Re: Systray plasma 5

2015-08-04 Thread Boris Pek
Hi everyone, >> An other subject, I have hp toolbox complaining about the lake of systray in >> plasma5. >> >> I have seen some blog post's explaining the new plasma status model, but >> only kde/plasma apps are adopting that... >> >> Is there any solution to have the bad and ugly old solutio

Re: Install on stretch : feedback

2015-08-04 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, >> - no possibility to have different virtual desktops > > I verify this. > > But the Pager Widget *is there*. You can find it in the widget list (Add > Widgets -> Pager). When you drag it on the panel, however, nothing happens. > > This looks like a bug. It looks like you have only one virt

Re: black icons after kde upgrade

2015-09-01 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, > Yes the background is also black. > I try to change the background image but nothing happend. 1) Try to set OpenGL 2.0 or XRender for Desktop Effects in System Settings. 2) Try to disable Desktop Effects: Shift + Alt + F12. -- Boris

Re: qdbus commands in 64-bit jessie?

2015-09-09 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, >>  I'm no expert on multi-arch but those could be reasons >>  why running qdbus wants to use i386 version. > > This is a 64-bit system, so I am unclear why multi-arch is involved at all. > Any non-64-bit programs were put there by the debian upgrade procedure, not > by me. This is not true.

Re: Gimp

2015-09-09 Thread Boris Pek
Hi. > I have 3 Sid systems 2 had gimp installed and one didn't, I was able to > get a full upgrade on the one without gimp and then install gimp. > > On the systems with gimp I was not able to get a full upgrade, so I > removed gimp and then did a full upgrade and then I was able to > reinstall gi

Re: qdbus commands in 64-bit jessie?

2015-09-09 Thread Boris Pek
> It is true. But we are being dragged down a rabbit hole, and I don't see the > point of arguing how various things got on my system. qdbus worked prior to > the upgrade, and now it doesn't, so the question remains: > What do I need to do to get my qdbus commands working again? > > The upgra

Re: Reinstall KDE completely

2015-09-18 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, > The problem is that there is a lot of new config files on .local and .config > with kf5 on it, and kde-full only removes what was installed with the > metapackage. There are tons of kde5 packages laying around that removing > kde-full will not remove. Any ideas? sudo apt-get autoremove --pu

Issue with icons in KF5 based applications launched via ssh

2015-09-23 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, After upgrading my remote host from KDE 4 to KDE Plasma 5 I have faced with strange behavior of programs built with KF5: all of them lose icons in menus, toolbars and other widgets when you connect via ssh 'ssh -X ...' and launch them in usual way. All applications based on KDE4 libs and Qt4,

Re: Kmail2 display garbled (after a while)

2015-10-08 Thread Boris Pek
Hi Tim, > since I installed kde5 I have a kmail2 issue. > > After a while the kmail2 display window becomes drawn unreadable. > See this screenshot: > > > Stopping and starting kmail does not help. > Stopping and starting kdm helps for

plasma-systray-legacy package is currently available in Debian unstable

2015-10-17 Thread Boris Pek
Hi Debian and Ubuntu KDE users, Thanks a lot to David Edmundson who began xembed-sni-proxy project [1]. This program allows users of KDE Plasma 5 to use applications which supports only legacy system tray icons as simple as applications which support the SNI specification. xembed-sni-proxy is cur

Re: plasma5 timeout with bluetooth

2015-11-13 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, >>  It sounds like this bug: >> > > Yes, thank you. This eventually explains why the bluetooth service is not > starting. > > But it does not explain why plasma5 is waiting 50 s for this service. > XFCE and cinnamon are starting just fi

Re: App Icons in Task Bar

2015-11-20 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, > It did, however, give me the idea to try another user. One that had >>  > never been used before. That user suffers the same taskbar icon >>  > issues. So, possibly not a userland issue. :-( >> >>  I have the same problem but it changes after the reboot. After one >>  reboot they are gone wi

Re: [Solved] Re: App Icons in Task Bar

2015-11-20 Thread Boris Pek
>> I have the same problem but it changes after the reboot. After one >> reboot they are gone with the next some are back again. It's like >> roulette but with icons in the taskbar :-/ > > I was sent a solution (off-list). Thanks to Chris Dow for this; > > -8X- > I recently had this same problem wi

Re: KDE Plasma 5.5.3 in Debian?

2016-01-31 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, > Is there some plan to add the newest KDE Plasma desktop (5.5.3) to > unstable / testing (current one is still 5.4.3) or there are some issues > with it that delay it? As I see there is progress in this direction [1][2]. Probably plasma will be updated in unstable soon after all build depend

Re: Kdeconnect 9.0 in SID

2016-01-31 Thread Boris Pek
Hi Miguel, > I have recently contacted kdeconnect people and they told me they already > released version 9.0 like two months ago, they recommended me to contact > directly with debian package manteiners. I have searched about and there is > no news since August15, any idea where i should continue

Re: huge fonts and window decorations

2016-06-01 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, > upgrading testing today left me with some fonts and the window decorations > being disproportionally big. For example, the sub heading in the application > launcher are much bigger than the actual headings, see screenshot > > I have the same problem. Especially w

Workaround XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE is broken

2016-06-01 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, After recent update of KDE Plasma 5 in Debian Sid all KF5-based programs use wrong Qt theme when they are launched in non-KDE environment or via SSH. They look ugly and all icons from buttons, menus and list items are missing. And previously working workaround [1] is completely broken. Any id

Re: Workaround XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE is broken

2016-06-02 Thread Boris Pek
> After recent update of KDE Plasma 5 in Debian Sid all KF5-based programs use > wrong Qt theme when they are launched in non-KDE environment or via SSH. > They look ugly and all icons from buttons, menus and list items are missing. > And previously working workaround [1] is completely broken. > >

Re: plasma-systray-legacy replacement?

2016-06-09 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, > I've been monitoring the "big upgrade" thats been rolling out, and the only > thing that seems to be blocking it on my desktop is a missing plasma-systray- > legacy package. Is that going to make it to the new kde packages? or is it > being discontinued? > > I find it very useful as there ar

Re: Qt 5.7.1 => 5.9.1

2017-08-27 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, >>> Hello.>> Qt 5.9.1 hits unstable.>> Please be careful to wait till its complete.  Even though>>  and>>  >>  still says "partial", it appears those packages do exist for AMD64,>>  and upgrade seems possible, as of right now...>>  Chris>> Except for some KDE stuff like akonadi, so

Re: No taskbar and no mouse rightclick

2017-08-30 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, > Yesterday I performed a dist-upgrade after more than a month that my > Debian/unstable was not updated and BOOM, KDE is not working any more... > I can login but the plasmashell seems missing even if the process is running. > There is only a blank desktop and no right click on mouse. KDE i

Re: Qt 5.7.1 => 5.9.1

2017-08-30 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, > Just did a safe-upgrade. Everything seems to be working ok (though something> is a little slow with Chrome unstable). The only issue I've noticed is widget> style is stuck on Breeze. Selecting any other styles seems to not be> respected. I may add that usage of XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment

Re: Qt 5.7.1 => 5.9.1

2017-08-30 Thread Boris Pek
>> I may add that usage of XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment variable is broken>> now in KDE applications from Sid, and because of it they look very ugly when>> launched outside plasmashell or via `ssh -X ..`. For example, dolphin lacks all file icons and icons at toolbar and menus.>> Plus it use

Re: Qt 5.7.1 => 5.9.1

2017-08-30 Thread Boris Pek
>>> I may add that usage of XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment variable is broken>>> now in KDE applications from Sid, and because of it they look very ugly when>>> launched outside plasmashell or via `ssh -X ..`.>> For example, dolphin lacks all file icons and icons at toolbar and menus.>>> Plus

Re: Qt 5.7.1 => 5.9.1

2017-08-30 Thread Boris Pek
I may add that usage of XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment variable is broken now in KDE applications from Sid, and because of it they look very ugly when launched outside plasmashell or via `ssh -X ..`. For example, dolphin lacks all file icons and icons at toolbar and

Re: Qt 5.7.1 => 5.9.1

2017-08-30 Thread Boris Pek
>>  I have just rebuild plasma-integration with Qt 5.9.1 in my system and this >> have >>  solved the problem for me. So when binNMU'ed packages will arrive archive >> the >>  issue will gone. > > Boris, is that something I can do too? Do you have a recipe for the rebuild? In my system it was ju

Re: Need help testing qtbase with HiDPI monitors

2018-02-19 Thread Boris Pek
Hi Lisandro, > Hi everyone! I would really *love* if some of you could help me with a > HiDPI issue we are tracking. > > Currently qtbase 5.9.1-11 added a patch that should improve HiDPI > usage for most use cases. I would like to know if it caused or not a > regression for any of you. VLC seems t

Re: kio_sftp: "The host key for this server was not found, but another type of key exists."

2018-09-06 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, > Network folders in Dolphin don't work for me anymore after some recent update. > I'm using a current unstable system. sftp on the commandline continues to work > as before. > > The error message I get in Dolphin is > >>  The host key for this server was not found, but another type of key exi

Re: Qt/KDE XMPP/Jabber client with OMEMO

2019-08-19 Thread Boris Pek
Hi Martin, >> Is there such a thing available in Debian? You may ask XMPP related questions in Debian XMPP Maintainers team mailing list: >> Kopete 17.08 does not do it. Yes, IIRC Kopete has support only for GnuPG and OTR. >> PSI is said to have OMEMO,

Re: [Pkg-xmpp-devel] Qt/KDE XMPP/Jabber client with OMEMO

2019-08-19 Thread Boris Pek
>> >> Then there is which is not packaged yet. >> >> I saw mentions of this project few times (in qxmpp related >> discussions) but have not looked on program yet. >> >> As I see there is related team on Salsa: >> >> >> But I have no idea why the

Re: Back to Amarok / building git on buster - built it

2019-08-23 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, >>> Ok, I try the hard way, building it from git source. I am a bit >>> withlout knowledge, but lets try. >>> >>> Curerntly I hang at the MYSQL cmake task: >>> Could NOT find MySQL (missing: MYSQL_LIBRARIES MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR) >>> >>> As buster uses mariadb, which cmake options do I have t

Re: Middle click functionality as paste in KDE

2019-10-14 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, > Middle click indeed open links in new tabs in firefox.' > > So that means that middle button i guess are identified > at some level. But if you are correct i must search in > X config level to make it work? Could you show the output of commands: echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE and dpkg -l | grep

Re: Current status of KDE in Sid

2020-11-09 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, > Dist-upgrade wants to remove 103 packages, many of them are programs I > use every day, like kate, dolphin, plasma-destop, virtualbox, okular, > etc... > > Full-upgrade wants to remove the same 103 essential packages > > It does not look good What apt says you if you try to update a single

Re: Locale Issue in bullseye

2021-01-03 Thread Boris Pek
Hi, > I installed a new bullseye system. I added some accounts and changed the > locale (regional settings) to German. Worked well for > > - System settings > - Application starter menu > - Non-KDE Applications (e.g. firefox and libreoffice) > > Did not work for > - control panel > - all KDE Appli