(2nd call) Please update debconf PO translation for the package dhcp3 3.0.4-15

2007-05-28 Başlik Christian Perrier
(2nd call: late corrections made after remarks received from other translators. Already sent translations have been included) Hi, The debian-l10n-english team has reviewed the debconf templates for dhcp3. This process has resulted in changes that may make your existing translation incomplete. A


2007-05-28 Başlik Mehmet TURKER
Selamlar, "Naturally, you should exercise caution if you are managing a remote server via an interface using DHCP." Buradaki "you should exercise caution" nasıl çeviririm ? Mehmet Türker


2007-05-28 Başlik Mehmet Türker
Selamlar, "Naturally, you should exercise caution if you are managing a remote server via an interface using DHCP." Buradaki "you should exercise caution" nasıl çeviririm ? Mehmet Türker