So what default kde settings folder does KDE 4.1 use now?
.kde/ or .kde4/ ?
BasaBuru wrote:
> aupa:
> do you have the new 4.1 in experimental now.
> viva kde team
> Que nivelazo asi, asi. no se como currara el gnome team, pero
> el nuesto... vaya que si curra.
If I'm understanding correct, the idea of having kdelibs and kdepimlibs from
KDE4 into unstable, is to be able to use KDE4 applications in a KDE3
I'm guessing it is the same other way too?
Being able to run some KDE3 applications in KDE4. Right?
I see, right now, kphotoalbum (and digi
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Sune Vuorela wrote:
> This is your chance to influence the decision, but I think it is very
> probably will end up that way (unless lenny is released first)
It'd be awesome, both for Debian and KDE, if we could see KDE 4.2 Beta 1 in
experimetnal. That way we could get bug fixes soon into KDE4.
Sune Vuorela wrote:
> This is your chance to influence the decision, but I think it is very
> probably will end up that way (unless lenny is released first)
It'd be awesome, both for Debian and KDE, if we could see KDE 4.2 Beta 1 in
experimetnal. That way we could get bug fixes soon into KDE4
Mark Allums wrote:
> Sigh. Yes, of course. Someone said, "this is your last chance to
> influence the decision." I was not trying to be rational; I was trying
> to influence the decision. Sorry to disappoint you.
Putting it into Lenny will be very difficult and also not the best choice.
Grammostola Rosea wrote:
> I love it in general. Especially dolphin with the konsole option. The
> 'working together' of the konsole (f4) and dolphin could be improved
> imho. When you go back to another folder in dolphin the konsole doesn't
> follow correctly for instance.
Works for me.
> I'
Dominik Schulz wrote:
> Hi,
> recently I've read a post by a KDE developer who did talk about
> compatiblity issues between KDE4.2 and Qt4.5. I think he did conclude that
> it would be bad idea to use KDE 4.2 (or earlier) together with Qt4.5
> because of some pre-Qt4.5 fixes which are made obsolete
I'm facing some localized font rendering problems. I'm suspecting KDE, but
I"m not sure. I'm a complete noob about how font rendering works and how
localized text works.
I have some text in hindi. The same text is rendered differently in different
programs within KDE.
I've taken some pics to ex
Is this happening on a Disconnected IMAP account ?
Tim Ruehsen wrote:
> I just migrated from kde 3.5 to kde 4.2.2 (unstable). My system is
> up-to-date.
> From time to time, kmail eats up CPU, Disk I/O and memory while it seems
> to go through all emails (~25.000 and ~4,5 GB). Started
Modestas Vainius wrote:
>> - the network-manager applet put the wifi controler on off and thus
>> doesn't access wifi networks, it also crash the whole plasma desktop when
>> I try to change the number of wifi networks displayed.
> That widget is very fragile. Do not expect it to work most of the
Modestas Vainius wrote:
>> Won't someone please think of the users?
> The reason I'm talking with you is because I think of the users. The
> reason we try hard to maintain and publish good packages is because we
> think of the users. The reason KDE is in Debian is because Debian KDE
> maintainers
Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
> Is this happening on a Disconnected IMAP account ?
I think in KDE 4.2.2, kmail has some serious memory leak issues (Contrary to
what the changelog says).
I don't know the exact pattern to reproduce, but once when triggered, even
if I kill and start kmail, it
Jean-Damien Durand wrote:
> Concerning konqueror, apart the search plugin that I am also missing (and
> unless I did not looked carefully enough to available packages or the
> settings), it is better than before IMHO - in particular pages with flash,
> with which version 3.5 is/was bad, frankly (n
Tim Rühsen wrote:
>> If you have defined search folders eliminate them and check if you still
>> experience problems.
> I just removed an older 'Last Search' with two entries.
> I give feedback to the list in a few days.
Just to add, I didn't have any Searches defined. But still I got the me
Marc Schröder wrote:
>> but before reporting a bug report I would like to know if someone else
>> has the same problem with kopete at Debian install.
> here, i have the same problem.
> kde 4.2.2, debian testing, kopete 0.70.2
I'm using 4.2.4 and I don't see the problem.
Kopete auto-connect
Wim de Vries wrote:
> I am trying to install Debian Lenny with KDE on my miniPc (intel
> motherboard D945GCLF2; video 945 expr.chipset).
> (deb-502-amd64-businesscard.iso)
> Few months ago it installed fine with desktop=kde at the install prompt.
AFAIK, KDE is now shipped in a separate iso ima
Hello All,
For people running kopete 4.3, does the yahoo plugin work ?
Are you able to login to Yahoo messenger service ?
As per the post here [1], it says that the Yahoo login problem is fixed in
Kopete 4.3. But it has never worked for me. I suspect if it has more to do
with different servers
B. Alexander wrote:
> I haven't tried it, but take a look at Krypt at
> As for decrypting the drive, I would think if you put the drive into
> /etc/crypttab, it should remove the need to run the cryptsetup command. I
> should (hopefully, time permitting) be able to loo
On Thursday 22 Oct 2009 23:22:03 Tobias Schula wrote:
> At this point kde asks me if I want to mount the drive
> Oct 22 19:47:34 siduxbox hald: mounted /dev/sdc1 on behalf of uid 1000
So is hald running under Debian ?
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www
ted device and
accordingly acts on it.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Hash: SHA512
With upgrade to KDE 4.4.1, I noticed that phonon has been running into
problems. This causes all applications relying on phonon (amarok,
dragonplayer) to not start.
Manually running mplayer with -ao pulse works.
In System Settings, I am not
LESSOPEN=| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s
DEBFULLNAME=Ritesh Raj Sarraf
On Thursday 11 Mar 2010 21:41:01 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> Hello,
> On ketvirtadienis 11 Kovas 2010 18:05:36 Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
> > 21:31:41 r...@champaran:~ $ printenv
> [ snip ]
> > QT_NO_GLIB=1
> [ snip ]
> Get rid of it.
Thank y
Bud Rogers wrote:
> I also do not have sound since upgrading. I do not have the QT_NO_LIB
> line in my environment.
> Currently running debian squeeze with a few packages from sid.
Hello Bud,
You might want to try these.
* If you running pulse, can you confirm if it is running. Check for it
Bud Rogers wrote:
> It does not appear that I have any sound driver running. At KDE startup
> and whenever I try to run any application that wants sound output --
> amarok, dragonplayer, etc -- I get a popup notification from phonon:
> The audo playback device HDA NVidia (ALC662 rev1 Analog) do
e) Unknown PCM default
> [AO_ALSA] Playback open error: No such file or directory
> Failed to initialize audio driver 'alsa'
> Could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound.
It looks more like a problem with alsa. Your kernel does not seem to be having
Since one of the recent updates in the last one week, I have lost KDE's
notification ability. All KDE notifications now pop up through some some
GNOME notification UI.
Here's the link to the screenshot.
Any ideas?
Given the l
gtk processes (wicd, virt-manager)
Ritesh Raj Sarraf |
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
>> Hello,
>> On sekmadienis 06 Birželis 2010 12:50:40 Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
>> > Hello Modestas,
>> >
>> > On Sunday 06 Jun 2010 14:24:27 Modestas Vainius wrote:
>> > > > Here's the link to the screenshot.
>> > > >
On Monday 07 Jun 2010 01:21:49 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> Hello,
> On sekmadienis 06 Birželis 2010 20:45:54 Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
> > Thanks. Purging notification-daemon solved the problem.
> >
> > Should the kde-full or kde-desktop metapackage have a conflicts o
[D-BUS Service]
Ritesh Raj Sarraf |
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Hash: SHA512
Any ideas how to fix it ?
konsole(6041)/kdeui (KIconLoader)
KSharedDataCache::Private::mapSharedMemory: Failed to establish shared
memory mapping, will fallback to private memory -- memory usage will
21:10:56 r...@champaran:~$ konqueror
Hash: SHA512
On 04/09/2011 10:22 AM, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> KDE uses pm-suspend, which does more than just echo "mem" >
> /sys/power/state. Though I think Gnome uses it too. Do you use KDE 4.4 or
> 4.6?
I had been trying to look for this. Can you suggest
Hash: SHA512
I have had bad experiences with the new dolphin file manager in KDE, so
thought of asking here.
Have people been using dolphin? I have very frequently seen problem when
trying to copy multi gigabytes of data, the entire desktop to freeze and
the I/O
Hash: SHA512
On 04/14/2011 01:19 AM, John Culleton wrote:
> My major problem is with moving things from an earlier version to
> a later version. Strange things happen and are essentially
> undebuggable. So with my present Slackware 13.1 version with
> KDE 4.4.
Hash: SHA512
On 04/14/2011 07:53 AM, Adriano Vilela Barbosa wrote:
> I'm having lots of problems with KDE 4.4 over the past few days. One of the
> problems is that my desktop gets totally corrupted every time my screen saver
> kicks in. I think this is related
Hash: SHA512
Are people here using akonadi or any of the tools using the akonadi
framework, in their regular workflow?
(Email, PIM)
Also, the same with Nepomuk. Are people using it or is it just sitting
disabled in everyone's config?
- --
Given the large numbe
> On August 26, 2011 10:30:22 AM Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
>> Are people here using akonadi or any of the tools using the
>> akonadi framework, in their regular workflow? (Email, PIM)
> Maybe, but not because I want to... at this point I see my options
> for that box as: che
Hash: SHA512
On 08/27/2011 02:22 PM, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
> I was able to cut down akonadi installation by almost half. The
> libraries couldn't be uninstalled because other kde4 components
> link to it.
Actually, I just knocked off all of P
Hash: SHA512
On 08/16/2011 08:03 AM, Steve M. Robbins wrote:
> Anyone interested in (re-)packaging kdirstat?
But this functionality is already available in Konqueror. Is there
anything extra that kdirstat provides?
- --
Given the large number of mailin
> tree view of k4dirstat? It wasn't immediately obvious to me.
> Thanks,
> -Steve
It is not an exact equivalent of k4dirstat but something similar.
You can access it in Konqueror.
* Open Konqueror and access your home folder. This will open the File
Browser interface.
* Vie
Hash: SHA512
Hello Will,
On Thursday 26 April 2012 02:51 AM, Will Kraft wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm writing to request sponsorship for RoboJournal, a
> journal/diary program written in Qt and released under GPL3. I'm
> contacting your group because I’ve heard that
What package in Debian holds the plasma engine explorer
(plasmaengineexplorer binary) ??
>From what I've searched it says kdebase-workspace-bin, but that package
is transitional now.
Given the large number of mailing lists I follow, I request you to CC me
in replies for quicker respon
That version of Plasma NM has worked the best so far. I use the same.
14:26:49 rrs@zan:/tmp$ apt-cache policy plasma-nm
Version table: 0
101 experimental/main amd64 Packages
This is nothing specific to NM for KDE, but a general question on NM.
How are people using NM and VPN connections ?
VPN connections have a tendency to terminate once in a while, depending
on flakiness on the network, policies etc.
I always wished NM (or Plasma NM) had an option to autoconnect to
On 05/19/2014 03:45 AM, Diane Trout wrote:
> The latest version of KDE telepathy mostly in unstable. Unfortunately one
> core
> library is stuck in new for a while.
> This version brings meta-contact support via libkpeople.
HOw do we use it? A right click did not show a "Merge Contact" option
On 05/19/2014 11:41 PM, Diane Trout wrote:
> Though all the components haven't been released yet:
I built it from the repo.
> highlight 2 or more contacts, and then a "merge contact" icon will light up
> in
> the contact-list tool bar.
Thanks. That works. Also dragging one contact over the
uted ktp-contactlist. But it did not open the window.
Nothing was logged in .xsession-errors. I'll keep looking.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
On 05/22/2014 12:13 PM, Diane Trout wrote:
> For what its worth, I found the presence icon using your instructions. But it
> works correctly for me.
Are you using Akonadi ? Is it enabled on your box ?
I don't use it and when I manually start ktp-contactlist, I see a lot of
Akonadi related m
way to conclude if it is a software problem is to try it as
another, clean, user.
With the other user, I do not see the problem. So it has to do with some
old configuration cruft on my regular account, that's been conflicting.
The issue is not just with KTP but also seen on redsh
On 05/22/2014 02:04 PM, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
> The easiest way to conclude if it is a software problem is to try it
> as another, clean, user.
> With the other user, I do not see the problem. So it has to do with
> some old configuration cruft on my regular account, that'
On 05/26/2014 10:42 PM, Michael Schuerig wrote:
> Apparently, KDE 4.13 is currently making its way into unstable. I wanted
> to take the opportunity to look at the improved Desktop Search, but I
> can't find it. Did I overlook it or is it just not there yet? FWIW, in
> System Settings, there is
Same sentiment here. Thank you Debian KDE Team.
On Thursday 16 October 2014 08:34 PM, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Thank you, all members of Debian Qt/KDE team.
> Thanks to you we have an up-to-date 4.14 (yeah, I know there is 4.14.2 since
> a
> few days, but hey) + 4.11 and also up-to-date ap
Since some of the recent updates in Jessie, redshift-plasmoid does not
auto change the color when switching activities. Has anyone else come
across the problem ?
Given the large number of mailing lists I follow, I request you to CC me
in replies for quicker response
On Fri, 2019-09-13 at 12:42 +0200, Sandro Knauß wrote:
> I tired it and it works for me, but I'm missing so many features,
> like having
> a playlist handling and have drop-down menus for Artist -> album-
> >Title. I
> like, that it scans very quickly through my collection and I like the
> user
On Wed, 2020-06-10 at 11:28 +0200, Marco Valli wrote:
> In data mercoledì 10 giugno 2020 10:14:18 CEST, Héctor Sales Llamas
> ha
> scritto:
> > The
> > only fix is disable baloo.
> Maybe a corrupted file?
> Use
> balooctl monitor
> to check if baloo stops on a certain file
On Wed, 2020-06-17 at 18:58 -0400, John Scott wrote:
> Could anyone chime in as to whether this is an old relic from a
> feature that
> might've been supported in the past, still supported, or was never
> supported?
I recollect to have used this way back when in KDE3 days. But it has been so
On Wed, 2020-12-23 at 13:37 +0100, Sedat Dilek wrote:
> After login into Plasma/Wayland:
> A text cut in konsole via middle-mouse cannot be pasted into Firefox-
> ESR:-(
There are many many minor nuances if you talk about a Desktop
integration with Wayland. But overall it has improved than what it
issues myself; so just live with whatever best can be made out.
Happy holidays to all.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf |
Debian - The Universal Operating System
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Yes, it's aptly named
> Jan
What good does it bring ?
Nothing I guess.
Even the open dialog box isn't that of KDE which is what I expected to be.
Else what is similar in it to KDE ?
- --
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
Gnupg Key ID: 04F
using KWallet extensively. Ever since I started using it, I've
never had to worry about my passwords.
But what I now do worry is about "How secure KWallet really is" ?
Can forged forms from the internet retrieve information from KWallet ?
Is there any design documentation of KWallet ?
t not to linux (at least I thought
> so until today). Can anybody figure what is going wrong?
> Athlon XP 2600+
> 512mb RAM
> Asus A7N8XE Deluxe (APIC on)
> Seagate 80GB SATA
> Pixelview GeForce FX 5200 128MB
> --
> Marcel Kenji de Carli Silva
- --
- --
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Stealing logics from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
Note: Please CC me. I'm not subscribed to the list
fault download software for Konqueror.
Then in kget you can configure the download directory.
- --
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is
sing knode please confirm this ?
The bug has been closed saying that it works of others.
- --
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is researc
Hash: SHA1
Olivier Trichet on Sunday 11 Jun 2006 04:54 wrote:
> Le Samedi 10 Juin 2006 22:32, Ritesh Raj Sarraf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a
> écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I've filed a bug against knode.
Hash: SHA1
Robert Gomu?ka on Sunday 11 Jun 2006 13:35 wrote:
> Dnia niedziela, 11 czerwca 2006 01:55, Ritesh Raj Sarraf napisa?:
> [cut]
> It would help a lot if you provide exact steps to reproduce and/or msgid for
> which th
Ritesh Raj Sarraf on Sunday 11 Jun 2006 21:40 wrote:
> My signature file uses just the text and not any of the signature indicat=
> ors
> you've mentioned. I guess that's the job of the News/Email application to=
> add
> proper signature indicator when you define it to
Ritesh Raj Sarraf on Sunday 11 Jun 2006 21:44 wrote:
> OKay! I think I caught the problem.
> If I sign the message while posting/replying, the text gets screwed. I'm
> posting this message without signing it and I hope this will remain proper.
> Do others sign messa
an shipped a laptop specific kernel like linux-image-X.X.XX-laptop
I've also been willing to do this but don't have the proper resources.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one p
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is research."
"The great are those who achieve the impossible, the petty are those who cannot
he contact-defined name.
Did you file a bug for this ?
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is research."
"The great are those who
Andy Parkins wrote:
> On Wednesday 2006 August 16 12:37, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
>> Did you file a bug for this ?
> I'm not entirely sure it's fair to call it a bug. Kopete needs the address
> book, the address book needs kmail. Hence kopete starts kmail.
> and in a common window.
> Is there a way to make notes look normal when opened from kontact?
> I am using Kontact 1.2.3 KDE 3.5.3 etch (up to date).
> regards
> FF
I don't know, but I use kontact and knotes works perfect with it.
karound but to find the real cause.
Now with the real cause known, it's easier to communicate further.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many
hat some
> people have had this problem before, but it was very quite old konqueror
> versions and not with Debian. Has anybody here experienced this? Thanks
> for any suggestions.
> Cheers,
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
ng linux/debian/testing.
> Any help?
Say it to do nothing. There should be that option somewhere as a Checkbox.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing fr
r database to a
new machine, kwalletmanager imports the passwords but is not able to populate
them in the username/password fields in the webpages.
See the above mentioned links for details.
Has anyone come across such issue ?
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut
iosity, does installation of the -dbg packages affect the
performance of the application in normal use ?
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is research
n great to install it, if when the KDE application crashed, and
the KDE crash handler collected the crash information to send to the
developers, it would use the debug symbols from those -dbg packages.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is
> servers, but when I double-click its hostname, KDM flickers and
> restarts.
> Any suggestions?
Why don't you use x11vnc on your home machine ?
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
t; Philippe MERLIN
> ii hal
> ii hal-device-manager
> ii libhal-dev
> ii libhal-storage1
> ii libhal1
Ritesh Raj S
so present there.
Is there a way to change it to the lower right corner of the screen ?
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is research.&
BTW, I've just switched to Beryl and feel that's better.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is research."
"The great
I tried to find but didn't find any.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is research."
"The great are those who achieve
hereami et cetera which can
be of help.
I thought of starting up something for this issue ( but
still haven't got anything concrete.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logi
sure this must be a KDE PIM bug and not my IMAP Server bug (dovecot).
Is anybody else seeing similar issues ?
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many
Mauro Darida wrote:
> I tried to create a msn messenger account inside kopete kde 3.5 etch, but
> after inserting the passport id and the password and clicking "next" I
Did you use your full email address as the passport id ?
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
t, but no knewsticker in
> panels, and application is wrong.
> How to get the knewsticker in a panel?
I'm using without any problems. And there's no new method to get the knewsticker
applet to the panel. Same old way, nothing has changed.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
The workaround is that when you get to see the addressbar going to the 2nd row
and not coming back:
a) Right click inside the Address Bar.
b) Do a "Clear History"
c) Restart Konqueror.
That should work. But you lose history.
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.resear
P Kapat wrote:
> I was trying out the KDE 3.5.6 from experimental (a whole lot things got
> "experimentalised" during the process). Things mostly work. The kalarm
> seems to be broken. Logging out of KDE doesn't take me back to KDM. It
> needs an additional Ctl+Alt+Bkspace. Xorg seems to run into
Frans Pop wrote:
> Does anyone know of there is a decent KDE equivalent of xconsole?
> Preferably something that would minimize into the systray.
I'm not sure how much your requirement is. But if you can live with having
the text display on the desktop, root-tail can help you.
I noticed that KDE is now linked with DT_GNU_HASH optimizations.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ readelf -a /usr/bin/kmail| grep HASH
[ 3] .hash HASH08048148 000148 00028c 04 A 5
0 4
[ 4] .gnu.hash GNU_HASH080483d4 0003d4 0001d8 04 A 5
0 4
I just noticed that the Debian KDE tree currently doesn't have the following
packages which are required to build KDE4.
* libmal
* libmapi
These two libraries are required to build the kdepim module and might be a
little important from a user's perspective ;-)
If possible
Mauro Darida wrote:
> On Saturday 30 June 2007 00:46, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
>> Try deleting ~/.kde/share/config/kwalletrc
> I tried, but the file is being re-created. No change in behaviour, anyway,
> same questions by kmail and konqueror...
Remove the kwallet package.
If possi
For the past couple of weeks I have been following the features of KDE4.
In trying to compile KDE4 on current Debian, the following modules currently
kdepim: libopensync0-dev
This version of opensync is very old. Doesn't let compilation succeed.
Also some optional libraries are not ava
Now that KDE4 is just about 25 days away from release, I was wondering what
packaging policy is Debian going to make.
Currently, this is what apt says:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache policy kdebase
Installed: 4:3.5.8.dfsg.1-2
Candidate: 4:3.5.8.dfsg.1-2
Version table:
Ana Guerrero wrote:
> KDE4 will remain in experimental for some time... (months). Only some
> parts of kde4 will be co-installable with KDE3. Think we are planning
> release Lenny with KDE 3.5.9. More info about this in a mail soon.
Apart from the Oxygen icons, I don't see anything else instal
BasaBuru wrote:
> Please dont send a private mail, we loss information
> I'm use a sid/experimental Debian
You should have read Ana's announcement email.
Second, what is in Experimental is not for general user.
If you are using something from experimental, you know what you are doing.
I'm usi
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