I rely on WLAssistant for my WiFi connection management. I understand
that it becomes obsolete under KDE4. Is there a planned replacement or
will I be forced to use Network Manager or some other scheme?
- Nate >>
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The
* Bernard Gray [2009 Mar 16 17:43 -0500]:
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > I rely on WLAssistant for my WiFi connection management. I understand
> > that it becomes obsolete under KDE4. Is there a planned replacement or
> > will I be forced to u
* Fathi Boudra [2009 Mar 17 07:52 -0500]:
> > I rely on WLAssistant for my WiFi connection management. I understand
> > that it becomes obsolete under KDE4. Is there a planned replacement or
> > will I be forced to use Network Manager or some other scheme?
> there's plasma-widget-networkmanag
* Bernard Gray [2009 Mar 18 19:01 -0500]:
> > Thanks for the reply, Bernard.
> >
> > I used to use wpasupplicant and that is what finally drove me to
> > wlassistant so I could choose among APs manually. I realize Debian
> > relies on configuring the network stack without reliance on a GUI and I
Well, I took the plunge today upgrading to KDE4. I've tracked Sid for
several years and never has it broken like today. :-D
Installation of the mysqld package is hopelessly broken and hangs, only
Ctl-C will break out of the install script. A number of packages
complain about hal not being confi
According to bug #523187, apparently the splashy package was preventing
invoke-rc.d from being able to stop/start packages. Once I purged
splashy, mysql-server-5.0, hal, and all the other recalcitrant packages
Now KDM balks at startup occasionally. If I can get it to a shell
prompt I
* Sune Vuorela [2009 Apr 11 02:02 -0500]:
> On 2009-04-11, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > Well, I took the plunge today upgrading to KDE4. I've tracked Sid for
> > several years and never has it broken like today. :-D
> Your breakage doesn't sound like being much KD
* Guan de dio [2009 Apr 22 13:35 -0500]:
> Hi everybody,
> Today I upgrade my lapto form KDE 4.1 to KDE4.2.2.
> The performance is better than KDE4.1, not only fixing bug this KDE is
> more quickly in my laptop :) thanks for the big effort.
> I ony has a small issue.
>My laptop
As I've used KDE4 on Debian, I've found some configuration features
that were in 3.5.x that I can't seem to find in 4.2.2. Among those
* Bash shell beep in Konsole. I've used Bash for so many years that
the beep is a second nature sort of feedback and not having it is
slowing me down during
* emikaadeo [2009 Apr 28 01:36 -0500]:
> Joseph Rawson wrote:
> >> * No Web search bar in Konqueror to the right of the address bar.
> >>
> > I think that this functionality has been split to a separate package, but
> > I can't remember the name of it.
> It's konq-plugins
Thanks! I should
* marc [2009 Apr 28 02:04 -0500]:
> Nate Bargmann said:
> > As I've used KDE4 on Debian, I've found some configuration features that
> > were in 3.5.x that I can't seem to find in 4.2.2. Among those are:
> >
> > * Bash shell beep in Konsol
* mariusz [2009 Apr 28 08:35 -0500]:
> > * The middle mouse button doesn't open a link in a new tab in Konqueror.
> You have to disable Konqueror Gestures in systemsettings. It should help.
Ahhh. That strikes a second one off my list. Disabling gestures was
hardly intiutive.
- Nate >>
While I've been hit with some annoying bugs and a couple of lack of
features like no system beep passed through Konsole, I've not seen the
crashes. Perhaps that has more to do with your video driver and
kernel. Other than KDM refusing to start since upgrading to KDE4,
after installing kernel 2.6.
* Marcus Better [2009 May 15 04:11 -0500]:
> Hash: SHA1
> Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > While I've been hit with some annoying bugs and a couple of lack of
> > features like no system beep passed through Konsole, I've not seen
* Lancelot du Lac [2009 May 21 14:05 -0500]:
> On the other hand I like plasma, but it really can't make up for the
> crippling of konqueror and konsole.
I hear ya. I've made some noise on a bug report about the lack of the
PC style beep in Konsole. One response was on the order of adding an
After a brief search I found that I needed to install the konq-plugins
package for the searchbar extension which I did. When I go to
Settings|Configure Extensions the Search Bar plugin is shown as
available and enabled. When I go to Configure Toolbars, however,
Search Bar is not one of the availa
On an off-chance I removed the Location bar from the address bar, but the
search bar didn't show. Sadly, the search bar is enabled in Konqueror
in Kubuntu out of the box. Somehow this should be possible on Debian
as well.
- Nate >>
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
* George Kiagiadakis [2009 Oct 18 02:35 -0500]:
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 5:15 AM, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > On an off-chance I removed the Location bar from the address bar, but the
> > search bar didn't show. Sadly, the search bar is enabled in Konqueror
> > in Kubunt
* jedd [2009 Oct 18 07:14 -0500]:
> On Saturday 17 October 2009 14:21:19 Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > After a brief search I found that I needed to install the konq-plugins
> > package for the searchbar extension which I did. When I go to
> > Settings|Configure Extensions the
Apparently, I'm not the only soul seeing this as:
describes the same behavior I'm seeing. So far no answer on a fix.
- Nate >>
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true
* Xavier Vello [2009 Oct 18 12:35 -0500]:
> Le dimanche 18 octobre 2009 17:51:55, Nate Bargmann a écrit :
> > Apparently, I'm not the only soul seeing this as:
> >
> > http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=550330
> >
> > describes the same behav
* Xavier Vello [2009 Nov 05 09:58 -0600]:
> > I see no specific mention of ALSA in the system settings menu. I
> > noticed that my prefered sound card wasn't at the top of the output and
> > input lists so I changed that. In the Backend tab I only have Xine and
> > Aptitude shows only gstreamer
* Scott [2009 Nov 10 07:31 -0600]:
> My question here is KDE well documented and stable on Debian? I
> understand that Gnome is also the default desktop for Debian, but is KDE
> well supported?
It seems as well supported as any other package. While there is a need
for limited Debian suppo
* Jan De Luyck [2009 Nov 10 09:28
> I'm using KDE4 on my sid (unstable) workstation and laptop without any KDE-
> related problems.
This may be KDE or Debian related, but I know that on this T41 laptop I
cannot run full desktop effects with the latest Sid. I use the Radeon
Xorg driver
* Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. [2009 Nov 10 15:41 -0600]:
> On Tuesday 10 November 2009 15:27:35 Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > * Jan De Luyck
> > [2009 Nov 10 09:28 -0600]:
> > > I'm using KDE4 on my sid (unstable) workstation and laptop without any
> > > KDE- relate
Last year when I updated to KDE4 my Wine menu items disappeared. One
app exists and it was reinstalled a few months ago. I have several
Wine application .desktop files in ~/.config/menus/applications-merged/
but it seems as though KDE doesn't find them.
Also, the various .desktop files exist in
* Kevin Krammer [2010 Jan 15 05:38 -0600]:
> On Friday, 2010-01-15, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > Last year when I updated to KDE4 my Wine menu items disappeared. One
> > app exists and it was reinstalled a few months ago. I have several
> > Wine application .desktop fil
* Kevin Krammer [2010 Jan 15 07:20 -0600]:
> On Friday, 2010-01-15, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > For example, I installed "DisplaySet" with Wine on both my laptop (which
> > is having the trouble) and my desktop. On the laptop no menu entry
> > ever appeared whil
Following a suggestion of a thread about amarok not appearing in the
menu for another user, I tried the following:
$ kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental --menutest | grep wine
kbuildsycoca4 running...
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/share/applications/wine-browsedrive.desktop, line 2:
" "Invalid escape seque
* Kevin Krammer [2010 Jan 15 07:20 -0600]:
> Try running kbuildsycoca4, probably with --noincremental and see if this
> helps.
In another message I included the output of kbuildsycoca4. On a whim,
I decided to move ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu out of
the way and then waited a bi
For some time I've been seeing an effect where clicking on the menu icon
in the panel will show the menu briefly. The only way to keep it
visible is to click and hold down the mouse button while navigating the
menu. I sure do miss the reliability of the menu in the 3.5 series.
- Nate >
* On 2010 06 May 02:13 -0500, Diederik de Haas wrote:
> I don't get what you're trying to accomplish.
> On 2010-05-05 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> > In 4.4, kmail depends on mysql-server in order to send mail. (kmail ->
> > Akonadi -> mysql-server).
> So you don't like the dependency to A
* On 2010 06 May 01:35 -0500, Jorge Gonçalves wrote:
> Hello!
> First, thank you for the great distro that is Debian, one of the best.
> I would like to suggest you some way so that the users keep on using
> the good old KDE 3.5 when they migrate to the upcoming Lenny.
Others have probably p
* On 2010 06 May 07:27 -0500, Frederik Schwarzer wrote:
> [Nate Bargmann - Donnerstag 06 Mai 2010 13:28:23]
> > * On 2010 06 May 02:13 -0500, Diederik de Haas wrote:
> > > I don't get what you're trying to accomplish.
> > >
> > > On 2010-05-05 Boyd
* On 2010 06 May 08:03 -0500, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> >> Maybe use dummy packages, or rename the packages so that KDE 3.5 could
> >> remain installed, and not be forced to upgrade to Kde4.
> >
> > That ship has sailed and it isn't coming back. ??KDE 3.5 is considered
> > dead. ??Why some motivated per
* On 2010 06 May 09:45 -0500, Facundo Aguilera wrote:
> El Jueves 06 Mayo 2010 10:22:09 Nate Bargmann escribi?:
> >
> > I'm tired of typing this time and again:
> >
> > No speaker beep in Konsole--dev says, "Too bad."
> >
> Konsol
* On 2010 06 May 08:33 -0500, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
> Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > Now that my system is poised to update to KDE 4.4, I think this
> > is where I'll get off the train and let KDE go where it wants and I
> > shall go elsewhere.
> &
* On 2010 06 May 16:27 -0500, Facundo Aguilera wrote:
> El Jueves 06 Mayo 2010 18:01:42 Nate Bargmann escribió:
> > * On 2010 06 May 09:45 -0500, Facundo Aguilera wrote:
> > > El Jueves 06 Mayo 2010 10:22:09 Nate Bargmann escribi?:
> > > > I'm
I am avaluating KDE 4.4 as I updated this main desktop machine last
night. So far, so good. As I was getting some weird behavior for the
past several weeks so I moved ~/.kde out of the way after the upgrade
and before starting KDE 4.4. So far, so good.
I am still annoyed by the lack of a native
* On 2010 07 May 07:17 -0500, cobaco wrote:
> On Friday 07 May 2010, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > Device Notifier, while much improved, still lacks a way to simply mount
> > removable media without having to run Dolphin
> click device notifier plasmoid, ups pops the list
Here is an oddity I've noticed for a while. When K3B finishes buring a
CD it plays a sound file, k3b_success1.wav, which is a trumpet of several
seconds. Lately I've only heard the first note or two. After a bit of
checking here is what I've found:
In System Settings configure notification (als
* On 2010 08 May 09:10 -0500, Diederik de Haas wrote:
> On 2010-05-08 Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > In System Settings configure notification (also from the same menu in
> > configure K3B) only the first note is played.
> Tried it from K3b and I can confirm your findings
I think you may have already responded to these in another thread but
after upgrading to 4.4 a few days ago and with a "clean" slate (by
moving .kde and some other 'dot' directories out of the way) I'm down to
one daily annoyance as you've already addressed in the BTS--Konsole
The ot
* On 2010 10 May 11:50 -0500, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Yes, 4.2 and now 4.4 seem to behave badly without a clean ~/.kde. I
> find that very disturbing and unstable.
For the record, I had a clean ~/.kde for 4.2 when it hit Sid about a
year ago and upgraded the offered KDE packages through 4.3.4, IIRC
* On 2010 11 May 02:19 -0500, Valentin Pavlyuchenko wrote:
> 2010/5/11 godo :
> > Few thing's that I really ned or miss me from KDE 3:
> >
> > KDE dragon pic in logout window :-)
> > http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/48/Kdelogout.png
> >
> Yeah,
> Of course it's not a bug, but please re
* On 2010 11 May 14:44 -0500, Marcus Better wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Florian Kulzer wrote:
> > with such large applications. Have you already tried to set
> > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness to zero?
> After some initial testing, I think it did the trick! Amazing, th
* On 2010 11 May 15:50 -0500, Marc Haber wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:22:35PM +0300, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > > Is it guaranteed that KDE doesn't store anything outside of ~/.kde so
> > > that a user doesn't risk things getting desynched if one exchanges one
> > > ~/.kde with a different one?
Hi All.
I transitioned to KDE 3.4.2 yesterday evening (I just couldn't wait
anymore) on my Sid partition--so far very good! Based on my limited
experience with KNOPPIX 3.9, I know that KDE can dynamically add an
icon to the desktop when a memory stick or other USB mass-storage
device is insert
* Jan De Luyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005 Sep 07 13:03 -0500]:
> On Wednesday 07 September 2005 19:40, Sven Krahn wrote:
> > Hi Nate -
> >
> > > I installed the dbus, hal, and pmount packages and Konquerer
> > > dynamically displays icons for my memory stick and camera upon
> > > insertion and remov
* Sven Krahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005 Sep 07 12:42 -0500]:
>Hi Nate -
> I installed the dbus, hal, and pmount packages and Konquerer
> dynamically displays icons for my memory stick and camera upon
> insertion and removal. Now, I would like these icons to pop up on the
* Jan De Luyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005 Sep 07 13:48 -0500]:
> On Wednesday 07 September 2005 20:37, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > > Weird. I didn't have to do any of this - i just have the packages
> > > installed (hal/udev/dbus/...) and KDE automagically po
* Jean-Damien Durand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005 Sep 16 05:00 -0500]:
> Hmmm, I have not seen many messages to thank you all very much for the big
> efforts concerning kde packages following the g++ + xorg transitions, and
> that was a big task for sure - in summer in addition!
> So here we go - as m
I had a similar question maybe ten days ago and it is now working
flawlessly. I have:
Linux 2.6.12
KDE 3.4.2
All I had to do was configure the desktop and select Behavior then the
Device icons tab and enable Show device icons. From there I selected
the ones I want to show. My C
* Henk Loke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005 Sep 18 15:28 -0500]:
> There is no need to right click, (double) left click and it gets mounted and
> opened automagical...
True, but I don't normally use Konquerer. I'm still a Midnight
Commander fan.
- Nate >>
Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB
* Kevin Krammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005 Nov 07 16:44 -0600]:
> On Monday 07 November 2005 22:34, Curt Howland wrote:
> > On Monday 07 November 2005 16:21, Kevin Krammer was heard to say:
> > > did you write
> > > ftp://::192:168:1:20/
> >
> > Actually, what I wrote was ftp://corwin6/
> >
> > With
* Ana Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005 Nov 07 21:28 -0600]:
> > PS: I do not want (although I know how) to configure exim because there is
> > no easy way out: only with TLS and authentication. Both is a pain to hack
> > into the exim configuration. Additionally, I do not want to save the
> > pa
* Tatu Portin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005 Nov 18 15:40 -0600]:
> I understand that while the ABI transformation from vers. 1 to version
> 2 is in progress, you cannot successfully update whole KDE system. I
> tried with aptitude, but some programs would be left broken because
> they don't yet have
With the announcement that KDE released 3.5 yesterday, does this mean
that the packaging work of 3.5RC1 will cease immediately and attention
will turn to 3.5? If so, is there a chance that 3.5 will make it into
Unstable by Christmas? :-)
- Nate >>
Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB
* Josh Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005 Nov 30 16:48 -0600]:
> On Wednesday 30 November 2005 03:47 pm, André Wöbbeking wrote:
> > On Wednesday 30 November 2005 20:26, Josh Metzler wrote:
> > > On Wednesday 30 November 2005 02:17 pm, Yves Glodt wrote:
> > > > why not stop wasting resources and halt
I've been using Akregator for a few weeks on a laptop that has been
running Sid for a few months. The first version of KDE installed on it
was 3.4.x.
Since I like Akregator and since the migration of KDE 3.4.x into Etch
is taking some time, I upgraded this box to Sid on Thursday evening and
Here is a nice interview with several of Debian's KDE packaging team:
- Nate >>
Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB | Successfully Microsoft
Amateur radio exams; ham radio; Linux info @ | free since January 1998.
* Olivier Trichet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005 Dec 18 13:53 -0600]:
> It seems that the 3.4 version introduces an option which askes if you want
> to use the cache or not (before, it was using the konqueror's setting).
> So go in configuration-->general-->network and uncheckes "use cache".
That s
This is probably a silly (read obvious) question, but how does one change
or specify the mini-icon of windows kwin only uses the generic X for?
I've Googled and read some KDE docs, but I've not figured out the
answer. I use several apps, Mutt in a xterm and xfte that I would like
to use their ico
* Alejandro Exojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 Feb 06 03:56 -0600]:
> Hi.
> I'm recently noting something weird with the "location" toolbar in konqueror.
> When I open a new konqueror, I have two rows of toolbars; the first with the
> "previous", "next", "up", etc. buttons, and the second with th
* Robert Gomu?ka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 May 15 13:23 -0500]:
> Hello,
> I remember a discussion some time ago here about behaviour of KDE after
> inserting e.g. USB stick. I cannot find it now and I'm not sure if this issue
> is relevant, so don't bite me in case of redundant post.
> Problem:
* Robert Gomu?ka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 May 17 17:09 -0500]:
> Sad to hear that it's not something obvious and/or trivial.
> Yes, I am a member of plugdev group.
> And I have 2.6.14 kernel. I am not going to upgrade it in the near future, so
> I'm stuck with manual operating for now...
> I can
* D. Michael 'Silvan' McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 May 22 18:05 -0500]:
> On Monday 22 May 2006 4:32 am, Grégoire Druant wrote:
> > I have the same problem, and thanks for your solution, it works.
> >
> > But what's strange is that my wine fonts are bigger than before, whatever
> > the hin
* Grégoire Druant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 May 24 04:08 -0500]:
> How can I know what dpi is set on my system ?
xdpyinfo | grep resolution
- Nate >>
Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB | Successfully Microsoft
Amateur radio exams; ham radio; Linux info @ | free since Januar
* Glenn Meehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 Jun 08 19:37 -0500]:
> Hi,
> The menu font size in konqueror is about 15 this is too big and I would
> like to reduce it down to font size 10. I am also using
> gnome-settings-daemon. I am running at a resolution of 1024*768. All of
> my fonts in control
* Glenn Meehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 Jun 08 22:03 -0500]:
> On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 21:36 -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > * Glenn Meehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 Jun 08 19:37 -0500]:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > The menu font size in konqueror is ab
* Leopold Palomo Avellaneda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 Jun 28 06:53 -0500]:
> A Dimecres 28 Juny 2006 12:54, Anders E. Andersen va escriure:
> > Matej Cepl skrev:
> > > on the background. Whenever I run something more complicated in Linux
> > > (gcc, update of slocate dbase), whole computer goes alm
> So, I presume they are not compiled for desktop use then? Has anyone
> filed a wishlist bug to get a set of kernels that are pre-emptive?
I filed a wishlist bug against linux-source-2.6.17 so we shall see what
- Nate >>
Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB | Successf
> So, I presume they are not compiled for desktop use then? Has anyone
> filed a wishlist bug to get a set of kernels that are pre-emptive?
I filed a wishlist bug against linux-source-2.6.17 so we shall see what
- Nate >>
Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB | Successf
> So, I presume they are not compiled for desktop use then? Has anyone
> filed a wishlist bug to get a set of kernels that are pre-emptive?
I filed a wishlist bug against linux-source-2.6.17 so we shall see what
- Nate >>
Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB | Successf
* Matej Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 Jun 28 15:02 -0500]:
> Nate Bargmann wrote:
> >> So, I presume they are not compiled for desktop use then? Has anyone
> >> filed a wishlist bug to get a set of kernels that are pre-emptive?
> >
> > I filed a wishlis
* Gerrit Jan Baarda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 Jul 27 13:19 -0500]:
> Hi all,
> I have a strange problem on my notebook running unstable. For some time, I
> cannot access my router web interfaces with konqueror, it complains cannot
> connect to 192.168.xx.xx when I enter an URL https://192.168.
* Gerrit Jan Baarda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006 Jul 30 07:49 -0500]:
> On Saturday 29 July 2006 11:58, Josep Febrer wrote:
> > Have you tried to disable IPv6 for Konqueror?
> >
> > To do it you just have to export this variable:
> >
> > export KDE_NO_IPV6=true
> >
> > To make it permanent across r
I really like Kooka and it works flawlessly. I want to do something
I am trying to scan a two-page advertisement from a magazine with my
flatbed scanner. I have no problem with selecting one page at a time,
but does Kooka support scanning a page and then a second so that the
two are merge
This has been vexing me for several months. I have used KDE on my
desktop machine for about two years and it has been Sid the whole time
and upgraded from somewhere in the 3.4 days to 3.5.7.
Some time back I noticed that some applications would show duplicate
menu entries, as though the entire me
* Benjamí Villoslada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007 Sep 29 08:19 -0500]:
> From one week ago, the libgtk2.0-0 upgrade (Sid) freezes Konqueror when this
> browser opens Flash contents: nspluginviewer goes to 100% CPU consumption.
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=440165
> http://bugs
* Fathi Boudra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007 Nov 01 03:11 -0500]:
> Hi,
> Thanks to the efforts of the Debian Live project, we have created live CDs
> with current KDE4 beta4 for i386 and amd64 architectures:
> http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/kde4livecd.html
Nice preview in qemu, Now I need t
* Curt Howland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007 Nov 07 15:25 -0600]:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Wednesday 07 November 2007, Thierry Chatelet was heard to say:
> > If it's a new install he could re-install going to expert with the
> > following: expert tasks="standard, kde-de
* Tomas Nykung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007 Nov 08 03:34 -0600]:
> Download the iso whose name ends with "kde-CD-1.iso" (or xfce-CD-1.iso
> if you want xfce installed by default) and install from that.
> (For the newcomers: you just need the first CD, the rest is
> automatically installed over the ne
* Ana Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007 Nov 08 07:10 -0600]:
> Hi,
> After read the last thread I have added to the pkg-kde's website a brief
> howto about get KDE on Debian easily:
> http://pkg-kde.alioth.debian.org/installkdedebian.html
> Suggestions/patches/english fixes are welcom
* Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008 Jan 15 02:21 -0600]:
> On Jan 14, 2008 1:09 AM, Ritesh Raj Sarraf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > BasaBuru wrote:
> >
> > > Please dont send a private mail, we loss information
> > >
> > > I'm use a sid/experimental Debian
> >
> > You should have read Ana's a
* Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008 Jan 16 21:17 -0600]:
> On Jan 15, 2008 4:32 AM, Nate Bargmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Have you read Aaron Seigo's blogs on this topic? There is a reason
> > they believe they had to do it now otherwise KDE 4.0.0 would
86 matches
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