Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
Better clean my glasses... Or rather get a pair?
At 21:39 2002-11-25, Jeremy Petzold wrote:
no no...what you see in the kernel is APCI...it is diffrent than ACPI.
- Original Message -
From: "Ivar Alm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 3:0
me as your host computer.
Try 'man interfaces' for more info.
Second, edit /etc/resolv.conf and add your dns servers.
That should be it.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden
it didn't work.
I use the 2.4.19 kernel from kernel.org.
Anyone any ideas?
What does 'lspci' say? Can you use other pcmcia nic's?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Mi
fconfig. See the man page.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
g ACPI, but I don't know what you'd do with APM.
On my (a little older) Thinkpad 290, the setting is in BIOS. Cannot
remember the exact syntax there, but it has to do with lid close. The auto
suspend annoyed me a lot until I managed to fint it and turn it off.
ithout swsuspend).
> thanks
echo 1 >/proc/acpi/sleep
I tried that, and it totally freezed my computer. I haven't checked though
if I have that kernel option checked...
Ivar Alm ! Where does Mi
s this only works with acpi, not sure...
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
ssly as it always had under Potato.
Tried yenta_socket instead of pcmcia_cs?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
one kernel
installed, I cannot have them all named 'vmlinuz'... :)
It is so convenient to have a .deb package to install...
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden
t's difficult when you are a newbie...
What does 'ifconfig' and 'route' say?
If ping cannot reach network, it does not have to do with name resolving.
At least not if you give it an ip adress.
ome way in .bashrc?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
can run an ifdown/ifup and it works is pretty
confusing to me.
Any suggestions?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go the
if someone else have had the same problem, and perhaps solved
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
e and removed
'networking' from services to be stopped and restarted on suspend/resume.
So far it works. I haven't found any problems (yet).
I think this might have to do with the fact that there is no builtin nic. I
only have a CardBus nic.
other hand - it works now.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
hibernate? That works fine with swsusp and the scripts that follows. My
only problems with the scripts was that I needed to rewrite some parts to
resolve som annoying issues with them.
Ivar Alm ! Where does
At 20:38 2003-04-01, Mariano Kamp wrote:
Hi Ivar,
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 18:23, Ivar Alm wrote:
> At 16:41 2003-03-31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> > I compiled 2.4.20 with all ACPI questions answered yes, powermgmt
yes and
> >apm no.
> >
> >
em (also PCMCIA) works fine.
There's any work around to use nic ?
At least you need to compile the module and install (if that isn't done)
and then modprobe it.
There should be no need to recompile the kernel.
o both shutdown using real and protected mode.
You need to compile apm or acpi into the kernel to make a complete shutdown
to work.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden
eve it might have to do with it.
For the moment I use ACPI on my machine, so I cannot test my advices
myself... :)
Check and let me know
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
... That was my first mistake...
Check all other items.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
ember the web page exactly, but try swsusp.sourceforge.net.
Swsusp exists as a deb package as well if I don't remember wrong.
Good luck.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, S
some way.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
t will help you.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
with Opera. I see one
screen page, but if I scroll down, there is nothing but black... There is
some minor layout problems with Opera on the visible part as well.
Anyone else had any probs?
Ivar Alm !
Take a look at ACPI.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
Santiago de Cuba.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you tod
Has anyone had any experience with this laptop, or
this problem?
Are you sure your kernel supports APM? Maybe ACPI is the correct way to go.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
m running. You probably selected to
have apm sometimes during install. IIRC, the installation program asks for
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden
ther there is a difference between all the lists, but I
unsubscribed from debian-user by mailing debian-user-REQUEST with an
empty subject, and "unsubscribe" in the body.
Could it really be this hard?
Ivar Alm !
le of displaying 1024x768, or am I totally wrong?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
At 09:51 2002-04-23, you wrote:
On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Ivar Alm wrote:
>I have a simple problem with my (rather old by now) IBM Thinkpad 390. Well,
>problem or problem, I cannot get my resolution to exceed 800x600.
>It is very annoying, since the graphics card should support 1024x768,
: IRQ 5 io=0x1400 ... , but no
sound is emitted.
Have you checked that Windows recognizes the same parameter settings?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to
That's a common problem. :)
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
Hi all.
I have a question that migh be OT. Doesn't have to do with laptops
I want to allow more than one user to connect to the X server.
The thing is that we are two people using my machine regularly at
home, me and my girlfriend. I would like to log in as myself, start X
and still
> >>>>> "Ivar" == Ivar Alm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ivar> Hi all. I have a question that migh be OT. Doesn't have to do
> Ivar> with laptops specifically. I want to allow more than one user
> Ivar> c
> Sure:
> xhost +localhost
> su - username
> export DISPLAY=localhost:0
> >From here you can launch your X based apps. Change localhost and
> respectively.
ThinkPad:~$ xhost +ThinkPad
ThinkPad being added to access control list
ThinkPad:~$ su - octo
This might be a bit lazy to ask here.
Two questions:
At first, I need to have some commands for route and network interface
startup at boot. When the machine is powered down (it actually
happens), eth0 is taken down and my route table is reset.
Where can I place commands for these to be restor
> >Another thing about this. I logged in as my normal user, and in the
> >console, su'ed and started eth0 and set route table. When i exited
> >from root and started X as "normal" user, the settings where gone.
> >I su'ed in a terminal after starting X, setting the network, it all
> >worked fine
Kernel - Fatal: vmlinuz too large
Why this? What to do?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
At 22:38 2002-07-21, Nyk Tarr wrote:
On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 05:56:35PM +0200, Ivar Alm wrote:
> Hi.
> Tride to compile kernel 2.4.16. Seemed to work fine, used xconfig,
> all modules I needed, mostly unselected unessecary ones.
> Compiled to bzImage without problem
Seems I haven't gotten any mail from this list in a week...
Just testing if I get this one...
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go
e full drive.
Have anyone tried this? Will the drive seem to contain only 8.5GB of
partitions and the rest unpartitioned?
Trashed my old mails, so I cannot see if you have specified the bioses and
drive size earlier...
many recharges has it been through?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
ption snd_buffer_top, but I cannot
find out what adress that might be.
Anyone had any succes with ALSA and Neomagic 256AV on Thinkpad?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden
heap, but works perfectly.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
ther there is a difference between all the lists, but I
unsubscribed from debian-user by mailing debian-user-REQUEST with an
empty subject, and "unsubscribe" in the body.
Could it really be this hard?
Ivar Alm !
aying 1024x768, or am I totally wrong?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
At 09:51 2002-04-23, you wrote:
>On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Ivar Alm wrote:
> >I have a simple problem with my (rather old by now) IBM Thinkpad 390. Well,
> >problem or problem, I cannot get my resolution to exceed 800x600.
> >It is very annoying, since the graphics card sho
with the following parameters : IRQ 5 io=0x1400 ... , but no
>sound is emitted.
Have you checked that Windows recognizes the same parameter settings?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden
Check that the cable is crossed first.
That's a common problem. :)
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
Hi all.
I have a question that migh be OT. Doesn't have to do with laptops
I want to allow more than one user to connect to the X server.
The thing is that we are two people using my machine regularly at
home, me and my girlfriend. I would like to log in as myself, start X
and still
> >>>>> "Ivar" == Ivar Alm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ivar> Hi all. I have a question that migh be OT. Doesn't have to do
> Ivar> with laptops specifically. I want to allow more than one user
> Ivar> c
> Sure:
> xhost +localhost
> su - username
> export DISPLAY=localhost:0
> >From here you can launch your X based apps. Change localhost and
> respectively.
ThinkPad:~$ xhost +ThinkPad
ThinkPad being added to access control list
ThinkPad:~$ su - octo
ather be a problem there.
How old is the battery? How many recharges has it been through?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
ig hangup.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
ption snd_buffer_top, but I cannot
find out what adress that might be.
Anyone had any succes with ALSA and Neomagic 256AV on Thinkpad?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! D
heap, but works perfectly.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
Better clean my glasses... Or rather get a pair?
At 21:39 2002-11-25, Jeremy Petzold wrote:
no no...what you see in the kernel is APCI...it is diffrent than ACPI.
- Original Message -
From: "Ivar Alm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monda
me as your host computer.
Try 'man interfaces' for more info.
Second, edit /etc/resolv.conf and add your dns servers.
That should be it.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden !
it didn't work.
I use the 2.4.19 kernel from kernel.org.
Anyone any ideas?
What does 'lspci' say? Can you use other pcmcia nic's?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft
ifconfig. See the man page.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
ng ACPI, but I don't know what you'd do with APM.
On my (a little older) Thinkpad 290, the setting is in BIOS. Cannot
remember the exact syntax there, but it has to do with lid close. The auto
suspend annoyed me a lot until I managed to fint it and turn it off.
ithout swsuspend).
> thanks
echo 1 >/proc/acpi/sleep
I tried that, and it totally freezed my computer. I haven't checked though
if I have that kernel option checked...
Ivar Alm ! Where does Mi
s this only works with acpi, not sure...
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
ssly as it always had under Potato.
Tried yenta_socket instead of pcmcia_cs?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
one kernel
installed, I cannot have them all named 'vmlinuz'... :)
It is so convenient to have a .deb package to install...
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden
x27;s difficult when you are a newbie...
What does 'ifconfig' and 'route' say?
If ping cannot reach network, it does not have to do with name resolving.
At least not if you give it an ip adress.
some way in .bashrc?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
can run an ifdown/ifup and it works is pretty
confusing to me.
Any suggestions?
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go the
omeone else have had the same problem, and perhaps solved
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
'networking' from services to be stopped and restarted on suspend/resume.
So far it works. I haven't found any problems (yet).
I think this might have to do with the fact that there is no builtin nic. I
only have a CardBus nic.
other hand - it works now.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
That works fine with swsusp and the scripts that follows. My
only problems with the scripts was that I needed to rewrite some parts to
resolve som annoying issues with them.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft wa
At 20:38 2003-04-01, Mariano Kamp wrote:
Hi Ivar,
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 18:23, Ivar Alm wrote:
> At 16:41 2003-03-31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> > I compiled 2.4.20 with all ACPI questions answered yes, powermgmt
yes and
> >apm no.
> >
> >
em (also PCMCIA) works fine.
There's any work around to use nic ?
At least you need to compile the module and install (if that isn't done)
and then modprobe it.
There should be no need to recompile the kernel.
o both shutdown using real and protected mode.
You need to compile apm or acpi into the kernel to make a complete shutdown
to work.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden
might have to do with it.
For the moment I use ACPI on my machine, so I cannot test my advices
myself... :)
Check and let me know
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
era. I see one
screen page, but if I scroll down, there is nothing but black... There is
some minor layout problems with Opera on the visible part as well.
Anyone else had any probs?
Ivar Alm ! Where does
Take a look at ACPI.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden ! Do you really want to go there? !
Santiago de Cuba.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
anyone had any experience with this laptop, or
this problem?
Are you sure your kernel supports APM? Maybe ACPI is the correct way to go.
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden
ing. You probably selected to
have apm sometimes during install. IIRC, the installation program asks for
Ivar Alm ! Where does Microsoft want to drag you today? !
Umeå, Sweden
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