>>  >> Then there is kaidan.im which is not packaged yet.
>>  I saw mentions of this project few times (in qxmpp related
>>  discussions) but have not looked on program yet.
>>  As I see there is related team on Salsa:
>>  https://salsa.debian.org/kaidan-team
>>  But I have no idea why these packages are not in Debian repos yet and
>>  why its maintainers have decided to maintain these packages outside
>>  of Debian XMPP Maintainers team.
>>  Probably Jonah may comment this. (CC-ing)
> We don't "have decided" to maintain it outside of debian, we just
> didn't have an idea how to get it into debian.

I mean outside of XMPP team in Debian, but not outside of Debian.

Now git repos for your packages are in independent Salsa group:
and I have found them only because I was searching for kaidan mentions in
Debian infrastructure.

As for adding of kaidan into Debian repos, then joining to specialized Debian
team usually simplify finding Debian Developers who are interested in
checking and uploading of your packages into Debian.

See this as an advertisement of our team:

> Kaidan is still in
> development: the basic functionality is not implemented completely yet.

And this is absolutely normal. Dino.im is not released yet and lucks some
features too, but it is already available in Debian and may work fine for
some not exacting users.

> Also, we only recently became a KDE project, so we didn't have the
> contact to the debian team.

These are great news! Congratulations!

And now you have a choice between Debian XMPP team and Debian Qt+KDE team:

> However recently there were some mails about packaging Kaidan in debian
> on the Qt/KDE-list, so I hope it can get into debian soon.


> OMEMO is on our roadmap and also PEP (a dependency of OMEMO) has been
> implemented for QXmpp (still needs to be upstreamed). But don't expect
> OMEMO earlier than in one year.

And this is fine. We are not in a hurry to anywhere.

Best wishes,

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