On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Christoph Ulrich Scholler wrote:
> hi,
> to x once. is anyone experiencing the same? are there any known cures?
> could it be due to some framebuffer issue? i did not configure any kind
> of frambuffer. i'd be grateful for every hint.
Not exactly a framebuffer issue, but
On Sun, 12 Aug 2001, Massimo Dal Zotto wrote:
> > But now that I can play all these games and look at these nice graphics,
> > I'd like to switch resolutions to something else than 1400x1050, but
> > when I change to other modes, it doesn't look so good (some kind of
> > delay/refraction going on)
On 14 Aug 2001, Norman Walsh wrote:
> I gather that some newer laptops (the Toshiba Tecra 8200 and the
> latest Sony VAIO) include an "SXGA+" display capable of more than
> 1024x768. Anyone have success stories getting these running under
> Linux?
I don't know if it's SXGA+ or not, but the Think
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Rolf Heckemann wrote:
> You only need a hibernation partition if you a) want to enter suspend
> mode (i. e. powersaving without shutting your computer down, b) your
Slight correction - you need the hibernate partition to enter hibernate mode
- you should be ablt to suspend ju
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Rolf Heckemann wrote:
> > > You only need a hibernation partition if you a) want to enter suspend
> > > mode (i. e. powersaving without shutting your computer down, b) your
> >
> > Slight correction - you need the hibernate partition to enter hibernate mode
> > - you should be
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Rolf Heckemann wrote:
> That's a lot of interesting information, especially about swsusp,
> which I wasn't aware of.
> If you suspend to RAM, energy use probably depends on the amount you
> have. Do you think that extending your RAM shortens suspend time?
Seems like a reas
On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Tim Connors wrote:
> I had no problems with xfree86 4.0.x on my dell inspiron 4000, but after
> upgrading to 4.1.0, I now have crud all over my text console when I either
> quit X or go to the console. I have temporarily solved this problem by
Assuming you don't have an fb
On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Peter Amstutz wrote:
> I just recently bought a Thinkpad A21p and it's a wonderful machine. I'm
> running Debian unstable (Cid, I belive) and so far I have encountered only
> one major problem: when I close the top for just a minute and then reopen
> it, the display is almost
> By the way, has anyone tried the DRI 3D support on the ATI Mobility M3
> (the video chipset the TP A21p has) in X4? What is involved in setting
> this up in debian?
Yes. It works fine. It locked a few time for me in 4.0.1, but not since
4.0.3, [I think]. agpgart and r128 drm compiled as module
On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, Ignasi Palou-Rivera wrote:
> those instead. Does anybody have any experience in tpctl and 2,4
> kernels using testing? The tpctl page talks about some dependencies of
Yeah, I have them running at home - laptops suspended right now, so I can't
prod it from here... I'll post my
On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Ignasi Palou-Rivera wrote:
> I have another problem now, though. The modules load fine, but I can't
> do anything with the tpctl utility. Calling something like 'tpctl -ix'
> gives a 'Function not supported' message (Sorry, I don;t have the
AT a first glance, your problem wou
On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Ignasi Palou-Rivera wrote:
> I also remember a similar problem with my desktop. It was gpm's
> fault. One of the defaults in the gpm's debconf has a conflict with
No two devices can have /dev/psaux (usefully) open at the same time -
If you want both X and the console to have
On Sat, 8 Sep 2001, Tom Allison wrote:
> > Has anyone else been finding upgrades to woody getting better or
> > harder?
> Here's what I did that worked.
> replaced 'stable' with 'testing' in the sources.list.
> ran the following on command line:
> 'while true; do apt-get -y dist-select; s
On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Tom Allison wrote:
> CaT wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 03:04:28PM +0100, Vivek wrote:
> >
> >>Er. I just added the woody lines to my sources.list and did an
> >>
> >>apt-get update
> >>apt-get dist-upgrade
On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, A. Demarteau (linux rules!) wrote:
> wvlan_hcf.c:781: macro `min' used with only 2 args
> wvlan_hcf.c:1702: macro `max' used with only 2 args
> I hope someone can helpout here.
Yeah - looks like you've bumped into the much hated 3 arg min/max macros
that were intr
On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Tom Allison wrote:
> For example: I hit the keyboard buttons to suspend the computer for the
> night (not Hibernate) and it goes to "sleep" just fine.
> I close the lid, OK.
> I plug in the power cord to recharge - computer beeps, comes back to
> life, and the screen/keyboard
On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Richard Weil wrote:
> Can anyone give me some pointers on getting the ATI
> framebuffer set-up?
I think the ATI framebuffer stuff is still pretty experimental - still
hoses the display on my laptop completely - I just use the vesa fb - it's
not as if I spend of a lot of time
On Sun, 30 Sep 2001, Kevin Shanahan wrote:
> Debian Sid, kernel-2.4.9-ac17
> xterm 4.1.0-6
> galeon 0.12.1-1
> If there's any other info that might help, let me know and I'll gladly
> provide it. I just don't really know where to look to solve this one.
strace an xterm, dump the ouptut t
On Tue, 9 Oct 2001, Andrew McMillan wrote:
> I think I saw somewhere that this problem is to do with the internal font
> server in X 4.1.0 which is seeing the wrong default encoding - the fix is
> to use xfs to serve the fonts.
Under what circumstances does this occur? I have Xfree 4.1.0 at both
On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Søren Neigaard wrote:
> What are the difference between Testing and Unstable?
Unstable is where bleeding edge just-released packages get dropped in by the
maintainers. After a while, once it's been established that they won't
barbecue your dog and microwave your spleen, they
On Sat, 13 Oct 2001, Philipp Bliedung wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm planning on getting a Dell Inspiron 4100 but I can't find any
> information whether the
> ATI Radeon Mobility (16Mb) card is supported under Linux.
> I'm using unstable.
The ATI Radeon Mobility, iirc, has only just come out - probably tak
On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, A. Demarteau (linux rules!) wrote:
> hi,
> I need to use a local service form my laptop (remote location).
> Thi is an udp connection.
> Now I was wondering if it is possible to forward udp-connections over an
> ssh-tunnel.
> I know it's possible for tcp-connections, but thi
On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Michael K. O'Brien wrote:
> Running unstable on two machines, both now hork after running apt-get
> dist-upgrade. I believe the error is an ssh configuration because the
> .xsession-errors contains:
X in unstable is broken at the moment - one of the shell commands in the
On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, buggz wrote:
> And when you've done both of the below suggestions, and it still doesn't work?
> Sigh...
> Oh, I get:
> Fatal server error:
> could not open default font 'fixed'
> Though, I can't find such a word in /etc/X11/XF86Config
Your font path is misconfigured, or
dri and so on. Is
> there anything else, perhaps in the kernel, that brings an improvement,
> that I might have forgotten?
Do you have agpgart support compiled in / as a module for your chipset?
If it is a module, did it get loaded _before_ you started X?
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [
recent kernels than 2.4.3, I'll
have to check]
The options for these kernel modules should be listed just after the agpgart
options in your xconfig/menuconfig display.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
7; messages from people who aren't subscribed, and it would
be nice if those people didn't have to. Plus, I don't think the problem is
that bad, and filtering might be a better response if it is deemed necessary
[seems to work pretty well for the kernel list]
On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Christoph Ulrich Scholler wrote:
> hi,
> to x once. is anyone experiencing the same? are there any known cures?
> could it be due to some framebuffer issue? i did not configure any kind
> of frambuffer. i'd be grateful for every hint.
Not exactly a framebuffer issue, bu
On Sun, 12 Aug 2001, Massimo Dal Zotto wrote:
> > But now that I can play all these games and look at these nice graphics,
> > I'd like to switch resolutions to something else than 1400x1050, but
> > when I change to other modes, it doesn't look so good (some kind of
> > delay/refraction going on
On 14 Aug 2001, Norman Walsh wrote:
> I gather that some newer laptops (the Toshiba Tecra 8200 and the
> latest Sony VAIO) include an "SXGA+" display capable of more than
> 1024x768. Anyone have success stories getting these running under
> Linux?
I don't know if it's SXGA+ or not, but the Thin
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Rolf Heckemann wrote:
> You only need a hibernation partition if you a) want to enter suspend
> mode (i. e. powersaving without shutting your computer down, b) your
Slight correction - you need the hibernate partition to enter hibernate mode
- you should be ablt to suspend j
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Rolf Heckemann wrote:
> > > You only need a hibernation partition if you a) want to enter suspend
> > > mode (i. e. powersaving without shutting your computer down, b) your
> >
> > Slight correction - you need the hibernate partition to enter hibernate mode
> > - you should b
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Rolf Heckemann wrote:
> That's a lot of interesting information, especially about swsusp,
> which I wasn't aware of.
> If you suspend to RAM, energy use probably depends on the amount you
> have. Do you think that extending your RAM shortens suspend time?
Seems like a rea
On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Tim Connors wrote:
> I had no problems with xfree86 4.0.x on my dell inspiron 4000, but after
> upgrading to 4.1.0, I now have crud all over my text console when I either
> quit X or go to the console. I have temporarily solved this problem by
Assuming you don't have an fb
On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Peter Amstutz wrote:
> I just recently bought a Thinkpad A21p and it's a wonderful machine. I'm
> running Debian unstable (Cid, I belive) and so far I have encountered only
> one major problem: when I close the top for just a minute and then reopen
> it, the display is almos
> By the way, has anyone tried the DRI 3D support on the ATI Mobility M3
> (the video chipset the TP A21p has) in X4? What is involved in setting
> this up in debian?
Yes. It works fine. It locked a few time for me in 4.0.1, but not since
4.0.3, [I think]. agpgart and r128 drm compiled as modul
On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, Ignasi Palou-Rivera wrote:
> those instead. Does anybody have any experience in tpctl and 2,4
> kernels using testing? The tpctl page talks about some dependencies of
Yeah, I have them running at home - laptops suspended right now, so I can't
prod it from here... I'll post m
On Fri, 24 Aug 2001, Ignasi Palou-Rivera wrote:
> I have another problem now, though. The modules load fine, but I can't
> do anything with the tpctl utility. Calling something like 'tpctl -ix'
> gives a 'Function not supported' message (Sorry, I don;t have the
AT a first glance, your problem wo
On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Ignasi Palou-Rivera wrote:
> I also remember a similar problem with my desktop. It was gpm's
> fault. One of the defaults in the gpm's debconf has a conflict with
No two devices can have /dev/psaux (usefully) open at the same time -
If you want both X and the console to have
On Sat, 8 Sep 2001, Tom Allison wrote:
> > Has anyone else been finding upgrades to woody getting better or
> > harder?
> Here's what I did that worked.
> replaced 'stable' with 'testing' in the sources.list.
> ran the following on command line:
> 'while true; do apt-get -y dist-select;
On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Tom Allison wrote:
> CaT wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 03:04:28PM +0100, Vivek wrote:
> >
> >>Er. I just added the woody lines to my sources.list and did an
> >>
> >>apt-get update
> >>apt-get dist-upgrade
On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, A. Demarteau (linux rules!) wrote:
> wvlan_hcf.c:781: macro `min' used with only 2 args
> wvlan_hcf.c:1702: macro `max' used with only 2 args
> I hope someone can helpout here.
Yeah - looks like you've bumped into the much hated 3 arg min/max macros
that were int
On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Tom Allison wrote:
> For example: I hit the keyboard buttons to suspend the computer for the
> night (not Hibernate) and it goes to "sleep" just fine.
> I close the lid, OK.
> I plug in the power cord to recharge - computer beeps, comes back to
> life, and the screen/keyboar
On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Richard Weil wrote:
> Can anyone give me some pointers on getting the ATI
> framebuffer set-up?
I think the ATI framebuffer stuff is still pretty experimental - still
hoses the display on my laptop completely - I just use the vesa fb - it's
not as if I spend of a lot of time
On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Michael K. O'Brien wrote:
> Running unstable on two machines, both now hork after running apt-get
> dist-upgrade. I believe the error is an ssh configuration because the
> .xsession-errors contains:
X in unstable is broken at the moment - one of the shell commands in the
On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, buggz wrote:
> And when you've done both of the below suggestions, and it still doesn't work?
> Sigh...
> Oh, I get:
> Fatal server error:
> could not open default font 'fixed'
> Though, I can't find such a word in /etc/X11/XF86Config
Your font path is misconfigured, o
On Tue, 30 Oct 2001, Sunny Dubey wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anyone aware of the band width limitation of a 16 bit pcmcia device ?? Or
> does that band width limitation not matter if I plug the card into a 32 bit
> card socket?? (or am I completely wrong?)
The bandwidth limitation always applies.
On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> Glen Mehn wrote:
> >
> > you can get them at your local (or remote) debian mirror, under testing.
> As far I can understand
> this distribution is for Woody,
> does I miss something ?
No, you are correct, that is woody, not potato. You can get the so
On Tue, 6 Nov 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> I've got APM configured, and can initiate a sleep/suspend from root. I
> can't do this as an unprivileged user either from the command line or
> via wmapm (a WindowMaker dock app).
> Attempting same from command line:
> $ apm -S
> Cannot o
On Wed, 7 Nov 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > Change the permissions on the apm device and/or add yourself to an
> > appropriate group?
> I tried that. Created an apm group, added myself, newgrp'd, and did
> 'apm -S'. No dice.
Yes, but what are the permissions on the apm device file?
On Sun, 30 Sep 2001, Kevin Shanahan wrote:
> Debian Sid, kernel-2.4.9-ac17
> xterm 4.1.0-6
> galeon 0.12.1-1
> If there's any other info that might help, let me know and I'll gladly
> provide it. I just don't really know where to look to solve this one.
strace an xterm, dump the ouptut
On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Serge Rey wrote:
> not sure what H/V is. can you educate me and i'll check.
H/V expand is the option that sets the display behaviour when the
received display XY size is < real LCD XY size. If H/V is on,
then the display chipset attempts to stretch the display it gets
out ov
On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Serge Rey wrote:
> in the past i noticed that i could get back to the cursor faster from a
> cold boot than from a recovery from hibernation. so i rarely used
> hibernation. i wonder if other folks experience the same relative timing
> of booting versus recovery from hibernat
On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Søren Neigaard wrote:
> What are the difference between Testing and Unstable?
Unstable is where bleeding edge just-released packages get dropped in by the
maintainers. After a while, once it's been established that they won't
barbecue your dog and microwave your spleen, they
On Sat, 13 Oct 2001, Philipp Bliedung wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm planning on getting a Dell Inspiron 4100 but I can't find any
> information whether the
> ATI Radeon Mobility (16Mb) card is supported under Linux.
> I'm using unstable.
The ATI Radeon Mobility, iirc, has only just come out - probably ta
On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, A. Demarteau (linux rules!) wrote:
> hi,
> I need to use a local service form my laptop (remote location).
> Thi is an udp connection.
> Now I was wondering if it is possible to forward udp-connections over an
> ssh-tunnel.
> I know it's possible for tcp-connections, but th
On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Prince Mathew Samuel wrote:
> 4.1.0. Now, the X Font Server doesn't daemonize at
> startup. It just waits there listening to port
> 7100 and the system doesn't show me the login prompt.
Are you sure it's xfs that's freezing? What's the next thing in your rc.d
that the init sc
On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Prince Mathew Samuel wrote:
> Yes I am sure, it is XFS. I removed XFS from my
> startup script and tried starting it separately from
> command line. This too results in XFS not going to the
> background. Any ideas?
Hmm. What version of xfs do you have? Is your init script sig
On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Prince Mathew Samuel wrote:
> Hi,
> I changed my init script to yours and it worked!! Tell
> me, shouldn't the script have been changed when I
> changed to X 4.1.0? Or is it that the X installation
I think the init scripts are marked as config files, which means that if
On Tue, 9 Oct 2001, Andrew McMillan wrote:
> I think I saw somewhere that this problem is to do with the internal font
> server in X 4.1.0 which is seeing the wrong default encoding - the fix is
> to use xfs to serve the fonts.
Under what circumstances does this occur? I have Xfree 4.1.0 at both
On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> modules (or whenever they are automatically loaded) I get this error:
> Warning: loading /lib/modules/2.4.16-grsec-1.9-spiritus/pcmcia/ds.o will
> taint the kernel: no license
> Is there a way to do it right, so this warning would not be displayed
Having successfully gotten DVD playback going w. ogle (woohoo!), I was
wondering - does anyone know how/if the S-Video output can be prodded to
life? I have all the connectors needed to get from the 7-pin (ati) s-video
connector to a scart socket, so I've got the physical layer sorted...
On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, Alexey Vyskubov wrote:
> T21 does not use hybernation partition; instead it uses hybernation file
> on FAT partition.
> Did anybody succeed in hybernating T21?
I don't have one, but if the hibernation details are similar to an A20p's,
then lphdisk won't do the right kind o
On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, Alexey Vyskubov wrote:
> It doesn't.
What messages/behaviour if any do you get when you try? Are you using Fn+Key
or apm? Do you have AC-power on when you try?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECT
On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, Alexey Vyskubov wrote:
> on and off. I also tried to use tpctl utility; it can put my computer in
> sleeping mode; but tpctl -H produces the following message:
> tpctl: SMAPI BIOS error 0x91 ("system is invalid") -- exiting.
AFAIK that means the BIOS doesn't like something
On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Rolf Heckemann wrote:
> I wonder if (and I have no way to test this at present) you could run
> two simultaneous instances of X on separate consoles, each one using
> one of Yoann's ServerLayouts. Probably not, because each one will
> attempt to initialize the psaux int
On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Rolf Heckemann wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 04:58:29PM +0000, Vivek wrote:
> > On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Rolf Heckemann wrote:
> >
> > [snip]
> > > > Trivially worked around. Get gpm to repeat the psaux pointer on
> > > > /dev/gpmdata
On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Rolf Heckemann wrote:
> I use a set up with two and one with three instances of X routinely.
> One of the machines has a PS/2 touchpad and an external USB
> wheelmouse, the other only a USB mouse. No problems there.
Ok, but that isn't 2 ps/2 mice, is it? Hence no problem. [ I
On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, alberto wrote:
> # /etc/lilo.conf for potato before installing woody on /dev/hda1
> lba32
have you tried "linear" instead of lba32?
> boot=/dev/hda3
> root=/dev/hda3
On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Axel C. Voigt wrote:
> think we cannot help, since this is quite offtopic. use the debian and we
> are glad to answer...
> P.S. what is WindowsXP and why should we use it?
I think it's one of those "closed" systems that has all sorts of
media output restrictions (like macro
On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Xavier Barnabe-Theriault wrote:
> Actually I have to change manually to 1024x768 in order to keep xine
> from crashing but doing this the image is horizontally distorted.
> Do creating a low resolution like 640x384 or so would help ??
ISTR xine having some sort of 'keep aspec
On 26 Feb 2003, Bret Comstock Waldow wrote:
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.20/scripts'
> wish -f scripts/kconfig.tk
> make: wish: Command not found
> make: *** [xconfig] Error 127
> ganesha:/usr/src/linux#
> "wish"?
It's part of Tk. Install tk8.3 or equivalent.
> make
On 28 Feb 2003, Alexandre Beelen wrote:
> > you have to get the real vanilla sources from kernel.org (or rip
> > off the Debian patches).
> And how can you rip off the Debian patches since in the README.Debian
> file of the kernel-image package you can only read :
You could, for instance
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, Karsten Rothemund wrote:
> over questions), but now I have problems with the keyboard and the
> clock is loosing around 5 Minutes an hour. :-(
> But the more anoying problem is the keyboard: it swallows some letters
> from time to time (around 6 letters when writ
On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Marcin Pankowski wrote:
> Hi,
> weis einer von euch wie weit das kompilieren in unstable ist? Sind die
> dependencies wieder ok?
> Oder kennt einer von euch ein Mozilla 1.2.1 oder größer Package für testing
> oder woody?
Um. Ich spreche nur ein bischen Deutsch, aber:
> I have a gericom notebook with a ati radeon graphic card and a tvout
> port. I'm running debian (sid) with xfree86 4.2.2.
> could somebody give me an idea how i can use this tvout port? i still
> searched the web, but haven't found something usable.
apt-get install atitvout
Also, you'll need
On Fri, 14 Mar 2003, Volker Sturm wrote:
> recognize a valid device. I even tried backports of 4.3.0 from
> www.apt-get.org but there was a library that was not found. Strange thing.
Which library?
On 5 Apr 2003, Robert Lazzurs wrote:
> > I have a PIII 1ghz Compaq 1700T. There are two things I never found
> > out how to solve that keeps me from deleting windows. Wondering if
> > someone over here could give me some ideas.
> >
> > First thing: I never got S-VHS video out working on linux,
On Sat, 5 Apr 2003, Fernando Caprio Jr wrote:
> > Drop the X resolution to <= 800x600, use atitvout.
> Not really. Ati tv out wont stand for Radeon series, at least, not the M6
> LY one.
It definitely drives some radeons. If it won't drive yours (remember, it
might not be able to autodetect) th
On Wed, 21 May 2003, Tony Godshall wrote:
> The problem is that sometimes these programs don't work
> right and hassle ensues if I start them up without starting
> up my ssh session first, or if the ssh session has dropped
Perhaps an inetd based solution would be simpler?
On Thu, 22 May 2003, Tony Godshall wrote:
> For that to work the script I hook into inetd would have to
> be smart enough to figure out where it is (home, office,
If autodetection doesn't work, you could always have a "clue" file
( eg "/etc/where" or similar ).
> A downside with using inetd is t
On Fri, 23 May 2003, Joao Pedro Clemente wrote:
> You just need to add the "testing" sources to your /etc/apt/apt.conf,
/etc/apt/sources.list, surely?
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Emma Jane Hogbin wrote:
> While we're on the topic of internet connections at bootHow could I
> make two entries in lilo: one for at home with a wireless internet, and
> one for "away" with no internet connection? I'd like to use the same
apt-cache show netenv
May point
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, AndersEllenshøj Andersen wrote:
> I have switched from 24 bpp to 16 bpp in X. This cuts down on cpu usage
> considerably. Everything works now, but I still think it's strange that 24
> bpp strains the system that much.
Various hardware accel is often not available/implemented
On Mon, 6 Oct 2003, Yves Rutschle wrote:
> I thought about using xfs when installing on a new laptop
> recently, then realised that the current install ISOs don't
> let you install with anything else than ext2. How would one
You can install with ext3 and (iirc) reiser if you use the
bf2.4 (2.4.x
On Mon, 6 Oct 2003, Hugo S.Carrer wrote:
> > Also you can mount with option noatime to reduce writes
> > (atime updating means you have a write for every read!).
> Doesn't this option reduce the recovery capability of the FS?
I don't see why it would. All you're doing is _not_ writing th
On Tue, 30 Oct 2001, Sunny Dubey wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anyone aware of the band width limitation of a 16 bit pcmcia device ?? Or
> does that band width limitation not matter if I plug the card into a 32 bit
> card socket?? (or am I completely wrong?)
The bandwidth limitation always applies.
On Mon, 5 Nov 2001, Michael Robinson wrote:
> My Dell i5000e is a *most times* 2.4.9 APM deal too. Most of the time it
> doesn't lock up suspending, and most of the time it doesn't lock up
> resuming. I've figured out that any sort of interrupts during key
> phases of the suspend/resume cycle ar
On Tue, 6 Nov 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> I've got APM configured, and can initiate a sleep/suspend from root. I
> can't do this as an unprivileged user either from the command line or
> via wmapm (a WindowMaker dock app).
> Attempting same from command line:
> $ apm -S
> Cannot op
On Wed, 7 Nov 2001, Michael Robinson wrote:
> elephant:/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.9# grep ALLOW_INTS .config
> Further suggestions are welcome, though, because it's a royal PITA.
What modules do you have loaded/interfaces + sound devices + sound daemons
do you ha
On Wed, 7 Nov 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > Change the permissions on the apm device and/or add yourself to an
> > appropriate group?
> I tried that. Created an apm group, added myself, newgrp'd, and did
> 'apm -S'. No dice.
Yes, but what are the permissions on the apm device file?
On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> Glen Mehn wrote:
> >
> > you can get them at your local (or remote) debian mirror, under testing.
> As far I can understand
> this distribution is for Woody,
> does I miss something ?
No, you are correct, that is woody, not potato. You can get the sou
On Sat, 24 Nov 2001, Serge Rey wrote:
> i've been running into an intermittent problem on my thinkpad x20. on
> some cold boots i don't see the bios message or any boot message. the
> screen is backlight, there is just no text on the console. there is
> obviously disk activity, however, so i've wa
On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Serge Rey wrote:
> not sure what H/V is. can you educate me and i'll check.
H/V expand is the option that sets the display behaviour when the
received display XY size is < real LCD XY size. If H/V is on,
then the display chipset attempts to stretch the display it gets
out ove
On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Serge Rey wrote:
> in the past i noticed that i could get back to the cursor faster from a
> cold boot than from a recovery from hibernation. so i rarely used
> hibernation. i wonder if other folks experience the same relative timing
> of booting versus recovery from hibernati
On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> modules (or whenever they are automatically loaded) I get this error:
> Warning: loading /lib/modules/2.4.16-grsec-1.9-spiritus/pcmcia/ds.o will
> taint the kernel: no license
> Is there a way to do it right, so this warning would not be displayed
On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Prince Mathew Samuel wrote:
> 4.1.0. Now, the X Font Server doesn't daemonize at
> startup. It just waits there listening to port
> 7100 and the system doesn't show me the login prompt.
Are you sure it's xfs that's freezing? What's the next thing in your rc.d
that the init scr
On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Prince Mathew Samuel wrote:
> Yes I am sure, it is XFS. I removed XFS from my
> startup script and tried starting it separately from
> command line. This too results in XFS not going to the
> background. Any ideas?
Hmm. What version of xfs do you have? Is your init script sign
On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Prince Mathew Samuel wrote:
> Hi,
> I changed my init script to yours and it worked!! Tell
> me, shouldn't the script have been changed when I
> changed to X 4.1.0? Or is it that the X installation
I think the init scripts are marked as config files, which means that if
Having successfully gotten DVD playback going w. ogle (woohoo!), I was
wondering - does anyone know how/if the S-Video output can be prodded to
life? I have all the connectors needed to get from the 7-pin (ati) s-video
connector to a scart socket, so I've got the physical layer sorted...
To e
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