Alle sabato 12 dicembre 2009, Manolete, ese artista ha scritto:
> El Sábado 12 Diciembre 2009 18:30:51 usted escribió:
> > > I'm using closed drivers 190.42 from Nvidia's site
> >
> > Could somebody tell me what's so attractive about that broken
> > nvidia installer?
> Yes, that it works at the
Alle domenica 13 dicembre 2009, jedd ha scritto:
> On Saturday 12 December 2009 10:41:39 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> > You clearly ask for trouble installing proprietary nvidia drivers
> > non-debian way. Probably mesa was upgraded breaking
> > "installation" produced with nvidia installer. Switch to
Alle domenica 13 dicembre 2009, jedd ha scritto:
> On Sunday 13 December 2009 20:18:39 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Ok Jedd, do everything your own way, but let me underscore that you
> > are quite often complaining about the way KDE doesn't work for you
> > and reportin
Hello Developers,
At the moment none is taking care of packaging digikam documentation.
Digikam is in extragear, nonetheless it is a very popular application
for managing and editing pictures and it's quite complex to use it
without a good manual. digikam-doc seems abandoned and many wishes/bug
Alle mercoledì 16 dicembre 2009, Mark Purcell ha scritto:
> Thanks for your interest in digikam-doc in Debian.
It's a must for me. I like to shoot photos and digikam is my favourite
application to manage my collection. Merely by chance, when I have
joined again the Italian KDE translation group,
Alle martedì 22 dicembre 2009, Borden Rhodes ha scritto:
> Hullo, all,
> I'm using Squeeze and I'm assuming that the kdebluetooth packages
> work, even if they're still using the old Qt3 libraries. Of course,
> kbluetooth does not recognise my tablet's Bluetooth system even
> though hcitool
Alle mercoledì 30 dicembre 2009, Cassiano Leal ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I am facing this strange issue since some update (not sure when it
> began happening as I don't alwayes reboot my machine).
> At every boot I am greeted with the kdm login screen. I enter my
> password and then kdm wants me to
Alle venerdì 15 gennaio 2010, Adriano Vilela Barbosa ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I wonder if anybody is still seeing this bug:
> The page above says the bug has been resolved,
The aforementioned page tells that the bug is upstream, not a kwin bug,
Alle sabato 23 gennaio 2010, Nima Azarbayjany ha scritto:
> Hi there,
> I recently installed Squeeze with the KDE desktop. I use Icedove and
> Iceweasel but there spell checking features are not working. What's
> the solution? I installed aspell but it did not help.
> Thanks.
> Nima
Hi All,
What is happening to plasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets? About a week ago
there was the upgrading of the googlegadgets' package and a consequent
uninstallation of plasma-scriptengines-googlegadgets. I waited for a new
package, but nothing until now. Has it been dropped? Is there a new wa
Alle martedì 26 gennaio 2010, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer ha
> On Monday 25 January 2010 18:28:47 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > What is happening to plasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets? About a
> > week ago there was the upgrading of the
Alle giovedì 28 gennaio 2010, godo ha scritto:
> Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > What is happening to plasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets? About a
> > week ago there was the upgrading of the googlegadgets' package and
> > a consequent uninstallation
Alle sabato 30 gennaio 2010, Curt Howland ha scritto:
> Hi. Just installed Squeeze, working on getting used to KDE4.
> How do I change the window border colors? The settings seems to have
> how to change interior window colors, like text and buttons, but the
> border itself doesn't seem to have
Dear developers,
What are your plans for digikam-doc? The package available at present is
a bit old and not localized. Despite of the question, I am happy that
finally bug #514513 has been closed thanks to Mark Purcell. Regards
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Alle mercoledì 03 febbraio 2010, hai scritto:
> digikam-doc now represents the current upstream version (taken as svn
> snapshot), it is pretty close for 1.0 release. I would recommend
> filing a bug upstream ( and offering to help with
> localization.
> Mark
Really? I suppo
I have checked the SVN through KDE's websvn service and found that my
translation is in place. Anyhow in the package there is no other
translation than English, so to me it seems a precise choice of the
packager to exclude the other languages.
Am I wrong?
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
Alle lunedì 08 febbraio 2010, José Manuel Santamaría Lema ha scritto:
> Yes, it's a problem with the debian package. By the way, did you
> realized that the current digikam-doc package doesn't provide
> showfoto docs? Give us some time to fix it
Sorry if you feel that I was putting pressure
Alle martedì 09 febbraio 2010, José Manuel Santamaría Lema ha scritto:
> Are you sure? I guess this file includes the showfoto translation...
> graphics/showfoto.po?view=log
You are right, I never noticed there is showfoto.po and
Alle venerdì 12 febbraio 2010, José Manuel Santamaría Lema ha scritto:
> Hi Valerio,
> Mark have uploaded an updated digikam-doc to unstable, however note
> that while your italian *.po files are 100% translated (thank you
> for your work), there are no localized screenshots for italian, even
First of all, thanks to the developers for giving us the chance to
preview it and test it before it comes in the unstable repositories and
to everybody for starting testing and fixing things.
I'm playing a bit with KDE 4.4.1. and trying to search stuff among my
PDFs. I can launch krunner
Has anybody noticed that if you click with the left mouse button on
knetworkmanager, the pop-up showing the active connections and the
option to disable/enable WiFi places itself on the top left corner on
the screen? Clicking with the right button sets the position of the pop-
up where it s
Alle venerdì 05 marzo 2010, Matthieu Gallien ha scritto:
> You should use Dolphin. I tried, hit "maybe" bugs, but got the job
> done.
> > Valerio
> Best regards
Thank you, I didn't notice that typing inside "search" in dolphin makes
further options for refining searches appear. This deskto
Since I started using nepomuk and strigi indexing service I have noticed
that the indexing process is started over and over again every time my
machine is rebooted. This is a non-sense since at the moment I'm not
adding files inside the folders I set up for being indexed. That is,
the nepomuk
Alle lunedì 08 marzo 2010, Michael Schuerig ha scritto:
> I'm trying to take advantage of the newly usable desktop search
> feature and have selected several GBs of documents for indexing. The
> drawback is that the various processes associated with this task --
> nepomukservices, virtuoso-t -- che
Dear Developers,
I'm trying to help debugging nepomuk and Sebastian Trueg has sent a
patch. What it's needed is to apply it, if I have understood, to kdebase
(see below) and then to recompile and to install the package. This patch
should add debug output feature to strigi service.
Has anybody h
Alle martedì 09 marzo 2010, Sune Vuorela ha scritto:
> cp ../patch.diff debian/patches
> echo patch.diff >> debian/patches/series
> dpkg-buildpackage (-jnumberofcores)
Sune, thank you very much for replying. I have built the packages, but I
can't install kdebase-runtime-dbg_4.4.1-0rc2_amd64.deb.
Alle martedì 09 marzo 2010, George Kiagiadakis ha scritto:
> Have you actually read the error message? It explains everything.
> kdebase-runtime-dbg depends on kdelibs5-dbg but kdelibs5-dbg is not
> installed. All you have to do is to install kdelibs5-dbg. Note that
> dpkg does not automatically re
Alle martedì 09 marzo 2010, George Kiagiadakis ha scritto:
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 11:49 PM, Valerio Passini
> wrote:
> > Alle martedì 09 marzo 2010, George Kiagiadakis ha scritto:
> >> Have you actually read the error message? It explains everything.
> >&g
Dear Developers,
I'm helping in testing the improvements Sebastian Trueg is making to
nepomuk to fix a couple of bugs. This time, just patching kdebase-
runtime seems to be not feasible: he asked me to build KDE from SVN but
I know that this is going to break my system.
What can I do at this poi
Alle sabato 20 marzo 2010, Alejandro Exojo ha scritto:
> My recipe is this. Copy the following in a terminal (or you could
> save it in a file called "", and then source it doing
> ".", that is, a dot, a space, and the name of the
> file):
> export LANG=C
> build=kd
Alle sabato 20 marzo 2010, Kevin Krammer ha scritto:
> I recommend running the apps in a separate user account, especially
> is testing requires modify infrastructure/services.
> I have a trunk build in /dvl/kde/trunk/install and run KDE like this
> on a second X session with a different user
Alle sabato 20 marzo 2010, hai scritto:
> It all depends which "svn" he wants you to build: branches/KDE/4.4/
> or trunk/KDE/.
He asked me to build trunk SVN. :(.
Sebastian Trueg wrote: "would you be willing to try svn trunk? And I
mean only the kdebase/runtime/nepomuk part of it..."
> Just ins
Alle lunedì 22 marzo 2010, Sugo ha scritto:
> I have to install kipi-plugins for work with scanner and gwenview.
> The problem is that kipi-plugins wants libkdcraw7 and libkipi6
> instead of libkdcraw8 and libkipi7. It needs to recompile also
> kipi-plugins to work with kde 4.4. Kipi-plugins is nee
Thanks to everybody for the help you gave me to compile KDE: it has been
useful to test some patches. I hope to never find myself facing stuff
like this again ;)
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Alle giovedì 25 marzo 2010, Adrian von Bidder ha scritto:
> I always could arrange for network
> connections to be available for package installations.)
I agree completely. Me too I have always been able to connect to
networks at least using /etc/network/interfaces or, in the worst cases,
Alle giovedì 25 marzo 2010, Matthew Tedder ha scritto:
> I've been stuck forced to use gnome for quite a long while now
> waiting for kde 4.x to become usable... It's become very clear that
> there are a lot of kde refugees like me out there... really a lot of
> them. I've been an avid kde user si
Alle giovedì 25 marzo 2010, Diederik de Haas ha scritto:
> On 2010-03-25 Michael Schuerig wrote:
> Others are seeing similar things:
This is exactely the bug I was helping to fix in the past days. Prabably
it will be gone for 4.4.2.
Is Debian entering freeze stage as planned before? In that case is very
unlikely that KDE 4.4.x will be included in Squeeze and this is really a
pity for KDE users in Debian. There is anything that we can do to help
solve this issue?
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-kde-requ...@lists.debian
Alle venerdì 02 aprile 2010, Sebastian Gröhn ha scritto:
> Hi,
> /Sebastian
Thank you for answering and pointing me to that message.
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Archive: http
Alle venerdì 02 aprile 2010, Modestas Vainius ha scritto:
> Current release process dictates that Debian
> (unlike ubuntu) will more likely delay the freeze/release/whatever
> (i.e. release when ready)
The fact is that I personally love the idea to keep a kind of
synchronization between Ubuntu
Alle lunedì 12 aprile 2010, Robert van den Berg ha scritto:
> -Original Message-
> From: Marcus Better []
> Sent: maandag 12 april 2010 14:23
> To:
> Subject: Re: Amarok's Issues
> Edson Marquezani Filho wrote:
> > I would like to know i
Alle domenica 02 maggio 2010, lrhorer ha scritto:
> hat's just nonsense. Many packages simply do not have Debian
> sources, and I have used KPackage to successfully install many alien
> packages. In some cases, there may be a reasonable .deb subsitute,
> but many packages, most notably hardware dr
Alle lunedì 10 maggio 2010, Leonardo Meira ha scritto:
> Hello everybody,
> I have a problem with my sound card (nVidia Corporation MCP67 High
> Definition Audio | ALC662 High Definition Audio) and I would like you
> to indicate the best location and the best way for me to report the
> bug that
Alle lunedì 10 maggio 2010, Dotan Cohen ha scritto:
> Please tell us what problems, bugs, or issues KDE 4 that make it
> difficult to use. Please be very specific so that bugs can be filed
> and the software can be fixed. General statements such as "KDE4 sux"
> are not welcome, as they do not give
Alle martedì 18 maggio 2010, Dirk Salva ha scritto:
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 08:44:28AM +0200, cobaco wrote:
> > On Monday 17 May 2010, Dirk Salva wrote:
> > > a few days ago I've upgraded my Debian from Lenny to Squeeze. My
> > > problem: the beloved kdict with the small input-field in the
> > >
Alle mercoledì 19 maggio 2010, Dirk Salva ha scritto:
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 12:13:24AM +0200, Valerio Passini wrote:
> > It's already installed as a plasmoid. Click on the cashew -> add
> > items -
> >
> > > dictionary. You can place it on the desktop/
Alle giovedì 20 maggio 2010, Facundo Aguilera ha scritto:
> El Jueves 20 Mayo 2010 12:31:05, Daniel Sutil
> escribió:
> > When I can't login with kdm I simply installed gdm and login in kde
> > without problem.
> >
> > Maybe this is a good workaround for you.
> >
> > Un saludo,
> >
> > Dan
Alle mercoledì 26 maggio 2010, BasaBuru ha scritto:
> helo
> i have 4.4.3 and i try use nopemuk in konqueror but is fail.
> I'm use development/tutorials/metadata/nepomuk/tipsandtrics.
> I' cant find a document for nepomuk newbies in the nopemuk web.
> Do you now where i cant find a man
Hello Developers,
You mentioned braindump in koffice semi-official repository, and I have
discovered this is a program for drawing mind-maps, similar to vym and
kdissert. Why do you like it more than the other alternatives?
Thank you
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-kde-requ...@lis
Alle mercoledì 02 giugno 2010, Sune Vuorela ha scritto:
> On 2010-06-02, Michael Schuerig wrote:
> > I don't want to configure anything, I would just like to know or be
> > able to easily find out what to expect from these packages. I
> > think in both cases it would be nice to have a README that
Alle lunedì 31 maggio 2010, Alejandro Exojo ha scritto:
> El Lunes, 31 de Mayo de 2010, Valerio Passini escribió:
> > Why do you like it more than the other alternatives?
> I've used both VYM and KDissert (I suppose Semantik, it's KDE4
> version, behaves the same), a
I'm trying to spare resources in my system and since I have successfully
set up a MySQL db for amarok, I was thinking about using a similar
solution for akonadi. So far and despite a lot of problems, I have been
able to run it.
The documentation around Internet on this topic seems rather
Alle Wednesday 09 June 2010, Robert van den Berg ha scritto:
> Do these things work for you?
> One factor that could make it more complex is that the directory
> /home/robert/.kde/share/apps/kabc/ is a sym link to a network drive.
> By the way I don't mean to hijack your thread but since we
Alle Thursday 10 June 2010, Modestas Vainius ha scritto:
> Hello,
> On ketvirtadienis 10 Birželis 2010 10:29:08 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Yes, they do. Occasionally, I have to reload kontact since akonadi
> > seem slower to start and load its data, and this sometime lea
Alle Thursday 10 June 2010, Modestas Vainius ha scritto:
> Hello,
> On ketvirtadienis 10 Birželis 2010 10:29:08 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > Yes, they do. Occasionally, I have to reload kontact since akonadi
> > seem slower to start and load its data, and this sometime lea
> I tried to do that on the old machine. Using a MySQL 32-bit *server*
> to run with the MySQLe data dir. Didn't work.
> > Maybe there is another command for dumping an MySQL embedded
> > database. Did you use a search engine to find something like that?
> I was unable to find anything rele
Alle sabato 11 settembre 2010, Mark Purcell ha scritto:
> All,
> I have uploaded the workinprogress digikam 1.4.0 to
>, built against the KDE SC 4.5
> packages. I am happy for someone to upload these to qt-kde.d.n. The
> authoritive source for digikam debian packag
Alle lunedì 13 settembre 2010, Mark Purcell ha scritto:
> On Monday 13 September 2010 02:22:53 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > I need some help. Trying to install your digikam packages fails
> > because of missing dependencies:
> > digikam asks for digikam-data 1.4.0-0.rc
> >
Alle lunedì 13 settembre 2010, Rainer Dorsch ha scritto:
> Am Montag, 13. September 2010 schrieben Sie:
> > On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 10:29 PM, Rainer Dorsch
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > when downloading photos from my Canon EOS 1000D, I am facing a
> > > permission problem in squeeze and have
Alle martedì 14 settembre 2010, George Kiagiadakis ha scritto:
> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 8:59 AM, Andrey Rahmatullin
> Try using plasma-widget-networkmanagement instead of the
> knetworkmanager tray icon.
Do you think plasma-widget-networkmanagement is superior to
Alle martedì 14 settembre 2010, George Kiagiadakis ha scritto:
> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Valerio Passini
> wrote:
> > Alle martedě 14 settembre 2010, George Kiagiadakis ha scritto:
> >> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 8:59 AM, Andrey Rahmatullin
> >&
Hello, I would like to know if Nepomuk is misbehaving and if this is
happening only to me. At every new session, nepomuk starts indexing the
configured folders, even if no change has been made in them and the
database has data inside (i.e. it's possible to do a search and retrieve
results). Con
Alle domenica 19 settembre 2010, Arthur Marsh ha scritto:
> How does one disable nepomuk from starting?
> I don't like programs deciding that they can run automatically
> without being nice'd.
> Arthur.
From system-settings -> Desktop Search. Uncheck where you can find
Enable semantic d
Alle domenica 19 settembre 2010, Arthur Marsh ha scritto:
> Thanks, but I'm not sure how I would do that since I am running the
> following versions (in other words, I updated some components as much
> as possible without removing what was needed to keep 3.5.X programs
> such as Quanta running):
Alle mercoledì 22 settembre 2010, Russ Allbery ha scritto:
> Rainer Dorsch writes:
> > Would you expect any problem when I pull the newly upload
> > nvidia-graphics- drivers 256.53-1 into squeeze to test if the
> > problem is still there?
> No, and that's the first thing I'd try. It should wor
Where can I send suggestions for improving plasma-widget-
networkmanagement? IMHO probably a counter for the time/costs of an
internet connection with mobile broadband would be a very useful feature
to keep under control the costs. Thank you
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-
Hi all,
I'm having problems with kttsd since the last update. I don't use it
very much so I tried to uninstall it too but a message appears regularly
telling: "Starting kttsd failed. Could not find demon kttsd".
If kttsd is installed a window pops up regularly informing that the
kttsd demon cra
Alle Sunday 05 December 2010, Modestas Vainius ha scritto:
> Hello,
> On sekmadienis 05 Gruodis 2010 13:54:15 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > I'm having problems with kttsd since the last update. I don't use
> > it very much so I tried to uninstall it too but a messag
Alle Sunday 05 December 2010, Modestas Vainius ha scritto:
> Hello,
> On sekmadienis 05 Gruodis 2010 19:17:48 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > > On sekmadienis 05 Gruodis 2010 13:54:15 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > > > I'm having problems with kttsd since the last
Alle Tuesday 07 December 2010, hai scritto:
> Yes, this backtrace was OK.
> > I'm going to fill that bugreport as
> > you told me yesterday. Bye
> I did it for you.
> 606167:
> Now try kttsd 4:4.4.5-3. It should be fixed.
Ok, tha
Alle Tuesday 07 December 2010, Valerio Passini ha scritto:
> >
> >
> > Now try kttsd 4:4.4.5-3. It should be fixed.
Now I hear a stern voice every minute from the clock aka it is working
very well for me. Thank you
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-kde-requ...@lists
Alle Friday 24 December 2010, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda ha scritto:
> Hi,
> in kde3, in the settings part there was some parameters that were in
> gray, and you can access them using a Administrator button on the
> window.
> In kde4 there are some parameters in gray (kdm, for example) , but n
Alle Friday 24 December 2010, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda ha scritto:
> Hi,
> in kde3, in the settings part there was some parameters that were in
> gray, and you can access them using a Administrator button on the
> window.
> In kde4 there are some parameters in gray (kdm, for example) , but n
Alle Friday 24 December 2010, jedd ha scritto:
> On Friday 24 December 2010 00:50:22 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > To tweak kdm and other applications that affects all the system
> > it's possible to run systemsetting as superuser. For this purpose
> > "sudo&
Dear DDevelopers,
I know you are busy with Squeeze, so I beg your pardon in advance. Once
you told that a good goal for the Debian-KDE team would be replacing any
KDE application relying on KDE3 with its equivalent for KDE4. Kmid is
still the old one while there is a new version, completely rew
Alle Sunday 02 January 2011, Modestas Vainius ha scritto:
> Hello,
> On sekmadienis 02 Sausis 2011 19:16:31 Valerio Passini wrote:
> > The original RFP lies in bug #578750 since the past May 2010, but
> > given that the original packager has left Kmid probably for
> >
How do I do batch scanning with amarokcollectionscanner using amarok
2.4.0? In the past I followed this guide
( that seems obsoleted: the -b
option has disappeared (look at man amarokcollectionscanner) and amarok
seems even unable to "digest" a file
Hello devs,
Four months ago I asked for someone to package kmid2 (now I'm actually
using two package converted with alien from openSuse: kmid and
libkmidbackend) and you redirected me to debian-multimedia. I made my
request there, but I received not a single answer at all, so I'm back
again to
Alle Monday 25 April 2011, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer ha
First of all I respect your will, you are not obliged to do anything you
> Nobody in this team seems to want to package it. So let me suggest
> you to try and package it yourself.
> Kinds regards, Lisandro.
Alle venerdì 26 agosto 2011, Sylvain A. ha scritto:
> Le mardi 23 août 2011 16:11:32, Dietz Pröpper a écrit :
> > BasaBuru:
> > > On Lunes, 22 de Agosto de 2011 23:38:40 Dietz Pröpper escribió:
> > > > I don't need one of these. Google sync was a nice try, right
> > > > now I'm writing a Android sy
Alle domenica 28 agosto 2011, Sylvain A. ha scritto:
> once the package is installed:
> * add a CalDAV server (e.g. DAVical,...) in the Calendar's view of
> kontact * as URL :
> * as user
> :
> * as pasword : your password f
>Re: KDE SC 4.7.4 being uploaded to unstable
>Facundo Aguilera (re-inviato da debian-
> A:
> Data:
>Oggi 13:48:15
>El Mié 07 Mar 2012 08:16:46 Eshat Cakar escribió:
>> just read again what José wrote above.
>> And since he did not
>> >Not all KDE users read this list. Is there another way that all users can
>> >be informed about this recomendation before upgrading?
>> IMHO it's not a good idea being on KDE/Debian/Experimental-Unstable and NOT
>> reading the kde-debian mailing list.
>It might not be a good idea, but ther
Does anybody know what Desktop Environment will be installed by default (in
desktop installation of course) in the next Debian release?
I have read that in the past there have been votations among developers in
order to decide which DE should be installed by default. This time I hope that
KDE wi
lunedì 14 maggio 2012 Cakar ha scritto:
> Hi,
> KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.8.3 has been uploaded to our semi-official mirrors
> (available for both, amd64 and i386, systems).
sabato 19 maggio 2012
Many thanks for your work.
> As usual, please do *NOT* report bugs in the BTS against these
> semi-
sabato 19 maggio 2012 Zalewski ha scritto:
> On 19/05/2012 at 09:28, Valerio Passini wrote:
> > So far I have found the following problem with Dolphin. When opening a
> > large folder with a lot of sub-folders, Dolphin takes 98% of resources
> > for several seconds. This did
mercoledì 30 maggio 2012 Steigerwald ha scritto:
> Hi!
> Address completion from address books stopped working recently.
> This might be related to some of the KDE SC 4.8.3 updates. Or to an recent
> Akonadi update.
> I don´t know. It used to work till a few days ago.
> Anyone else had
Is it happening only to me or since the kde 4.8.3 upgrade the cursor has
stopped changing shape (taking the shape of a little hand with a pointing
forefinger) while hovering items in dolphin? It is a useful feature, I'm
behaved to look at this change in shape for easing the moment when I
topic, I always love and respect the work you are
doing for packaging KDE. Best regards
Valerio Passini
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giovedì 21 giugno 2012 Steigerwald ha scritto:
> Am Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012 schrieb Valerio Passini:
> > Hello,
> Hello Valerio,
> > Is it happening only to me or since the kde 4.8.3 upgrade the cursor
> > has stopped changing shape (taking the shape of a l
domenica 24 giugno 2012 Vainius ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I have uploaded kdepim-runtime 4.8.4 to experimental (no kdepim itself
> yet). I never expected kdepim 4.4.11 (esp. kmail 1) to work with
> kdepim-runtime 4.8.4 but apparently, it does (at least for me). Therefore,
> I started wondering if k
> lunedì 25 giugno 2012
> Kontact took a little more to run but it started, almost everything is
> working out-of-the-box (it seems like a migration tool has done the magic)
> my google calendar and my google contacts are in place, just notes are
> having troubles. I'm going to look if I can
lunedì 25 giugno 2012 Krammer ha scritto:
> Since the KNotes application is not part of kdepim-runtime but of kdepim,
> it will still use the old way of data access.
> However, in contrast to addressbook and calendar access, notes most likely
> does not have a compatibility plugin, thus will alway
martedì 26 giugno 2012 Cakar ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I've just blogged about, what KDE will look like in wheezy.
> So in case you're not on sid and using the desktop-base package
> check out for screenshots.
> Cheers,
martedì 26 giugno 2012
Thanks for your great
I think that without any knowledge about the HW of your systems it's a bit
inconsistent to talk about performance. KDE 4 is a modern DE with a lot or
features that are surely resource hungry, but they are conceived for PC with
modern CPUs (at least a Pentium 4 in my experience: a CPU that's 8 ye
sabato 26 gennaio 2013 Manuel ha scritto:
> Hello,
> we have updated the kde-runtime package in; now pulls
> nepomuk-core-runtime so nepomuk won't stop working.
> Also we have updated various kwin styles packages to make them usuable
> again and also to prevent a crash in sy
Since when I installed the packages in experimental-snapshots I have met this
bug in nepomuk:
Despite the fact that one of the authors is claiming that it's fixed, many
users are experiencing it on KDE 4.10 too. The workaround is to stop indexing
I have installed the KDE available in the experimental repositories, and now I
can't browse a NTFS formatted external USB HDD. After a while that I've opened
dolphin inside that drive, dolphin becomes unresponsive and I must kill it.
krusader and thunar don't show this problem. What do y
Is anyone else other than me experiencing that, doesn't matter what you
choose, the only theme you get in System-settings - Application appearance-
>Style is Bespin? Have you noticed that Oxygen is missing?
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In data martedì 16 luglio 2013 13:44:13, hai scritto:
> Hello,
> Is anyone else other than me experiencing that, doesn't matter what you
> choose, the only theme you get in System-settings - Application appearance-
> >Style is Bespin? Have you noticed that Oxygen is missing?
> Bye
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