xhost+ and Konsole

2005-01-14 Thread Charles de Miramon
Hello, I'm running an uptodate KDE in Sid and I've noticed a small regression / bug in Konsole that have appeared lately. When I open a Konsole and type xhost+ and then open a second root tab in Konsole. I'm unable to start from this Konsole X applications as root. However, when I type in a Konso

Re: xhost+ and Konsole

2005-01-14 Thread Charles de Miramon
Pablo Pita Leira wrote: > > This could be related to setting the DISPLAY variable. > What happens if after you do xhost+ and create a new tab for root, you set > the DISPLAY variable : > > # export DISPLAY=:0 > > and launch the X applications ? > Thank you both, Changing the configuration for

Upgrading to KDE4 and Cherry Cymotion Linux keyboard

2009-04-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Hello, I have upgraded my Debian sid box to KDE4. Thank you for the packaging work ! I have a USB Cherry Cymotion Linux keyboard and upgrading to KDE4 (and maybe to the latest xorg) broke the keyboard mapping. For example, the 'Down' key is remapped to XF86Terminal. The only way to restore a

Re: Upgrading to KDE4 and Cherry Cymotion Linux keyboard

2009-04-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Valerio Passini wrote: > > IMHO this is not KDE's fault, but X: probably you will notice that in > terminal the console is working properly. In the last X version keyboard > and mouse are managed differently (by evdev driver) and If this is your > problem, you should remove every line related to

Re: Upgrading to KDE4 and Cherry Cymotion Linux keyboard

2009-04-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
> Can you start from a brand new xorg.conf file? Just dpkg-reconfigure > xserver-xorg, it will produce a very essential xorg.conf. If you have > nvidia or ATI card you can add the appropriate stanzas by copying/pasting > from your old conf. Here it's mine (as an example): > No. It does not work

Re: [ANN] New metapackages layout

2009-04-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Ana Guerrero wrote: > kde-standard: it is a new package, currently it is the same than > kde-minimal. >The goal of this package is installing what a ramdom user >would > expect in a desktop enviroment. The meta-package will > contain this, as soon as we agree in wh

Re: [ANN] New metapackages layout

2009-04-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Ana Guerrero wrote: > > branding? Do you mean like desktop-base? Yes. > I have not idea what is the kubuntu package you refer, could you be a bit > more verbose? It is called kubuntu-desktop. It is what you get when you try the kubuntu livecd. The source package are here : - https://launch

Cursor vanished in KMail

2002-05-29 Thread Charles de Miramon
Hello, I can confirm the vanishing cursor in KMail for KDE 2.2 .2. Switching virtual desktop brings back the cursor. Cheers, Charles -- Charles de Miramon Centre de Recherches Historiques Laboratoire EHESS / CNRS 54, bd Raspail 75270 Paris Cedex 06 [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.ehess.fr/centres

Problems printing from Konqueror

2002-08-26 Thread Charles de Miramon
ome bad interaction of gs / cups / kde. Cheers, Charles -- Charles de Miramon Centre de Recherches Historiques Laboratoire EHESS / CNRS 54, bd Raspail 75270 Paris Cedex 06 [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.ehess.fr/centres/gahom/Miramonbiblio.htm

Re: Problems printing from Konqueror

2002-08-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
I found the solution to my problem (which had nothing to do with KDE) Upgrading to SID had the unfortunate side-effect of uninstalling the printer drivers package from www.linuxprinting.org cupsomatic-ppd and me losing the driver for my printer. I reinstalled the cupsomatic-ppd package and reconf

Fwd: Re: KDE debs building

2002-09-15 Thread Charles de Miramon
Hi Ralf, Sorting the 'mess'of KDE packages on Debian will be a very nice achievement. I would just like to point a specific problem for the KDE translators. When, like now, we are working on KDE 3.1, we need to have a CVS version of KDE to check the new applications and see in context the

Re: To CVS experts

2002-09-22 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 21 Septembre 2002 12:05, Paolo Ulivi a écrit : > > Can someone please spell me the cvs commands to obtain this results ? > Have you tried cvsup ? I'm no cvs expert either and that is what I use to retrieve the kde-i18n module from cvs. There is a cvsup package in Debian (apt-get instal

Re: Project planning sofware for KDE3 + Debian testing?

2002-09-22 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 22 Septembre 2002 21:45, Rachel Andrew a écrit : > Hi > > I have just installed KDE3 on Debian testing - the various instructions I > found posted on the web as a result of searching here helped tremendously. > > Anyway, with KDE2.2 I was using a package called KFocus to do simple > pro

Compiling KBabel 1.0.2 for KDE 3.0.3

2002-09-26 Thread Charles de Miramon
Hello, The KBabel included in KDE 3.0.3 suffers from a bad bug that make it crash very often and itis rather unusable. So I've tried to build a new KBabel from source : I've downloaded the latest source from http://i18n.kde.org/tools/kbabel/download/ untar the sources in a directory I did apt-

Re: html documentation for kde

2002-09-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
> > It might be useful for some, but is it useful enough to warrant separate > > packages for it? You can also find the documentation (but only in English) at docs.kde.org. Maybe, we should ask Lauri Watts to add the option to download a documentation in HTML format for local browsing. Cheers,

Re: Compiling KBabel 1.0.2 for KDE 3.0.3

2002-09-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
> install libdb2-dev > Thanks it worked. If somebody wants a crude .deb package of KBabel 1.0beta2 for Sid / KDE 3.0.3, please contact me Cheers, Charles -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.kde-france.org

Re: Question about upgrade KDE 3.0.4

2002-10-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
> First Question: Does KDE 3.0 really work with Debian (I rather suspect > something that hasn't made it into Debian's STABLE source yet). KDE 3.0.4 works well on Debian and is in my opinion more stable than KDE 2.2. I think you should upgrade if you use your computer mainly as a Desktop. If you

Re: apt denies upgrade to KDE3? Help :..(

2002-10-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
It looks like a pinning problem : Try apt-cache policy kmail That will give you the different pin values for your different deb sources. Modify your /etc/apt/preferences file accordingly. It can be a bit tricky, especially that there is no parsing of the preferences file to tell you that you

Re: apt denies upgrade to KDE3? Help :..(

2002-10-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
> O.k. here is the result: > # apt-cache policy kmail > kmail: > Installed: 4:2.2.2-14.1 > Candidate: 4:2.2.2-14.1 > Version Table: > 4:3.0.4-1 0 > 500 http://download.uk.kde.org woody/ Packages > *** 4:2.2.2-14.1 0 > 900 http://ftp.de.debian.org testing/main Packages >

Re: My KDE Headaches

2002-10-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
Hi Rob, It is very difficult to help you but my guess is that you have hardware problems. I used at one point to have strange freezes of my computer and I cursed everybody : Linux, Xfree, KDE, Mandrake (that I was using at this time) for my problem to discover later by running memtest86 an entir

Re: Konqueror + Debian + IPv6?

2002-10-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 12 Octobre 2002 19:56, Felix Homann a écrit : > Hi, > > some webpages take extraordinary long time to load in Konqueror (all the > 3.0.x versions) on Debian (e.g. www.golem.de) while they load fast in > Mozilla or Konqueror on SuSE. On my computer to Konqueror (3.0.4) loads much slower w

Re: alsamixer error.

2002-10-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 12 Octobre 2002 20:29, suresh kumar sharma a écrit : > hi, > I Re installed ALSA on my system. > everything went fine. > but when I tried using amixer I got this error. > ### > ALSA lib control.c:601:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid > CTL default > amixer: Mixer attach default error: N

Rebuilding kdelibs for Sid

2002-10-14 Thread Charles de Miramon
Hello, I'm trying to rebuild kdelibs without the ipv6 option. I've downloaded the source package (apt-get source kdelibs) I've downloaded the build dependencies (apt-get build-dep kdelibs) I've changed the file /debian/rules But when I run dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b I get this error message and th

Re: alsamixer error ... CONTINUED .

2002-10-14 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Lundi 14 Octobre 2002 16:58, suresh kumar sharma a écrit : > hi charles, > install process of alsa went fine with out any error, > so I did not run alsaconf. > and I ran ./snddevices also that also ran success > fully. > but I stillkeep getting the same errors. logout of X and KDE to a pure con

Re: Can't find X includes ( kdeartswork problem )

2002-10-25 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Vendredi 25 Octobre 2002 15:42, suresh kumar sharma a écrit : > Hi, > I have a debian 2.4.19 and kde 3.0.3 running on my > laptop, > I was trying to install kdeartworks, but when I ran > the ./configure file It says can't find X includes . > this is the error message I get . > ## > checking

Re: kde-i18n , help

2002-11-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
> 3.I want to use kmail but have problems with kaddressbook: > - columns are very small and not changable with save This is fixed in KDE 3.1 > - how can I export addresses and import this file on another PC? Now, just move the file and use the unix command line tools. The addressbook stores i

Integration of i18n packages in KDE meta-package

2002-11-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
Hi, Discussing the Debian-Desktop project, one remark was that Debian has a bad support for language other than English. Ideally, when a user type apt-get install kde, s(he) should get auto-magically the right i-18n package for his or her language or gracefully fall bak to English. I was wonder

Re: KDE3.1 release?

2002-11-23 Thread Charles de Miramon
> Upto last week, the release schedule site was updated regularly as the > schedule slipped. This week, however, there has been no update. The last > entry still lists Nov 18th as the decision date for the final release. To my knowledge, RC4 packaged by Dirk Mueller on the 19th is going to be the

Re: KDE3.1 release?

2002-11-24 Thread Charles de Miramon
> > If not is there a good reason for it to me missing, or is there a problem > with it that needs fixing? To my knowledge, Kdebindings is just a place on KDE CVS where developpers can put software to create bindings or store bindings. Mature bindings for a specific language should be packaged i

Re: suid root?

2002-12-01 Thread Charles de Miramon
There is a useful and comprehensive doc for sudo here : http://www.mandrakesecure.net/en/docs/sudo.php Cheers, Charles -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.kde-france.org

Re: kaplan

2002-12-09 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 8 Décembre 2002 22:35, Tom Badran a écrit : > Using karolinas 3.1 debs, is it possible to get kaplan to do anything? When > i run it it just returns to the konsole, and --help gives no indication > that there are any options i can pass to it. Ive seen some screen shots of > it running a

Re: KDE 3.0.5a Packages for Woody uploaded

2002-12-22 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 22 Décembre 2002 23:22, Ralf Nolden a écrit : > Merry Christmas, > Thanks Ralf and Merry Christmas Charles -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.kde-france.org

Re: Warning

2002-12-30 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Lundi 30 Décembre 2002 18:02, Charles de Miramon a écrit : > Le Lundi 30 Décembre 2002 16:09, Karolina Lindqvist a écrit : > > I updated to latest debian "unstable" level, and my KDE does not work > > anymore. These break-everything debian updates makes me kind of tired

Re: deb line for French users in sources.list

2003-01-01 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 1 Janvier 2003 22:55, Philippe MERLIN a écrit : > I would like dowload KDE3.05a but the line > deb http ://download.fr.kde.org/.. > answer unknown site > What is correct line for french user? > Thanks. > And HAPPY NEW YEAR Il n'y a pas encore beaucoup de miroirs de download.kd

Re: Problemas con konsole / Problems with Konsole

2003-01-02 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Vendredi 3 Janvier 2003 01:06, Daniel Alonso a écrit : > --spanish version > > Hola. > > Utilizo kde 3.0.4 en una Debuian sid... despues de una actualizacion, > cuando intentaba iniciar konsole me daba un error. Os pongo debajo el > output, a ver si me podeis echar una mano. Gra

Re: Synchronization tool for KDE?

2003-01-05 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 4 Janvier 2003 22:03, Hendrik Sattler a écrit : > So maybe some of you have an idea about a good program that has the > capabilities and control of sitecopy but can use the kio plugins. It is > important that it can sync according to several profiles in one step. Does > anybody know such

Re: Fresh Debian Stable install with nolden Woody - Small comments

2003-01-25 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 25 Janvier 2003 18:59, Michael Peddemors a écrit : > Just a few notes .. Thought I would try an install as if I was a typical > debian newbie.. And take notes along the way. > > Installed Debian Base. > Did an 'apt-get update','apt-get upgrade' > I find I can't do anything unless I can ed

Re: Questions about language-env

2003-02-02 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 1 Février 2003 21:20, Niklaus Giger a écrit : Off-topic but I was wondering what language you are speaking when your family get together : French, Swiss-German, German, Korean? Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.kde-france.org

Re: kdeextragear-1 not in i18n

2003-02-02 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 2 Février 2003 21:32, Henning Moll a écrit : > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > > Hi! > > It seems that localisation for kdeextragear is missing in kde-i18n-de > (maybe also in packages for other languages...). So, some kde applications > are only available in english at the moment.

Re: ACK! Blew up my KDE and need help in San Francisco!

2003-02-07 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Jeudi 6 Février 2003 21:43, Pietro Calogero a écrit : > Downloaded KDE 3.1 .debs from KDE.org, including packages.gz, created > similar directory structure on local HD. Why are you downloading the debs on your hd. If you have a fast internet connection ? You should add a line to your /etc/apt/

Re: kmail within kde3.1 on sid ?

2003-02-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
> I tracked down what it was (I have a few PowerPCs on hand), and smacked > it down. A fixed Qt has since been uploaded. Thankyou Charles -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.kde-france.org

Re: Bug#181009: ITP: koffice-i18n -- i18n files for koffice

2003-02-16 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 15 Février 2003 14:04, Ben Burton a écrit : > > If koffice-i18n is packaged as a single massive binary package, it means > that as (say) a German speaker, I'd have to download what appears to be > at least 8 megabytes worth of i18n package just to get my 200k of German > translations. An

Re: Bug#181009: ITP: koffice-i18n -- i18n files for koffice

2003-02-16 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 16 Février 2003 20:03, Hendrik Sattler a écrit : > > Hmm, not practical at all, since root does not have the same locale(s) as > all users and the locale package is no base package. why, if I am root with a French locale ? apt-get install koffice will install koffice and the French i1

Re: My ITP on k3b

2003-02-20 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Jeudi 20 Février 2003 04:43, Jean-Michel Kelbert a écrit : > Le 19/02/03 à 17:22 Ben Burton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) écrivait : > > Please feel welcome to package k3b separately. > > Ok. I will package it ! I also notice that there is a separate source > file for locales. So there'll be two packages.

Re: two questions about localisation of kde

2003-03-02 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 2 Mars 2003 14:36, Wolfgang Mader a écrit : > hello, > > i wondered how to type scpecial characters like you have in france or > spain. for example the e with graph. Have you tried kcharselect ? If you type é,à, ê seldom it is maybe the easier way to do it. Being able to type foreign

Re: Where is kdenetwork, where is Chris?

2003-03-04 Thread Charles de Miramon
The rumor on IRC was that there is a license problem that holds kdenetwork getting into Debian. What are these license problems, I have no idea. To my knowledge, Chris Cheney has not posted on kde-policies or on any kde mailing lists on this topic. Sadly, it is not the first time that Chris Ch

Re: Where is kdenetwork, where is Chris?

2003-03-04 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mardi 4 Mars 2003 16:35, Karolina Lindqvist a écrit : > > There are packaging bugs (*blush*) and unique debian bugs. But I have fixed > those I found, last week. I will also build KDE 3.1.1, as soon as it is > out, maybe next week. And in between I am building more applications, or > rebuilding

Re: kaddressbook in unstable?

2003-03-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mardi 11 Mars 2003 14:09, Marco Feuerstein a écrit : > Does anyone know where I can get kaddressbook for unstable? > Thank you > Marco Put : deb http://infobeam.lnix.net/mirror/grepper/pub/kdepim/ ./ in your /etc/apt/sources.list Cheers, Charles -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.kde-france.org

Re: kdepim & sid

2003-03-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 12 Mars 2003 15:25, Marcin Juszkiewicz a écrit : > I installed KMail from http://people.debian.org/~ccheney/kde-other/ but > it doesn't have addressbook. Ok - so I tried to install kdepim package > but it is not found :( Is there any respository with rest of KDE 3.1 > packages for 'sid'

Re: PyKDE packages?

2003-03-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Jeudi 13 Mars 2003 20:47, John Goerzen a écrit : > Any idea on why PyKDE is not in sid, and when it might be? Is anyone > working on it? > > -- John Jim Bublitz has not finished the PyKDE compatible with KDE 3.1 (http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pykde/index.php). You can find information o

Re: Printing TT fonts from KDE Apps

2003-03-16 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 16 Mars 2003 19:07, Bruce a écrit : I had also problem printing from Konqueror with screwed TT fonts. Finally, I found that setting in Kprinter the option 'Embed fonts in Postscript when printing' solved my problem. Maybe, you should try that. Cheers, Charles -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: KDE meta-package suggestions

2003-03-17 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Lundi 17 Mars 2003 10:28, Ralf Nolden a écrit : > > You'll get that with apt-get install kdebase anyway :-) That's why I > proposed to make it a metapackage for kdebase and kdm. > There are in Debian : a x-system-core and a gnome-core. I would vote also for a kde-core so that the naming conven

Re: KDE woody debs on CD ?

2003-03-19 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 19 Mars 2003 13:29, Ralf Nolden a écrit : > As commercial distros get less and their money shrinks so will their > support for KDE in terms of employing people fulltime like Waldo. So I'm > trying to find a way that will possibly lead us to the situation where the > KDE project can fin

Re: tabbed browsing with konqueror

2003-03-23 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 23 Mars 2003 14:10, Ralf Nolden a écrit : > > Can you file this as a bugreport on bugs.kde.org please ? Then it gets > "fixed" for KDE 3.2 (the 3.1 branch doesn't allow any string changes) > > Ralf > Yes, but check first if it is a problem of the original English message or of the Germ

Re: customizing desktop icons

2003-03-24 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Lundi 24 Mars 2003 15:50, Bernt Christandl a écrit : > "shell-script". > > How can i change this shell to another icon (the mozilla-dragon or > the openoffice-gulls)? > Very simple Right-click on the icon Select 'properties' On the property windows click on the icon and you'll get the dialog f

Re: Prelinking Debian KDE - Big Problem ?

2003-04-27 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Dimanche 27 Avril 2003 03:45, Nick Boyce a écrit : > >1. Compile OpenGL as PIC - I don't know why it isn't already. More information : http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=187365 I don't know if it is resolved for Xfree 4.3.0 ? When this bug is closed; we will be able, I guess,

Re: Generated postscript only sans serif

2003-05-23 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 21 Mai 2003 22:21, Michael Schuerig a écrit : > When I print or generate a postscript file from Konqueror or KWrite, the > result always ends up completely in sans serif (Helvetica?). On the > german KDE newsgroup I've been told this is caused by a bug in Qt > (something about a fixed a

Re: KDE 3.2 CVS - problems

2003-05-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mardi 27 Mai 2003 20:02, Ing. Vladimir M. Kerka a écrit : > What am I to do now? Look in the source for the email of the developer (he is French but I don't remember his name) and send him your bug report. Cheers, Charles -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.kde-france.org

Re: Packaging very large i18n material

2003-06-10 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Lundi 9 Juin 2003 03:46, Ben Burton a écrit : > > 2) Build 37 different koffice-i18n-lang binary packages (like kde-i18n). I think it is the best short-term solution. The only long term solution would be to adapt the Debian packaging system for internationalization. Packager would create one

Re: Kgroupware packages

2003-07-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Lundi 28 Juillet 2003 13:27, Raúl Alexis Betancort Santana a écrit : > Anyone knows if there are Kgroupware packages around inet ?, I have > CVS code, but I'm unable to compile it. > > Best regargs http://www.erfrakon.de/projects/kolab/download/ packages of the Kollab server for Woody. To my

Recent bugs with accented characters

2003-11-19 Thread Charles de Miramon
Hello, I'm using KDE 3.1.4 on unstable (XFree from unstable). After an upgrade several weeks ago, I've this annoying bug with accented characters. When I hit Alt-F2 gg:caractères accentués I'll get in Konqueror/Google caract?res accentu?s It used to work before. Can somebody else confirm this

Re: Recent bugs with accented characters

2003-11-19 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 19 Novembre 2003 15:34, Caoilte O'Connor a écrit : > ditto, though I assumed it was because I switched the font > to verdana at the same time. > > c > > On Wednesday 19 November 2003 14:00, Charles de Miramon > > wrote: > > Hello, > > > &

Re: What's New in KDE 3.1.5?

2004-01-14 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 14 Janvier 2004 09:19, Doug Holland a écrit : > The past few days, I've been downloading lots of core KDE packages with > version 3.1.5. Funny thing is that I haven't seen any announcements on the > KDE web site or dot.kde.org or elsewhere, and I can't find a changelog for > 3.1.5. My

Re: Build a sub package of kdenetwork (CIFS support in lisa)

2004-01-19 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Samedi 17 Janvier 2004 23:50, Anders Ellenshøj Andersen a écrit : > On Saturday 17 January 2004 20:21, A.M.P. Boelens wrote: > > Does this help? From the "Debian New Maintainers' Guide": > > 6.2 Quick rebuild > > fakeroot debian/rules binary > > Great! Thanks! > > I now have a working lisa with

Re: Graphics in KDE 3.2

2004-02-26 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le Mercredi 25 Février 2004 20:30, Bob Tilley (AT&T) a écrit : > There are many times that the appearance of KDE dialogs or other KDE > windows are distorted. The dialogs may be too narrow for the text, borders > may be misaligned by one pixel, the text-entry areas may not be > sufficiently wide o

Upgrading from 3.1.X to 3.2.2 : KDM not working anymore

2004-04-28 Thread Charles de Miramon
Hello, I've finally found time to upgrade my sid box from 3.1.x to 3.2.2. Everything worked fine except that KDM is not working anymore. KDM starts and I get the greeting screen but the login for a user fails and bring back the greeting screen. I have to do a console login and startx to launch

Re: Upgrading from 3.1.X to 3.2.2 : KDM not working anymore

2004-04-29 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le mercredi 28 Avril 2004 16:23, Andrew Schulman a écrit : > > Does this happen for all users, or just charles? It happens just for charles, for other users (for example root) it works. I've tried dpkg --purge kdm and reinstalling it to get clean configuration files but it did not solve my prob

Re: Upgrading from 3.1.X to 3.2.2 : KDM not working anymore

2004-04-29 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le jeudi 29 Avril 2004 16:19, Andrew Schulman a écrit : > Charles, try removing your ~/.xsession, if you have one. I've been > having the same trouble lately. I haven't finished figuring out why > yet, but when I remove ~/.xsession it goes away. I had no ~/.xsession but I've finally solved my p

Re: kdevelop & KDE

2004-06-10 Thread Charles de Miramon
Le mercredi 9 Juin 2004 22:05, Marie Regine SAPIR a écrit : > Hi, > > I tried to install some KDE packages from the KDE website, and now get > these errors: > > Invalid entry (missing '=') at /usr/bin/designer:8 You should maybe look line 8 of the batch file /usr/bin/designer for a clue > kio (KSer

Re: KDE 3.4: KDE 3.3.2 packages still floating around

2005-04-12 Thread Charles de Miramon
Adeodato Simó wrote: >> ii kcmlinuz 3.3.2-1KDE Frontend for the Linux kernel >> configurat > > I'm not 100% sure about this one, Pierre (Habouzit) will know. Perhaps > it's been dropped? > > I think I've read that it has been removed from KDE (unmaintained code that does no

Re: KDE 3.4 Help Center - Build Indices Bug

2005-04-13 Thread Charles de Miramon
Ryan Nowakowski wrote: > While building a search index for Help Center, I got this error: > > INDEXDIR: /home/ryan/.kde/share/apps/khelpcenter/index/ > FINDCMD: find /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/ -name index.docbook > Creating index for 'kde_application_manuals' > find: /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/: No such

Re: KDE 3.4

2005-07-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
Matej Cepl wrote: > Andrew Ingram wrote: >> Hey list. Just a quick question. I've been hearing a lot about the >> progress of Xorg into Sid but not heard anything lately about KDE3.4 > > On Xorg note: what I miss from Xorg available on http://neo.wh-stuttgart.de/debian testing xorg> (which other

Re: sound support under KDE

2005-12-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
Matej Cepl wrote: > 1) Are they? I mean is arts dead or going to die soon? Yes, arts is dead because is main developper left and nobody understands the stuff. Is in maintainance state. > URLs for some documents explaining this mess would be more than welcome as > well. http://wiki.kde.org/ti

Re: Problème de clavier

2006-09-15 Thread Charles de Miramon
Gilles Pelletier wrote: > [English follows] > > Je ne suis pas un développeur et je tenterai donc d'être bref. Je ne > désire que souligner un problème que j'éprouve actuellement pour le > choix de mon clavier avec Knoppix 5.01 et toutes les versions de > Linux qui utilisent la dernière version d

Re: KDE 3.5.7 in unstable and yes, we're working in KDE 4!

2007-05-22 Thread Charles de Miramon
Ana Guerrero wrote: > > Hello, > > KDE 3.5.7 is being released today and it is already available in unstable. > If you're using i386 the update should go fine, if you're using another > arch, like amd64, some packages will not be available for your arch yet. > Thanks for your work. Debian user