Irda Problem

2001-07-25 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hello I have a problem with Irda on my Debian notebook hard disk. How do I start Irda in Debian 2.2 r3 ? I normally use SuSE software which is fine with Irda and so this is all a bit new to me. I can see that the Irda drivers are loading at boot time but when I do Irdadump as root the comma

Re: Irda Problem

2001-07-25 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Wolfgang Thanks for writing to me ... > Did you configure /etc/irda.conf correctly? No, cd'd to /etc and had a look. I can see the irda directory but not irda.conf. So, do I just do 'mkdir irda.conf ' as root ? Contents of /etc/irda are drivers . network . network.opts

Re: Irda Problem

2001-07-25 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Lee and All > use MAKEDEV to create the the files in /dev > cd /dev > ./MAKEDEV irda Says . ./MAKEDEV: major_usbacm%d=166: command not found. Wot next ? Thanks -- Richard -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Irda Problem

2001-07-27 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Wolfgang > so you have created all the devices you need > next give these devices the appropriate permissions (man chmod) = > write permission for the users that should be able to use IR Did this. > > IRDADEV=/dev/ttyS1#obviously my emulated serial port > DONGLE=none #its an inte

Re: Why Linux on a Laptop?

2001-11-30 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Dear all > I'm wondering what everyone's motivation is for using Linux on a > laptop instead of Cygwin + Windows. The way I see it, a laptop is > basically a giant PDA. People usually use them for typing down I use mine for running our LUG which includes e-mail and web page production. Also f

Re: which phone

2001-12-20 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Francois > I would like try to connect my laptop ( Sony VAIO ) with IR to a > GPRS cellular phone, I change my phone in the week so someone have > try a cellular phone with GPRS and Debian. Which model ? patch > ,config etc ... The ones that I've been looking into to replace my Ericsson T28 are

Re: Laptop recommendations

2002-01-07 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi > I will be travelling US shortly, and would like to buy a good > laptop (under $1200). Could someone give a recomendation? I like Toshiba myself. Low cost and very reliable. There's also the IBM ones. Good prices for these in the States. Compaq can be good as well. You might run into

Re: Laptop recomendation?

2005-01-01 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi I'm an Advent and Clevo fan. More info but, in recent weeks I have noticed that the IBM laptops have now included the well known touchpad. This makes them more desirable than the Sony laptop from my own point of view. Don't like the door handle thing in

Re: Laptop recomendation?

2005-01-01 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi On Saturday 01 Jan 2005 16:54, William Ballard wrote: > On Sat, Jan 01, 2005 at 08:48:48AM -0800, Eric Hanchrow wrote: > > how to get wireless working on either Linux of FreeBSD, even > > though I have a card that works (at least some of the time :-() > > on Windows. > Cisco aironet is supporte

Re: OT: Sarge released?

2005-01-29 Thread Richard Ibbotson
> Any one heard when Sarge will be officially released? -- Richard -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: installation debian sur un portable

2005-03-30 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi > >Je cherche une documentation pour un ami qui souhaite > installer une > > debian > > sarge sur un portable dell inspiron 3800. Il son frapee The documentation is a pile of bollcocks :) Not


2002-11-08 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi I was thinking that there might be some developers out there who would be interested in a project that we are working on... this does point and click configuration of hardware. The Debian packages haven't arrived yet but they should be available soon. -- Th

Re: Which laptop.....

2002-11-15 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Off topic but related This month's LJ has a feature written by Heather Mead which starts with a reference to Toshiba and their insistence that you shall use M$ products on their laptops. Heather would like us to have a look at.. perso


2002-12-16 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Those of you who have taken an interest in our Magiconf project might like to know that the latest source code has been uploaded... Please feel free to browse the site. -- Merry Christmas :) Richard


2003-07-17 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Got a problem with a UK keyboard after configuring X-windows. The /etc/X11/XF86Config looks like this under the part where it says something about keyboard configuration.. Section "Keyboard" Protocol"Standard" XkbRules"xfree86" XkbModel"pc10

Re: Libretto

2003-07-17 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Someone suggested to try to re-configure locales. Done that and it didn't work. Still suffering from the same thing. Any suggestions anyone ? Richard

Re: Libretto

2003-07-18 Thread Richard Ibbotson
David > dpkg-reconfigure console-data > > and select the below > > select from arch list > qwerty > Us american > standard > standard That helped a lot. Thanks for that. Problem now is that the cursor keys < >^ don't work and so can't choose from or navigate menus to configure things. . If

Re: Libretto

2003-07-23 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi > That helped a lot. Thanks for that. Problem now is that the cursor > keys < >^ don't work and so can't choose from or navigate menus to > configure things. . If I press a cursor key I > get a number on the console instead. Still suffering from this one. If I press Fn I find that the

Re: toshiba libretto 100ct

2003-09-13 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi > does anyone have any pointers on installing debian on this toshiba? Main > hurdles being: Probably doesn't help but I installed mine by putting the hard drive into another full sized laptop and installing with the built in cd-rom. Later on after transferring the hard drive over to the Lib

Re: Why Linux on a Laptop?

2001-11-30 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Dear all > I'm wondering what everyone's motivation is for using Linux on a > laptop instead of Cygwin + Windows. The way I see it, a laptop is > basically a giant PDA. People usually use them for typing down I use mine for running our LUG which includes e-mail and web page production. Also fo

Re: which phone

2001-12-20 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Francois > I would like try to connect my laptop ( Sony VAIO ) with IR to a > GPRS cellular phone, I change my phone in the week so someone have > try a cellular phone with GPRS and Debian. Which model ? patch > ,config etc ... The ones that I've been looking into to replace my Ericsson T28 are

Re: Laptop recommendations

2002-01-07 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi > I will be travelling US shortly, and would like to buy a good > laptop (under $1200). Could someone give a recomendation? I like Toshiba myself. Low cost and very reliable. There's also the IBM ones. Good prices for these in the States. Compaq can be good as well. You might run into p


2002-03-03 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Last year I loaded KDE 2 into my laptop. It's been working fine ever since. I now find that owing to my own experiments with Debian that a complete re-install would probably be best. Had a look round the net and can't find any .DEB packages for KDE. Can anyone point me in the right direc


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi I'm determined that one day I may actually be able to get my Irda port working on my Debian GNU/Linux laptop. The Irda port is /dev/ircomm0. I've now found out that although I'm used to using Irda with and SuSE latop - plug in hard drives - the list of instructions that is used to start t


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Keith > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/proc/sys/net$ ls > 802 core ethernet ipv4 irda unix These are definitely present but not Irda. So, don't know what to say about it really. I suppose that I could do 'mkdir irda' but ... what to put in it once it's there ? I also did .. later on /etc/init.d/


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Karl > What type of laptop? Kernel revision? Clevo 665 . Works fine with SuSE 7.3 and a 2.4.10 kernel. Works with Red Hat as well. the Debian kernel is 2.4.3 which works fine with PCMCIA. > Perhaps the linux-irda mailing list can help you here: > www.pasta.cs.uit.


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Vivek > istr something about irda being broken in the early 2.4 series, and > fixed sometime post 2.4.9... Dunno... but... this isn't a standard Debian kernel. It's an improved version. I really don't like to re-compile kernels. Everything stops working. Don't want that on a newly installed


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Keith > Your kernel creates all the directories in /proc. If the irda.o > module is not loaded then the directory won't be there. If irda is > statically compiled into the kernel then the irda directory will > always be there. I suggest running lsmod, and making sure the irda > module is mention


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Mike > Before you get underway, did you run > > 'modprobe irda.o' or > > 'modprobe irda'? No, still doesn't like it. I did a 'make xconfig' and found that there weren't any kernel modules compiled into the kernel. Recompiling just now. Thanks -- Richard


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi > Your kernel creates all the directories in /proc. If the irda.o > module is not loaded then the directory won't be there. If irda is > statically compiled into the kernel then the irda directory will > always be there. I suggest running lsmod, and making sure the irda > module is mentioned.


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Johan > now type cat /proc/sys/net/irda/discovery > if you then see a line that somehow indicates that you have a > device. then all should work fine.. Got down to this part of it and all I got on the next line was 0 which kind of suggests that I might have got it wrong somewhere. Tried /d


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Vivek > The fact that you have the proc irda entries indicates that you > have irda support - the fact that you can't modprobe irda just > indicates that you have irda support compiled monolithically, and > not as a module. Yes, I did recompile once again and it is now working as a module. Mos


2002-03-29 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Those of you who got bored with my longish session that ranted on about not being able to get Irda working with Debian GNU/Linux might like to know that I have solved my problem. How did I do that ? Well, I just got hold of a Motorola V66e mobile phone which has tri-band networks and GPRS

Re: NetBSD

2002-04-10 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Nick > Has anyone tried NetBSD I read about it in the latest UK Linux > Magazine. I am curious if I could run it on my dinky notebook. > There was also a couple of pages on installing Debian packages, > somebody might find it useful. Works fine on my laptop :) PCMCIA lit up first time round. ht

Debian 3.0

2002-07-27 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi I've got hold of some Woody CDs and have tried to install it into my laptop. Looks like I've come unstuck with X-windows configuration. Can't find any docs for how to do it. Can anyone describe the correct command for configuration ? Tried xf86config and XF86Setup. Neither worked. ATI R


2002-08-26 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi I've asked some of the SuSE and RedHat folks about and all that came back were helpful replies to the effect that I was more or less wasting my time with those distributions if I wanted to use Linux with a Toshiba Libretto 100CT. I've seen quite a few Librettos working with Debian Linux and

Re: Libretto

2002-08-31 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Thanks to eveyone who wrote to me to explain their own ideas about how to install Linux into my Libretto notebook. In the end I chose to move the hard drive fron the Libretto into my Clevo laptop which has plug in drives. This solved the problem of how to get the softwate into the Libretto

Xfree86 4.2 Server Problem

2002-10-12 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Sent this over to the Debian X list and didn't get any answer. Maybe it's not the right list to write to ? I was thinking that Debian users is the wrong place as well. I'm running Debian 3.0 testing/unstable on my laptop with KDE 3.0.3. ATI Rage LT Pro graphics chip with 8Mb of memory. Th

Re: Xfree86 4.2 Server Problem

2002-10-12 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Erich > Please try running > apt-get install mdetect discover read-edid > dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 Tried it and still got the same thing happening. > BTW: the best place to ask is the debian-users mailing list... Okay. I'll send the next one to that list. -- Thanks ever so much :


2002-03-03 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Last year I loaded KDE 2 into my laptop. It's been working fine ever since. I now find that owing to my own experiments with Debian that a complete re-install would probably be best. Had a look round the net and can't find any .DEB packages for KDE. Can anyone point me in the right dire


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi I'm determined that one day I may actually be able to get my Irda port working on my Debian GNU/Linux laptop. The Irda port is /dev/ircomm0. I've now found out that although I'm used to using Irda with and SuSE latop - plug in hard drives - the list of instructions that is used to start


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Keith > kgeffert@vaio:/proc/sys/net$ ls > 802 core ethernet ipv4 irda unix These are definitely present but not Irda. So, don't know what to say about it really. I suppose that I could do 'mkdir irda' but ... what to put in it once it's there ? I also did .. later on /etc/init.d/irm


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Karl > What type of laptop? Kernel revision? Clevo 665 . Works fine with SuSE 7.3 and a 2.4.10 kernel. Works with Red Hat as well. the Debian kernel is 2.4.3 which works fine with PCMCIA. > Perhaps the linux-irda mailing list can help you here: > www.pasta.cs.uit


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Vivek > istr something about irda being broken in the early 2.4 series, and > fixed sometime post 2.4.9... Dunno... but... this isn't a standard Debian kernel. It's an improved version. I really don't like to re-compile kernels. Everything stops working. Don't want that on a newly installe


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Keith > Your kernel creates all the directories in /proc. If the irda.o > module is not loaded then the directory won't be there. If irda is > statically compiled into the kernel then the irda directory will > always be there. I suggest running lsmod, and making sure the irda > module is mentio


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Mike > Before you get underway, did you run > > 'modprobe irda.o' or > > 'modprobe irda'? No, still doesn't like it. I did a 'make xconfig' and found that there weren't any kernel modules compiled into the kernel. Recompiling just now. Thanks -- Richard -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [E


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi > Your kernel creates all the directories in /proc. If the irda.o > module is not loaded then the directory won't be there. If irda is > statically compiled into the kernel then the irda directory will > always be there. I suggest running lsmod, and making sure the irda > module is mentioned


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Johan > now type cat /proc/sys/net/irda/discovery > if you then see a line that somehow indicates that you have a > device. then all should work fine.. Got down to this part of it and all I got on the next line was 0 which kind of suggests that I might have got it wrong somewhere. Tried /


2002-03-05 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Vivek > The fact that you have the proc irda entries indicates that you > have irda support - the fact that you can't modprobe irda just > indicates that you have irda support compiled monolithically, and > not as a module. Yes, I did recompile once again and it is now working as a module. Mo


2002-03-29 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Those of you who got bored with my longish session that ranted on about not being able to get Irda working with Debian GNU/Linux might like to know that I have solved my problem. How did I do that ? Well, I just got hold of a Motorola V66e mobile phone which has tri-band networks and GPRS

Re: NetBSD

2002-04-10 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Nick > Has anyone tried NetBSD I read about it in the latest UK Linux > Magazine. I am curious if I could run it on my dinky notebook. > There was also a couple of pages on installing Debian packages, > somebody might find it useful. Works fine on my laptop :) PCMCIA lit up first time round. h

Xfree86 4.2 Server Problem

2002-10-12 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Sent this over to the Debian X list and didn't get any answer. Maybe it's not the right list to write to ? I was thinking that Debian users is the wrong place as well. I'm running Debian 3.0 testing/unstable on my laptop with KDE 3.0.3. ATI Rage LT Pro graphics chip with 8Mb of memory. T

Re: Xfree86 4.2 Server Problem

2002-10-12 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Erich > Please try running > apt-get install mdetect discover read-edid > dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 Tried it and still got the same thing happening. > BTW: the best place to ask is the debian-users mailing list... Okay. I'll send the next one to that list. -- Thanks ever so much


2002-11-08 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi I was thinking that there might be some developers out there who would be interested in a project that we are working on... this does point and click configuration of hardware. The Debian packages haven't arrived yet but they should be available soon. -- Th

Re: Which laptop.....

2002-11-15 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Off topic but related This month's LJ has a feature written by Heather Mead which starts with a reference to Toshiba and their insistence that you shall use M$ products on their laptops. Heather would like us to have a look at.. perso


2002-12-16 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Those of you who have taken an interest in our Magiconf project might like to know that the latest source code has been uploaded... Please feel free to browse the site. -- Merry Christmas :) Richard -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL P


2003-07-17 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Got a problem with a UK keyboard after configuring X-windows. The /etc/X11/XF86Config looks like this under the part where it says something about keyboard configuration.. Section "Keyboard" Protocol"Standard" XkbRules"xfree86" XkbModel"pc10

Re: Libretto

2003-07-17 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi Someone suggested to try to re-configure locales. Done that and it didn't work. Still suffering from the same thing. Any suggestions anyone ? Richard -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Libretto

2003-07-18 Thread Richard Ibbotson
David > dpkg-reconfigure console-data > > and select the below > > select from arch list > qwerty > Us american > standard > standard That helped a lot. Thanks for that. Problem now is that the cursor keys < >^ don't work and so can't choose from or navigate menus to configure things. . If

Re: Libretto

2003-07-23 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi > That helped a lot. Thanks for that. Problem now is that the cursor > keys < >^ don't work and so can't choose from or navigate menus to > configure things. . If I press a cursor key I > get a number on the console instead. Still suffering from this one. If I press Fn I find that the

Re: toshiba libretto 100ct

2003-09-13 Thread Richard Ibbotson
Hi > does anyone have any pointers on installing debian on this toshiba? Main > hurdles being: Probably doesn't help but I installed mine by putting the hard drive into another full sized laptop and installing with the built in cd-rom. Later on after transferring the hard drive over to the Lib