terrorists, criminals, US-goverment agents, abortion medics,
religious fundamentals, communists, lawyers, ...
Bernhard R. Link
uding "bad" ones. (Or will GPL3 have a section
termination the licence if you breach any FSF copyright?)
Bernhard R. Link
notice saying this License applies
|to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other
|conditions whatsoever to those of this License.
Bernhard R. Link
[1] As this specific info page is not yet in a package, though I do not
doubt there will be s
s-ja: groff_tmac.5.gz groff.7.gz roff.7.gz
Martin Waitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
oidentd: oidentd.conf.5.gz oidentd_masq.conf.5.gz oidentd.8.gz
partimage: partimage.1.gz
partimage-server: partimaged.8.gz partimagedusers.5.gz
Bernhard R. Link
ive any third party, for
a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source
distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding
source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above
on a medium customarily used for software interchange;"
Bernhard R. Link
It only limits
copying and distributing of the result, as one cannot find a common
licence term for the combination. But this is merely a thing about
incompatible licences, not about a licence in itself...
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system,
d this to people not
having their lawyer told so, as I strongly doubt most jurisdictions
will tell the resulting work is under the original licence. (As you
have no licence for the patch, you may use it to generate your own
local version of the documentation, but who allows you to copy,
n any license. The GPL discriminates against proprietary
> software authors.
No, it does not. (It makes it impossible for propietary software authors
to enrich their software with the copyleft software. But when this is
discrimination, so is giving away free t-shirts, as there are people who
do not like clothes).
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
cause of personal preference.
Nothing in GPL fobids using of code under GPL in writing
proprietary software. All it forbids is mixing GPL-code in propietary
code (or otherwise incompatible code) and copying this.
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating s
ving away free t-shirts)
> We just can't read DFSG#6 that broadly.
So you want to say one should limit its reading to
something unreasonable small, because one could also
read it unreadonable broad?
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
putting a price tag at it or
advertising it in some form was also a binding contract...
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
hat are forced by
evil companpanies/beeings/desires to use non-free stuff[1].)
Bernhard R. Link
1: and before anyone starts discussing about freeness: Do you have the
source and all perimissions to do with it what we require for the word
"free" in this context?
quite common, we only need to add some code to libc that the library and
the program are always executed on the other one of the processors.
Bernhard R. Link
r the line may be intact but a empty
condition as the disclaimer is empty, don't know how they make it..)
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
u, but only make me feeling guilty of feeding the
trolls when answering you.
> Ignorance is bliss, I guess.
Oh, all hail Micheal, the great martyr trying to open our eyes.
Better this way?
Sorry for writing, but I can only ignore a certain amount of
such posts,
Bernhard R. Link
more in
the jurisdiction choosen by the clause, what will happen?
Will simply the normal rules apply, or will both have to
travel to the remote place, will that even be able to
open an case?
Bernhard R. Link
with a subject of
ry to be also
added into a copyright license, but if it is wanted there, please add
some escape route in there, so that one can tell about endorsement if there
is any. Some often found clause it something like "without prior written
auhtorization from ..."
Bernhard R. L
> to sublicense, at the time you distribute the covered work or in the
> future, that would be infringed or violated by the covered work or any
> reasonably contemplated use of the covered work.
This is really a bit harsh. Especially that automatism. Why not disallow
them to distri
* Joe Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060117 02:30]:
> From: "Bernhard R. Link" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Where did the "unless that component itself accompanies the
> > executable" go? Is it somewhere else?
> It has been eliminated, intentionall
lse. Do you want us to throw it into the recycle bin on your
behalf instead of sending to you?".
Though the lawyers and judges would surely find some problem with
that, too.
Bernhard R. Link
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Just as a hint: In some jurisdictions classical copyright law
might not restrict running at all, so restrict it more than with
no license at all, which could lead to click-wrap, restrictions
to not give it to anyone not accepting the license, ...)
Bernhard R. Link
e the title from all caps to something fitting to
the rest of the titles in the table of contents).
Bernhard R. Link
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
omplete source
# code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
# associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
# control compilation and installation of the executable.
"scripts used to control compilation" is clearly what we currently
refer to
on of the DFSG, which is totally different to
how almost everyone else reads it.
Thanks in advance for not replying to this post or any replies to it,
Bernhard R. Link
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
one way, the judical system in the next might decide the
other way)
IANAL and so on,
Bernhard R. Link
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
either you restrict
people to run firewalls and filters before that to block that interface
(which is again run restrictions) or you have just a massive restriction
on freedom without any gain at all, which I refuse to call free.
Bernhard R. Link
[1] sane in the meaning of
n breaks GPL distributing them
How does Debian break GPL, even in the non-case, that they weren't free?
Bernhard R. Link
to pay for an program in some countries. This is not nice, but it doesn't
violate GPL.
Image I had a computer with an error in the cpu, that it cracks down, when
I try to compile something. Then you are not allowed to distrubute GPLed
code to me, because I'm not able to modify source and compile it?
Bernhard R. Link
y redundant, since that is the way contracts normally
> work, but it does not harm if some paranoid lawyer wants to state
> the obvious explicitly.
Is it about termination in other cases or was it about termination if they
want it to terminate?
Bernhard R. Link
now, they will not distribute it further. (Wihtout me
forcing them to or making a licence "you are only allowed to use, when
...". Would I have to give rights of the modified form to you?
Bernhard R. Link
ocumentation/licensing/licensing.html some parts
of kdenetwork are still licenced qpl. It may just need to recopy these
parts from an gpl'ed qt, but I do not know KDE or qt well enough.
Bernhard R. Link
ether to an gpl-version of
Bernhard R. Link
the other
is non-free. (But IANL..)
Anyone tried to ask the author to make it clearer, so that there is no
need for an flame-war?
Bernhard R. Link
(Falls ich auf Mails and diese Mailaddresse nicht mehr antworte, bitte
stattdessen an [EMAIL PROTECTED] verschicken.)
is an arguement, that make me change my opinion.
Bernhard R. Link
ftware is used to break the
So I think Analog is non-free, as it violates "No Discrimination Against
Persons or Groups". (As the group of persons breaking law is a group of
Bernhard R. Link
ur example does not make sense. (Only if you used this software to do
so, but then the contract would be void).
So this paragraph is either not necessasary becaue of induced by law or it
is non-free. (But please: Not because of "crime" as "field of endavour".
Bernhard R. Link
Take the new from analogs home page. There
it is "Any use"
Bernhard R. Link
licences have some reson.
Bernhard R. Link
question: When I remember well, then the part prohibiting
dissassembling is void in Germany. Would this mean, that one would
be allowed to change the not-open-source parts of it?
Bernhard R. Link
meant to the things behind it, but
is not only this.
I think, the copyright-holder (speak: you and not the persons using the
program) are meant, so this is something else.
Bernhard R. Link
o I understand the licence wrong, or does it not only talk about
exporting but about giving to whomever not in the US, without looking on
where you are?
Bernhard R. Link
uot; or similar)
Though if you give something away for free, you are therefor a little
protected by law, but some warranties still remain.
Bernhard R. Link
is also void then.
Thanks in advange,
Bernhard R. Link
Bernhard R. Link
backroom of an tavern and the second for example in
parliament or an other public forum, that is widly open to be heared by
anyone intrested and is known to be archieved?B
Bernhard R. Link
programs together and give them away as gift, is "grob fahrlaessig"
(which could somehow translated with criminal stupid or some massive
careless) and you have to warrent, even if it was a gift.
Bernhard R. Link
re is an abuse of the term copyright and was only included in
German law, so that the USA signed some international contracts they
refused to do almost half an century.)
Bernhard R. Link
ing copyrights.
If you trust the FSF, you could also use the "GPL 2.0 or (on your opionio)
any later version" or whatever the exact term is.
Bernhard R. Link
an you are allowed to, then the whole warrenty clause is void.)
Bernhard R. Link
might go to court, because I did not allow it in my eyes by
putting under the GPL.
Before somebody mentions it: I know the additional conditions have
nothing to do with copyright, but additional conditions are additional
conditions. And as long as they are required to fullfit the licence,
ble) to get an stable standard library for this
more and more important part, that GPL-programs can use.
With having the free replacement licenced this strict, one only
archieves that the standard-library for encryption keeps beeing
OpenSSL, thus shooting GPLed software in the foot.
quite hard for me. (It might
be a little bit difficult to make such changes legally, if
the rights of the users are inadequatly restricted, but not
impossible, as extreme examples like patches for games have
Bernhard R. Link
sagen wir mal...ich hab alle sourcen
yz123.gaga" > article.cls´,
but this is an other point.
As said in my other mail, noone hopes it might be necessary to make
changes in my eyes. But how can we make an exception for LaTeX and
still reasonable reject those we do not trust that much?
Bernhard R.
ex-Files to work with).
One way might be an restriction on the name of the called entry-point
binary (though this is a very strange thing, it is already accepted for
apache) or an duty to print pages of notifications to the output.
Bernhard R. Link
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
PL/LGPL than talked about additional
things beeing allowed(with additional restrictions when these things
are allowed) and then talks about the Trademark.
(Though they could have put the paragraph trademarks after the
paragraph Binary Distributions rights, as these are copyright-
thingies aga
free (in our sense), keeping it in
Debian (i.e. main) would signalise that it might not be insane
to use it for anything important.
But using anyting for something important, where the author
(or the authors or some council or whatever) reserves the right
to bring it into an useable state for himse
#x27;s remark about LPPL.
I think if the license would clearly limit it restrictions to areas with
anything called LaTeX it might remove even more provisos. ( As in my
opinion a licence is thatmuch better, the more usefull things it allows,
that where not thought about by the author)
st Build it your own. (I think apt-get source -b pine should still work)
If you have several computers, place it somewhere only theese can get it
(see dpkg-scanpackages, if you want to install it per apt)
Bernhard R. Link
sagen wir mal...ich hab alle sourcen in /lo
And where do I get a web-site? And even if I had it, uploading the
source there could take considerable longer than 5 mins if the line
is slow enough.
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
its output access to it, can be beneficial to free software in general.
Even if such a clause would be benefical (though I really doubt it,
as it has huge practical impacts, as many on this list noted),
this would still be no justification to remove such elementary freedom.
people feel the right of people to no been hurt is more important is
this area).
Bernhard R. Link
[1] compareable to a cat /bin/clear on a Solaris of the right version.
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
Because I want the source of programs I get or buy and want others to
have the same possibility with programs I wrote?
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
term. Consider many debian-documentation
speaking of the person setting the system up as the "user" of Debian,
while other documentation speaks of "user" as the person sitting before
the computer after is set up.
So the question is who is the "user" in the se
e floppies
> with patches on them occasionally.
And with any policeman using their photo-prcessing automatons[1] they place
in their shops to communicate secretly?
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
ans). While I think German law protects people giving things away
for free, they are still liable for damage done willingly or because
extreme lack of care. And putting two things together without looking
at the parts was ruled extreme lack of care, I heard. So as German one
is intrested to do the
> In that case, how can one submit updates to a cvs repository in
> Germany?
You tend to repeat yourself. I'm normaly using "cvs commit" to
submit updates.
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
jurisdisction. After all, why should people be forced to forbid things
already forbid by law?)
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
* Mark Rafn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030501 21:57]:
> On Thu, 1 May 2003, Bernhard R. Link wrote:
> > I cannot see the problem here. Even if the quoted "sub 2" can be
> > applied, it may only disallow you making something available to
> > the public (i.e. some for
s not so important. As long as
there is any real[1] plugin to use it.
Bernhard R. Link
[1] By real I mean it is useful for any people at all.
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
some aspects are still nice. I like a system making
warrenty statements void at all, that restricts warenty to much or
doing such bubbling as "as permitted by applicable law".
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
yright on sourcecode can be an accaptable thing, I think
protection of binaries is very unnatural.
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
> This law does so at the expense of other, valid motives -- such as Free
> Software.
I'm still waiting for explanation how it could do so. Remember that
it does not differentiate between a person giving things away for free
and a programmer fired from a large corporation.
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
ot; granting the right to
have an opinion and express it (or not express it), together with
freedom of press and some other freedoms is the thing I want, not
this overly broad statement. (Which makes it too easy to abuse
it for the wrong things or abolish it in the really important
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
give the acknowledgement of the talk...
This only for the case nobody else answers because the discussion
arised to often lately. Anwers please not to debian-legal but somewhere
Bernhard R. Link
Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.
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