
2005-02-02 Thread 1201h
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[D-I] Weird strings in po files

2005-02-02 Thread Viti Davide
Hi, I just noticed that http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/spellcheck/latest/nozip/gl_all.txt Contains some weird strings like the following: *** /debian-installer/arch/hppa/palo-installer/debian/po/gl.po - "#-#-#-#-# gl.po (debian-installer_packages_arch_powerpc_yaboot-" - "installer_gl) #-#-#-#-#\

Re: [D-I] Weird strings in po files

2005-02-02 Thread Jacobo Tarrio
O Mércores, 2 de Febreiro de 2005 ás 09:42:42 +0100, Viti Davide escribía: > I just noticed that > http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/spellcheck/latest/nozip/gl_all.txt > Contains some weird strings like the following: The file packages/po/gl.po has recently been generated from all other gl.po files

Re: Announce of upcoming l10n NMU for the blosxom package

2005-02-02 Thread Gerfried Fuchs
* Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-02-02 23:21]: > Dear maintainer of blosxom and Debian translators, I really wonder why I don't have received this mail as comaintainer... I guess @packages isn't forwarded to the comaintainers *sigh* > On 25 jan 2005, I sent a notice to the maintain

Re: Announce of upcoming l10n NMU for the blosxom package

2005-02-02 Thread Christian Perrier
> I really wonder why I don't have received this mail as comaintainer... > I guess @packages isn't forwarded to the comaintainers *sigh* Well, it looks like and of course, it turns out to be a problem in the case you describe. In indeed didn't want to use any existing bug in order to make the g