Re: DPN 21/2012 frozen. Please review and translate.

2012-10-28 Thread Christian PERRIER
Quoting Justin B Rye ( > Guo Yixuan wrote: > > I just hope to have my name in the correct order in this issue. I have a > > Chinese name, where the family name _precedes_ the given name[1], thus I > > wish to keep this order in the latinized version. FYI, in Chinese > > character

Re: DPN 21/2012 frozen. Please review and translate.

2012-10-28 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 28 oct 12, 08:37:04, Christian PERRIER wrote: > > As a side note in this discussion, I'd like to mention the convention > I personnally use: putting my family name in capitals. I think this is > an interesting convention to use, particularly by our Asian friends > as, in most Asian cultures

Re: DPN 21/2012 frozen. Please review and translate.

2012-10-28 Thread Filipus Klutiero
On 2012-10-26 18:28, Francesca Ciceri wrote: Hi all, we just finished the last bits for the latest issue of Debian Project News to be released Monday. We would appreciate reviews and translations. Instructions are available on the wiki: As usual, the last up